chat, feelings, and random discussion thread

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errr. hello. I'm back from a week of intense not-being-on-the-forum mainly caused by school, theater and no sleep. I bet you missed me.

at least I know Zack did.
everthing went eggcellent, thank you. Last weekend was held the 21st intercollegial theater festival and it took place in the remote town of Mont-Laurier where I met lots of people and drank even more booze. I had one hell of a good time!
Oh, come on. I don't know why but I sometimes get bored of my town idiot image on the board. I mean, I'm not a very prolific forum member (The DT board is the only one I'm registered on) and I still manage to spend 90% of my time saying stupidities. I think I'm in for a little wind of change, something like posting my opinions and ideas instead of forcing some poor lower-aged serf to weed...
I know what mr. rampage means. As a matter of fact, I didn't think of you as town idiot until you put it in your profile sig. I'm all for change.
The workers day (1st of May) is drawing near and in accordance with the socialist heritage in my country we have a two day holiday which combined with the weekend gives me 4 days to go to Sofia and enjoy in cheap beer pizza and great bookstores :) I'm very happy about this becouse i need to fuck off from Skopje at least for a couple of days.
^Good :) I have a three day weekend so I'm kinda in your situation: looking forward to relaxing.

I fucked up my grades but hopefully I can get them better.

I've been reading a lot of the newspaper lately :D I wish I would've started earlier
Gah... Worker's day means that i don't have uni on monday. It also means that banks don't work on monday. In turn, that means that i'll have to wait till tuesday to make an important transfer from my bank account to another. But my bank only does that kind of transfers from 0900 to 1400 hours, during which i'm at university, which means that i'll have to miss a class. But i can't miss tuesday's class or i'll probably fail that subject. So i'll have to wait till wednesday, when i can miss one of the day's classes. I hope it's not too late by then. :zzz:

On another note, where are you?
How stupid can companies be? No message or call service on mobiles? No local network link or broadband link on modems? 1Kb/s dialup speed? 84306787 disconnections every ten seconds? See, this is what happens when you live in a third-world country infested with corrupted capitalism: on one hand, shitty services that break down all the time because they're poorly manufactured because badly-managed mass production and governmental monopoly mean that nobody cares about quality anymore; on the other hand, saturation of services because demand exceeds supply and companies don't have the guts to say "no, we're currently full" or increase their service, which results in service breakdown (again).

A few months ago, i would have half-expected Claudia to beat the shit out of me in a debate on capitalism; now i very much doubt she'll even read this.

I don't even feel like commenting on the few (very) good things that have happened today...
UndoControl said:
A few months ago, i would have half-expected Claudia to beat the shit out of me in a debate on capitalism; now i very much doubt she'll even read this.

You're half-right. I read the message, as you can see, but I concur on the fact that it was not terribly likely. Oh, and I'm not a defender of bad capitalism, such as the one you are talking about. :D
@hyena: I never did thank You for Your thoughts about the dollar/euro speculation/exchange, Thanks.
In the end I came out with several hundred euros to the good. Everyday the euro becomes stronger, it puts a few more pennies in my pocket and makes the dollar less valuable :lol:
You're welcome, even if I don't remember what I told you exactly. Must have been quite smart if you came out on top. Congrats. :)

nf: boredrome. all work and no play makes me a dull bu. moreover, the more things change the more they stay the same, and this depresses me abysmally.

np - all are equal for the law (corri uomo corri)
3 day weekend is nearing it's end, but 24 is on tonight :D

I'm imposing I will kill UC code if he doesn't update his little thing
UndoControl said:
I take it "little thing" means "sig". I hope it does, since i don't plan on updating... Ok, i'll shut up.

I meant xanga
I'm like a retarted child, you must not stop asking questions unless you are positive you know what's going on
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