chat, feelings, and random discussion thread

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@rahvin: i just saw a plastic trash bag with a cartoon that says 'use me several times'. you can guess what came to mind. now everything looks clearer.

(oh, and send me an email with a list of the weekends in may when you can come over. i'll try and match them with my job obligations tomorrow. thanks).
hyena said:
(oh, and send me an email with a list of the weekends in may when you can come over. i'll try and match them with my job obligations tomorrow. thanks).

i'll do it pronto! although i'm still not sure about some of the many week-ends in may. ;)

@undo: i'm doing him a favor. free watch-your-language lessons instead of a sudden ban. i'd be licking my fingers if i were him. well, maybe not.

@dark_angel_23: oops! those free lessons, all for nothing. it's sad, really.
Who the hell is that? This board has remained void of jerks like this for so long, that Im a tad confused when one of them actually pops by. Dark_angel, you are probably about to witness some bumpy rides.
Just let us pick another topic and forget about the troll. Do you rent or do you own?
I rent. You?

Edit: Mr. Troll, she might not be the prettiest person to you but she's definitely not dumb. She's one of the forum members i respect the most precisely because she's quite smart (even if she is a capitalist ;)).
i'm back from my little weekend walkabout (i actually did a lot of walking :) )
in Sofia. It was great, i ate tons of pizza and drank lots of everything, i really like the city even though the bulgarian cuisine is kind of lame. I also had my first strip-tease bar experience :)
Sweet :).. good to have ye back. Strip tease ey? wow.

by the way...


in just under an hour it'll be two minutes and three seconds passed one... That means for the only time ever it'll be a very very special date...

01:02:03 04/05/06

:D Im-a have me a partay.
I'll take care of it

*puts retard cap on and jetpacks to your house, only to overshoot it and drown in the ocean*
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