chat, feelings, and random discussion thread

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it is very hard to keep track of the posts in this tread if you are not here all the time, i think that the merging of all the small discussion treads into one was a mistake
Cuthalion said:
it is very hard to keep track of the posts in this tread if you are not here all the time, i think that the merging of all the small discussion treads into one was a mistake

i'm sure people can survive without keeping track of every small bit of chit-chat in the universe. not to mention that most of the other threads still go off-topic most of the time.
Tonight maybe I will find a new appartment :) Our is really too small, and there is tons of stuff everywhere that have no place due to a lack of room...
Hope it will be the good one, because I already have moved twice since last september :(
And I am not willing to spend so many time visiting appartments.
6 Stringed Fingers said:
Their military is still the most powerful, just they try not to catch attention in their own country with it. If WWIII should be, then US has the most chance to win it. It is costy, but they have the money for it, in technology and in human ressource.
There are many examples in history of wars in which the most powerful military in terms of money, technological and human resources didn't win.
Well, it is somewhat of a shock to be reading a conversation on world politics and a philosophical discussion about fundaments and whatnot and suddenly find out that Judith and Konrad are getting a new apartment (congrats, mates, btw; i hope you find one you like). But, of course, Judith has every right to say that whenever she pleases, regardless of whether she's interrupting some discussion or not.

Look, Rahvin, i understand how much of a pain it must be to have to read every single post, merge threads, comment on a few things and basically do everything modding requires, but this late decision of yours to merge everything into a single thread is too weird and often produces stuff like this.

I'm not telling you what to do, obviously. Don't take any kind of offense from this, just think of it as a friendly suggestion (or don't think anything of it).
UndoControl said:
Look, Rahvin, i understand how much of a pain it must be to have to read every single post, merge threads, comment on a few things and basically do everything modding requires, but this late decision of yours to merge everything into a single thread is too weird and often produces stuff like this.

it "produces" nothing that wasn't there before. this is identical to any feelings or random fact threads from before what you guys insist on calling a merging. treat it the same way and be on your merry ways.

edit: also, what would be the solution? open a bunch of new threads about nothing at all and hope you split your emoticons equally between all of them so it all makes some sort of sense? it's already implied that if you want to talk about a subject you can start a thread about it. the rest of the crap goes here. i'd draw a picture, but i can't draw to save my life.
6 Stringed Fingers said:
Can't we just quote people to respond to them, or call out their names before? It doesn't bother me if some discussions are cut off. If people don't respond to it, it maybe isn't such an interactive subject.

I think it's better without mentioning the person we respond. It's much fucking fun to read daily, usual problems between all the burden of the world :D

Nuclear Conflict:
Iran was one of the countries that signed the non-proliferation treaty stating that they will get help acheiving nuclear power for civillians, but that they can not go for the bomb. When the revolution happened in 1979, we no longer gave them the resources for civillian power and now russia is giving it to them. Now they may be going for the bomb but it's really hard to say. It doesn't matter too much anyway because we are really going over there to get full control over the middle east. Ironically, people who didn't sign the treaty are getting our help, such as India and Israel.

Iran funds the hezbollah, which are terrorists to us and freedom fighters to them. We fund terrorist organizations in Iraq to attack Iran. See what's happening here? As far as terrorist organizations in Iran, I don't believe they exist.

I hope this helps :)

Also, the only source I have is my dad, but that's his homeland so I think he's legit ;) (yes, I know you can't just put Zack's dad in your bibliography) Just google some shit...
Dark_Silence said:
well this is supposed to be the random facts and discussion thread, wherelse was I supposed to post that?

again, it seems to me this is identical to what used to happen in the "feelings" thread before the other random discussions were closed. this thread is indeed the appropriate place for you to post what you posted, and - exactly like before - people could choose to either reply to you, reply to another post/discussion, or post something different from both. you weren't interrupting anything, really.
Do you think we need a specific thread for philosophy and/or intellectual discussions? If we're to make one, there must be some rules to filter out non-sense. All posts/opinions must be about the subject and supported by arguments.
6 Stringed Fingers said:
Do you think we need a specific thread for philosophy and/or intellectual discussions? If we're to make one, there must be some rules to filter out non-sense. All posts/opinions must be about the subject and supported by arguments.

i'm even in favor of multiple threads for single philosophical/intellectual subjects. in fact, i believe the less generic the thread title, the more interesting and hard to derail the thread is going to be. to give an example, instead of "serious intellectual discussions here", i would suggest "science vs. the supernatural" or "is logic as important as emotions", or anything else that might strike your fancy.

of course it's ok to debate similar issues here. but as soon as one of you wants to make it serious and organized, you're free to start new threads about the subject. i'm willing to help by moving posts (or post content) from one thread to another if need be.
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