chat, feelings, and random discussion thread

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I do growled/screamed vocals for a band and for my solo project. I'm guessing your technique's a little off. You need to catch the "grrrrr" using your breathing, and not your voice box. Like push the words up from your voice box but imagine closing off part of your throat to restrict the dry sounds from your voice box and the let the air come from deep in your lungs and that'll project the sound. The way I do it, I can do it for hours on end and all that happens is I get a little dry or out of breath after a while, But with the rush of playing that doesn't affect you at all in rehersals... can just be shit if you're tired and practicing on your own. For now, drink regularly... hydrating fluids that is. And on that subject, often it's harder to do the heavy vox after a heavy night of alcohol. that could be why it hurt your throat.
thanks both, even though the link doesnt work for me:lol:
its really hard to explain the technique you're using to sing, but I guess my technique is wrong, because the longest growl i can project is about 5 seconds, and i heard people say they had a 30 secs and even 1 minute long growl/scream, which sounds pretty impossible to me oO
I practice for maybe 3 months, and im sixteen, so maybe thats why I suck, but im not worried as long as i dont wreck my cords permenently:kickass:
Of course it's not impossible, what kind of a way is that to start a discussion?
I think WW3, should it ever come, is going to mark the end of mankind, that's what I think.
Ey... This is something completely diffirent, but anyway. What do you think about a third world war?

I think it's going to be short, painful and on all our doorsteps. I hate knowing it could happen and I'd be a part of it completely unwillingly, and there's no way I can prevent a bunch of cunts I probably wouldn't even like if I met in person, condemning this lands people to death for completely retarded causes.
666 its 06.06.06 aka June 6, 2006

Revelation 13:16-18

666 number of the beast/mark of the beast
This alignment of 6's only happens once a century

Maybe this should be a cause for celebration as the 666 is a very metal number and promoted by many groups
Several groups CDs and a movie or 2 are being released today to get on the 666 bandwagon
Read in a magazine that a phone company auctioned off the phone number 666.6666 and it went for over 2 million dollars. The high bidder wanted to remain anonymous, that's how the article ended, I thought to myself anonymous? We have the number we can phone them?

Just think when the 666 rolls around again we will all be nothing but memories

Anyone have any thoughts about the 666?
I realised this date was coming about a year and a half ago, and when I did I ranted on about it to freinds and we decided we would celebrate it. For some reason I feel like today is a true day to celebrate. It's a rare day and a day that in a relaxed and fun sense, stands for a culture I am definately a part of... not to mention I'm more fruhstrated and mysanthropic than ever before in my life and havent partied in about 3 weeks.
La Rocque said:
666 number of the beast/mark of the beast
This alignment of 6's only happens once a century

this is not correct. what about june 6 of the year 60 of each century?
I feel like shit because I watched the first match between Carolina and Edmonton, and couldnt keep my eyes open long enough, so I went back to bed (it started at 2,15 a.m. here) when Edmonton led 2:0. The match was nothing special up to that point, but it seems they started playing right after I turned off the TV. Now I feel tired and stupid, because I didnt see the best part. The final score was 5:4 for Carolina. Shite! :mad:

Maybe this joke on me came from Satan himself. :Smug:
hyena said:
what about june 6 of the year 60 of each century?

i suppose by "alignment" they mean the 06 pattern, and no 60 allowed. still...

La Rocque said:
Anyone have any thoughts about the 666?

... rampant numerology and the idea that you can interpret things from other completely unrelated things are a popular fad. 666 has no more meaning than 456, mostly because meaning is something people give to facts when they're interpreting them, and not an inherent quality of a series of symbols. that this particular number and other series of symbols receive special connections with facts is merely an interpretation of the usage of those symbols. it doesn't really matter how far back this usage dates.
i was about to start a thread :loco: then i found it was obsolete since all discussions or answers can be found in all threads that won't leave the first page.
the weird part of my observation is, that i keep finding reasonable excuses to not contribute to this community o_O hell only knows why
i better get some sleep, i guess :dopey:
Keyy said: a couple of years i picture my self in africa, so yeah, if you buy me a pink pony and come and join me to africa i can forgive you. Otherwise you might work good in 10 years as a couch ^^

what will you be doing in africa? what's more, what will i be doing there? i don't have many skills, except for my knowledge of english and an uncanny ability to - my goodness! - order the right book online. i used to work for surveillance, but i don't think stalking hippos is a promising line of business. sure, i could ride our pony, be a comfortable couch, this kind of things. still it seems harsh punishment for not jumping up to the occasion of marrying you. please consider that this is a metal forum: what would the neighbors think of us?
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