chat, feelings, and random discussion thread

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nf: saw spiffy flat today. if i get a huge discount i might just buy it. :)
nf: ever more puzzled. there is a guy who is persistently pursuing me and the more i see of him the more i appreciate his intellect and conversational skills (not yet sure about moral values and worldview because i don't have enough information). the problem lies in the fact that he looks like a hobbit and this does not make for attractiveness in my book. while the brilliance of mind might compensate the physical shortcomings, i still think that i don't want to be seen with someone who is manifestly below me in the looks department, which is really saying a lot. i'm wondering why i've become so shallow, worrying about people making fun of me because i'm so much of a loser that i'm going out with someone who looks like sam gamgee.

i need time to think.
It is only natural for human to be shallow, no matter how great a sage he/she is. You'll just have to find the balance between intellect and looks, unless you're really lucky to find a good-looking wise-ass. Or you can compromise between the two.

But anyways, Sam Gamgee isn't too bad, at least he doesn't look like some African kid with flesh eating disease.
6SF is right. It can always get worse.

Imo looks is something you can get used to, unless the guy is totally appalling to you. It's more a matter of general attraction than looks alone. And as a tr00 metaller you shouldn't really care what other people think if you like him.
i kind of agree, i think you can notice attractive parts in the looks of a person with time, it doesn't have to be immediately strinking.

fact: i saw the usual suspects and i really liked it, and i was quite surprised that one of the actors looked very much like an older version of rahvin :eek:
Hiljainen said:
i was quite surprised that one of the actors looked very much like an older version of rahvin :eek:

:lol: :lol:

everyone, thanks for the advice. i'll just let it sit for a while and then try to decide something.
I think it comes with age. As a teen, I really couldnt imagine myself with a girl whose looks I didnt find attractive (and Im a pretty demanding bastard when it comes to that). Now I still enjoy beautiful women walking by (Slovakia is full of them and especially my hometown :erk: ), but since Ive met some who looked gorgeous, but were totally cold, and some who didnt look that great, but were really friendly and open, and Ive had great time with them, I dont see physical beauty as that important anymore. I agree, its great when you meet someone who is beautiful on both sides, so to speak. I thank God that I was that lucky.
hyena said:

:p heh, look, apart from the silly posture:

You're actually telling us that our beloved and alcoholic mod has a strong resemblance with Kevin Spacey? Well, I have to admit that judging by the only picture I've seen of our master, it is disturbingly true.

I bet Kevin Spacey loooooves pineapples.
Taliesin said:
From the silence on the board I conclude that our favourite british latino is on his way to Croatia?

i thought mentioning k-pax was enough to shut everybody up for a while. like, they were contemplating their own mortality in relation to how shitty that movie was. but yes. i suppose he's flying to meat his fate right now.

not a typo.
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