chat, feelings, and random discussion thread

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King Chaos said:
Spirit of the Stairway is originally a french saying for when you give someone an answer or say something in the heat of the moment, and later realise there was a much better thing to say, the phrase implies it comes to you as you're leaving the house (for saying the wrong thing or saying nothing at all) via the stairs...

Hehe, I don't really get that when I speak. My thoughts manifest in an instant, I express that thought through airwaves. The thinking process is never more than an mere instant. :p
msn has always been a crappy service. I use Miranda (but the ney version is quite unstable and goes down quite a lot)... Yesterday I wanted to talk to my brother, I could see him online, but it wouldnt deliver my message, and then it wouldnt connect me again.
King Chaos said:
@Hilj: Yeah I got that too a day or so back... everyone appeared ofline. It's been on the blink for a while now.

mine simply got cancelled. i have no idea how, my adress still exists, if this was because i rarely use it then they would have cancelled my adress too..bah.
King Chaos said:
I'd ask why you put 'Sapiens' twice... but I reckon is just cos you're being quirky.

Homo Sapiens was the specie before what we call Humans (homo sapiens sapiens)

hyena said:
Far be from me to interfere in marriage perspectives, but he had an advantage in deciphering the dynamics, since he's known me for about 12 years now and some of these points, well, resonate.

I don't get why everybody takes everything I say so serious..
Tritonus said:
I don't get why everybody takes everything I say so serious..

There are those little thingies called emoticons. Put a :) or ;) or :p behind your post, and nobody will give a shit. :D

Btw., the post from hyena you quoted, and thus revealed to me (nice use of that button, keep up the good job :p ), is very important. I was waiting for it for quite some time. So thanks!
Each time I walk in the street while The Mind's Eye is played on my mp3 I wonder if people that pass near me notice the way my skin shivers.:kickass:(ye I know this emoticon doesnt fit here, so what)
Tritonus said:
I try to use those icons as little as possible. Sometimes I have to....

Well, then you shouldnt be surprised that people take you seriously. This is, after all, written communication. You act like a kid, you want to be taken seriously and when you are, you dont like it. I think Ill just move on, Ive had enough.
You know, there is a vicious circle in that "dont take me seriously", because then I cant take that "dont take me seriously" seriously, and take you seriously, etc etc etc. Its a paradox. But I wont take you seriously, if you wish me not to.
*after reading the above posts* Ok, who wants coffee?

But, was all that necessary? Tri, just add a smiley or two after your non-serious posts and refer to things more often with "quote". I'm not a subtle person, nor a psychic, and I believe not many (if at all) people on the forum are the type who can feel your mood vibe over like half of the planet, so it helps to know your true intentions. And besides, clearly stating your message will keep Marduk the Horrible (now available in forum syntax too :D) from critizing you. It's a win-win situation.
6 Stringed Fingers said:
*after reading the above posts* Ok, who wants coffee?

But, was all that necessary? Tri, just add a smiley or two after your non-serious posts and refer to things more often with "quote". I'm not a subtle person, nor a psychic, and I believe not many (if at all) people on the forum are the type who can feel your mood vibe over like half of the planet, so it helps to know your true intentions. And besides, clearly stating your message will keep Marduk the Horrible (now available in forum syntax too :D) from critizing you. It's a win-win situation.

Exactly. :) But no coffee for me, thanks.
Tritonus said:
I don't get why everybody takes everything I say so serious..

there is a difference between taking something seriously, as in supposing you really mean it, and taking something at face value, as in assuming you're not being sarcastic. i can safely say nobody here took your remark about marrying me seriously in the first sense, because you'd have to be hilariously stupid to actually mean that. but some might have wondered whether you were being sarcastic - as in, i was wide off the mark - or if you actually thought i was showing some insight in deciphering your feelings. the solution is really not emoticons: it's having some control over your posts and your language, so that people have a feeling of which one is your playful mood and which one is your not-so-playful mood.
to be blunt, i don't care for reading you like a book because i think your book is quite short and written in big capital letters: whichever you want to be - sarcastic or not - you have to understand that your tone is not something that comes across through written communication unless you put some effort into it.
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