chat, feelings, and random discussion thread

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La Rocque said:
The problem is that the Iranians realize that only by becoming a nuclear state can they defend themselves -
Well, it's been working great for Corea the last few years, so what did you expect?

But damn was that out of context man :p
La Rocque- Do you feel it is necessary to take action against Iran?
Do you really believe in the fairy tales they tell? Peace and new government... they are just excuses to the slave state they'll create for their own economical and political purposes. And as you know, slave states are harder to establish.
La Rocque said:
^ Absolutely not, the USA just *gave* the nuclear technology that Iran now has and much more to India
Who the hell do they think they are to say who has what in this world -

Oooo, you know your stuff :)

That and we got rid of their democratic government 50 years ago because they wouldn't let us steal their oil anymore...
As far as I know, you can't have ideals with the existence of a state, even with a democratic one. To place the power into a small group of people is no way to get what you want. But without one we would either be anarchists, which we aren't civilized enough for, or savages, who are unable to decide on one single thing as a society. Maybe some better system is to be found in the future?
6 Stringed Fingers said:
Do you really believe in the fairy tales they tell? Peace and new government... they are just excuses to the slave state they'll create for their own economical and political purposes. And as you know, slave states are harder to establish.

I don't believe anything the USA government says, time has taught me they are nothing but liars and Bush will go down in history as the worse US president ever.
But something good is going to happen as the result of all of this, the Republicans will loss the majority in the House and Senate come the mid term elections
So I guess their military is not the most powerful?
Their military is still the most powerful, just they try not to catch attention in their own country with it. If WWIII should be, then US has the most chance to win it. It is costy, but they have the money for it, in technology and in human ressource.

If not, who is the most powerful military in the world?
I actually think China is, but that's just on the man power they have
I think they will be very powerful in the near future. I think the US is also sort of "afraid" of them, considering all the support we give India so they are on our side.
Yup, that's one of the reasons they don't want to go to war with Iran. They fear if they do so, China will see them as stretched to thin and take Taiwan.
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