chat, feelings, and random discussion thread

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a friend just sent me a text message saying that she met the head of the political party i usually vote for at a restaurant, and she managed to get a number of invitations for an event he's presiding in a couple of weeks. i'm not particularly thrilled by the guy himself, who is dull to say the least, but the event is very cool (a series of talks about military issues, basically) so i will take a day off and attend. it just puzzles me how one can just walk up to a prominent political leader after dinner and score invitations, but this might be due to the fact that my friend is a foreigner working in the defense sector and a charming person to boot. i would never have thought to even try to talk to him, first because as i said he's dull, second because i assumed that politicians don't really talk to people they don't know. :)
I just want to kill things. Partyish thing tonight, gay as. My bro just being insanely loud and annoying all night. Babies crying (scrEEEAming). Emo fucks dancing in the streets because of fallout boy defiling our land. All my freinds going to that gig (wtf?)... having absolutely no sex drive at all. I think, I, am shit. I want to turn everything inside out. My eyes are watering and have been all day. There's a very scary whisteling coming from inside my house. I'm not drunk in the slightest... and that was my only reason to be out tonight. Black Currant juice.
It's 3:47am. I have to hand in a paper in a few hours, that will not do anyone any good. I fail to see the point of said paper. I have almost finished it. I don't feel like doing the last part. The last part being the translation. I think i'll be original and present my paper in english. Yay.
Spent 3 cool days in Prague, the weather was a bit shitty, but it was raining only at night, so all was well. Ill post some pics later. I saw another artwork from the guy I talked about some time ago, and who inspired me to write this (some of you might remember):
Its called Idiom, its in the Municipal Library in Prague, and it made me feel really good.
I got a day to relax, house to myself. I'm spending it practicing vocals. I feel really uncomfortable and unclean though for some reason. If the opportunity arrises, I may take a bath. More interestingly, I'm supressing self loathing for a while by not putting myself in any social situations.
i have the most intensive feeling that i should be somewhere else at this particular moment but i don't have a clue where that is and im stuck here at home playing fucking dota.
Finally, I've finished school and I'm looking forward to another summer of doing nothing else than working full-time and spending me money on albums and shows...
I played football with old freinds today and just didn't have fun. One of them is currently fucking anything with a vagina (Lock up your female pets) including my mates 15 year old cousin (Edit: it's not love. The guy admitted he just wants to bone... And take a prepubescents virginity). Really really rough situation. In a way it makes me want to just purge and purge until I die and write the perpetrator of this uncontrollable lust a message in my vomit, letting him know he is the epitome of everything that's wrong with my fucking abomination of a generation. My mind feels really full of ideas and approaches towards life, and they're all batteling for dominion. Maybe I should just relax, we'll all be dead soon anyway? Or maybe I'm alone and this is how it'll stay as all my insecurities are growing and growing. Maybe we are just animals that bullshit and make excuses for living shamelessly by instinct. Maybe everything in life is beautiful in it's own fucked up way. Or maybe that's the last thinkings of someone about to hit the bottom of the barrel mentally? I need a religion, or a drug, or a woman to ruin my life for the better.
You should rejoice, because what youve just written proves that you are a caring, wonderfully complicated and deep feeling and thinking person. And you are fun - I have collected your observations from the 1000 things notice thread in one file and read them when Im down. They make me laugh out loud and thats really relieving. Just focus, Gav. You tried working out and it seems it doesnt help, so try something else, socialise, handsome. :) If I were you I would already be outthere looking for some hot mama (and probably taken by now)! :D
marduk1507 said:
You should rejoice, because what youve just written proves that you are a caring, wonderfully complicated and deep feeling and thinking person. And you are fun - I have collected your observations from the 1000 things notice thread in one file and read them when Im down. They make me laugh out loud and thats really relieving. Just focus, Gav. You tried working out and it seems it doesnt help, so try something else, socialise, handsome. :) If I were you I would already be outthere looking for some hot mama (and probably taken by now)! :D

...and castrate that fucker already. The easiest surgery there is :zombie:
Aww, cheers Mardy. Didn't expect such a response. I could go deeper into why it, sort of, doesn't help me to hear such kind words... But I done enough self pity for today. So a thank you suffices.

@Pliny: I was thinking about just smacking him in the face today and letting him know what a cunt he is... But he was being his usual charming and fun self. All his vices are beneath the surface.

I'm an arachnophobic, and this spider keeps running between my legs, and it keeps making me jump like crazy. A minute ago it crawled out really slowly and just sat near me... not doing anything. I jumped at first, but then moments later I sort of relaxed. I was really afraid it was going to move really suddenly, but it didn't. It moved really slowly. Wasn't scary at all.
@gav: well, i'm pleasantly surprised by the fact that a guy should be disgusted by such an attitude. i'm under the impression that most men would be mildly approving - not if your former friend was a 40 year old paedophile, obviously, but since he's a teen almost everyone would even be envious. i have a theory and some remedies that don't include castration, but i'm too lazy to write it all out.

as for me, i'm being pushed into racism and possibly incendiary terrorism by the aggressive islamists living in my neighborhood. i've just been out to look for some refreshments, and found that my favorite pizza place is now run by two egyptian guys who DON'T SELL ANY ALCOHOL. it used to have a wonderful fridge stocked with all possible brands of beer and now all one can get is non-alcoholic beck's, which obviously is an abomination. i had been dreaming of a couple of ice-cold coronas for half an hour and i was forced to walk down to the pub to have a pint because apparently people think we're in morocco. fuck.
before owt else, being deprived of corona is a good reason to get medieval on those crazy egyptians. But just try to remember, there's arseholes in all cultures. Just because those islamatologists are fuckers doesn't mean all islamitists are.

If you get a sudden burst of energy, I wouldn't mind hearing your remedies. Try writing them short hand if the energy doesn't come. I don't mind, honest. And yeah, alot of guys are complete fucking arseholes (like my mate) and like alot of women are self obsessesive sluts too... once again it basically comes down to people in general being fucktards.
hyena said:
as for me, i'm being pushed into racism and possibly incendiary terrorism by the aggressive islamists living in my neighborhood. i've just been out to look for some refreshments, and found that my favorite pizza place is now run by two egyptian guys who DON'T SELL ANY ALCOHOL. it used to have a wonderful fridge stocked with all possible brands of beer and now all one can get is non-alcoholic beck's, which obviously is an abomination. i had been dreaming of a couple of ice-cold coronas for half an hour and i was forced to walk down to the pub to have a pint because apparently people think we're in morocco. fuck.

now, are they from Egypt or Morocco?
but if you burn the shop it won´t work very well, because of the misssing alcohol...
I guess that´s the free market you wish for, everyone can run their business as they wish, without obligations ;)
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