chat, feelings, and random discussion thread

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i just got robbed - in a supermarket. someone stole... my shopping cart! how fucking lame is that? you have to put in a € around here to use a shopping cart (you get it back afterwards), and while i wasn't looking, someone took it and went shopping. i asked three people around, but oviously they all denied having taken the cart, so i had to fetch another one. lacking another single euro coin, i even had to ask for change. damn these motherfuckers! i believe it was the old fart i confronted first, at least he was the one to leave the shop shortly afterwards without buying much.
ok it was only an euro but damnit, i'm pissed off for real.
Ich verstehe nicht. Ich habe deutch gelesen für ein Jahr..

I just made that up..... Can you even say like that.
Taliesin said:
weisste eigentlich wie weh sone Koppnuss tut Junge?

aie, oh que oui, ca fait mal :lol:

ich kann auch Deutsch sprechen: "Geh kacken" :lol:. I dont know why but swearwords are always one of the first things you learn when you go to an other country ...
@Taliesin: Unlike Undo and Rincewind, some vile mouth might say...:D

@Tri : Wow tu parles français? Plutôt hors du commun. La vraie question c'est est-ce que tu comprends quand j'parle québécois aik un gros accent pété que les européens trouvent incompréhensible que l'caliss?
Hey, 6SF, j'ai joiné sur The End forums! ma deuxièm face su'l'net. J'me sens un peu plus métalleux de jours en jours...
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