chat, feelings, and random discussion thread

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I always overindulged, but at the recent parties I could have only a few beers (2-3) and pull an all-nighter, watching all them clowns around me. I'm so much into Red Bull (sugarfree kind) these days that I don't need any alcoholic stimulation for my hype.

We'll see how it goes in three weeks though. But drinking became very boring for me, still there are kazillions of people who go to a bar every day (yes, - same people, different day).

And I really wanna try scotch/single malt whiskey. Bourbon is some terrible shit, and Jack Daniel's is a trend. Hey, hillbillies.
Oh, I know how people go out all the time. I see it all the time. But I never drink to get hyper - it just doesn't do it for me. I just get really tired.

But I'm also not the hard-drinks kind of person. Just beer for me. Of course, I don't really drink anything made in the US, but I think that's pretty standard practice.

Wonderful! People still post here! And this thread is still going!

So how is everyone doing? What have I missed? Does rahvin still post? I'll stop with the questions now :)
I drink rather rarely nowadays, but when I do, I tend to drink a lot (like we Finns do). Oh, and I don't count drinking a beer or two after a sauna or a hard day's work as drinking, no - when I drink it means at least 12 beers / 2 bottles of wine / half a bottle of booze, and often a lot more (but still quite a bit less than most Finns, I suppose). I usually prefer wine (Nederburg Edelrood being one of my favorites), but that depends on the occasion.

I'm not much a friend of whiskeys, but that's probably because I've mainly tasted blended crap. However, I was recently introduced to the wonderfully "ash-like" Laphroaig and fell quickly in love - recommended to everyone who can afford it (it's really not that expensive, but it's clearly not the cheapest whisky you can get).

For booze, I don't like raw vodka - I much rather have some Jägermeister or gin or something with a taste other than just that of alcohol. I can't drink any syrup-like sweet stuff either anymore - I used to like them when I was a kid, though. I suppose I'm getting old.

Oh, and "hi!" to Caelestia - it's good to see you back!

On the subject of alcohol, I like to stick to my roots and go with Guinness most of the time. It just tastes good to me.

I can't stand the smell of vodka. She got me drunk off that stuff the first time I ever drank, and it still makes me nauseous to this day. Damn psychological warfare. She loves it, though, but then again she used to drink 151 straight, so there's no accounting for taste. (She doesn't drink at all anymore.)

I consider "I was drinking" when I feel like shit in the morning, and lately 1-2 beers would do that with no problem, so - lucky you, I can't have and enjoy beer at the same time any longer =)

That whiskey looks interesting, it's affordable, but I'm not sure it caught my eye in the liquor store the other day, and I've been browsing through that section quite heavily.

I'm really keen on rum+cola thingy: it's strong, I don't taste spirit (from "raw" vodka Svedka was the best, the rest was overrated, all the Absolutes and Finlandias, the worst was some a-la russian vodka, ew), and it has caffeine :kickass: There's bar parlor opened a efw doors down on my block, they have LOST parties on Wednesdays, might go and check it out, maybe.

The last time I felt up to and excercised tr00 drinking (all that heavy artillery Villain mentioned)... I think it's been years.
I used to drink dar beer with bitter choco - it was awesome. I prefer something in the middle (medium body), or something like Hoegaarden, Leffe or whatever (wheat sorts?)

She got me drunk off that stuff the first time I ever drank, and it still makes me nauseous to this day. Damn psychological warfare.

Boy, I had sex for the first time with a girl - how about that? I remember Nightwish was playing - I'm scarred for life!! :zombie:
She was trying to keep me from becoming another Irish drunk, so she got me so drunk I was sick all that night. Of course, she was around to take care of me, and wasn't drunk at all herself, but still, it worked.

oh, drinking.

what a marvelous subject, especially because i feel so sick these days i'm not remotely interested.

there are days when i feel as fit as a titan (yes, been listening to way too much manowar lately) and come home from ten hours of work and a heavy session in the gym to drink a couple of beers as a warm-up and then have half a bottle of good red wine with three to four hundred grams of red meat. then when it's time to go to sleep i undress, i look at myself in the mirror and get turned on, which is probably insane.

on the other hand, normally it's just a couple of glasses of wine with my dinner.

the heavy drinking... well, normally i cannot remember it precisely, but last time must have been in the middle of january. however, it drove me to such stupid behavior that i am not very confident about doing it again soon.

the point is that being able to drink a lot is a sign that i feel physically well, although maybe not so psychologically. for long stretches of time, i start feeling a desire for alcohol everyday around 5.30, and more or less have to obey it if i don't want to feel angry and nervous all night. but now? take the stuff away from me, i have tons of drinkable liquids around the house and do not feel the remotest spark. i just want to lie down and read, nevermind taking the edge off; i have no edge, practically cannot stand up.
I agree with Villain, Laphroaig tastes good. It's of course nothing you drink quickly, as that would be blasphemy.

How could you even drink Hoegarden? It tastes like dish water! :yuk: I prefer something a little darker, like Newcastle.

On another note, I just received a couple of photos of a kid I've become sponsor of. He lives in Sierra Leone and he looks like a gnome. An African gnome. Seriously. :p
How could you even drink Hoegarden? It tastes like dish water! :yuk: I prefer something a little darker, like Newcastle.

Never tasted "dish water", and been making fun of my friends who loved it, but that's the only mainstream beer I drink casually. I also add lemon to it - it's awesome.
I'm not much a friend of whiskeys, but that's probably because I've mainly tasted blended crap. However, I was recently introduced to the wonderfully "ash-like" Laphroaig and fell quickly in love - recommended to everyone who can afford it (it's really not that expensive, but it's clearly not the cheapest whisky you can get).
I havent had a chance to try Laphroaig, though the 10yo version is not expensive at all, not for a whisky anyway. I shall put it on top of my list then :)
Im really fond of whisky actually, it's amazing how much variety there is, depending on how you process the malt or which barrels you choose for the finishing the taste changes a lot. You can choose port wine barrels, red wine barrels, champagne barrels and others.. if you want to experiment ;)
I think that makes whisky the best-tasting and most interesting drink there is :)
Btw, I dont think a blend as such means bad quality. I can personally recommend the Famous Grouse 10yo blend, and Jameson for example is only producing blends and they have an excellent reputation
@Hyena: Ok I was just curious to know, no offense hehe.

Ah, been rather sick, yesterday I got a hipoglicemia, and today I ran 'so fast' to the bus stop to catch the bus that when I was in it, after a few minutesm nearly :puke: puked :puke: . I was all sweaty and my sight when all white at times :ill: :zombie: .

But I managed to survive and didn't puke in a 80+ person bus hehe :p.

@Kov: You should really rest, I know how ye feel because I feel exactly the same, I even had the stuf with the eyes a few weeks ago. I'm even starting to get heart-aches, hopefully it's because of the stress (I'm sure it is, I've been taking care of meself a lot lately :) ).

Try to sleep more, cut the WoW and UM, as I shall do, because I've to work, study and sleep. I know posting is fun, but health comes first.
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