chat, feelings, and random discussion thread

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I'm feeling fairly odd, confused would be the closest thing I guess.
And this heat ain't helping my sleeping, fucking summer, fucking winter, fucking
weather or lack there off. Listening to music fucks me up and I can't stop.
Salamurhaaja said:
I'm feeling fairly odd, confused would be the closest thing I guess.
And this heat ain't helping my sleeping, fucking summer, fucking winter, fucking weather or lack there off. Listening to music fucks me up and I can't stop.

I can clearly see you hibernating ;)

Maybe we need to move to our summer residence of Rovaniemi earlier than planned :p


NF: Nice, I got a bunch of CDs in the mail :)
Everyone I value right now is feeling some kind of confusion. Mine, which I wrote a little about a few pages back, is still with me. Had a bad night of dreams involving money and people taking it off me with no good cause... Was really stressful actually... Woke up to find I had to pay £8.00 customs charges on my Cabin fever media stuff. Set out to do so... And then when I got home to change into my new Cabin fever T-shirt, I totally ripped the fuck out of my new DT t-shirt (taking it off).... the fabric just crumbled. On top of that I still have egzema (sp? ecsema... ektomzeema... I dunno.) and no freinds.


But Insomnium is cheering me up with their merry Goteborg melodies..
rahvin said:
to be blunt, i don't care for reading you like a book because i think your book is quite short and written in big capital letters: whichever you want to be - sarcastic or not - you have to understand that your tone is not something that comes across through written communication unless you put some effort into it.

You're a bit rude. Know that? And could not, in fact, be more wrong, but probably doesn't care about me telling you some things.
sooo... I think she's being sarcastic now... what do you say?

ba-zing :Smug:

More seriously on this topic, I don't think tri's unfathomable output on this board is cause for too much concern. She knows what type of response she'll get from lackluster posts, as anyone does... so it shouldn't be such an issue. Cest la vie.
I wasn't being sarcastic at all. I think it's rude to say such a thing knowing zip about me. He wouldn't say it if he did and I'm sure of that and it's NOT boasting.

It's a big difference between being sarcastic and saying things "playfully" or as a bit of joke. If you try not to read posts a blind goat and imaging that there actually are people sitting on the other side of that cable, you will notice that the person's mood will shine through the text. There's always a certain rythm to it and though people are different, they are adaptable and works just about the same way as each other. Think of that and see the ressemblance and then interpret the words in the text.......

That was really sloppy for being a srious post, but WE.
I agree that it was kinda rude, the way one posts doesnt automatically allow conclusions about the person, but what everyone here can do is comment on how and what you post on here and let's be blunt, you've made a pretty solid fool of yourself.
You post stupid oneliners, you go on about your stupid obsession for Henrik Larsson, a player everyone but you finds buttugly but you dont even seem to notice. Im not saying you're stupid, but you're posting stupid things and you're definitely annoying
I wasn't being sarcastic at all. I think it's rude to say such a thing knowing zip about me. He wouldn't say it if he did and I'm sure of that and it's NOT boasting.

It's a big difference between being sarcastic and saying things "playfully" or as a bit of joke. If you try not to read posts a blind goat and imaging that there actually are people sitting on the other side of that cable, you will notice that the person's mood will shine through the text. There's always a certain rythm to it and though people are different, they are adaptable and works just about the same way as each other. Think of that and see the ressemblance and then interpret the words in the text.......

That was really sloppy for being a srious post, but WE.

I agree, you can sense mood in writing, I don't think Rahvin would deny that ... but it's all linguistic. It's lexical choices, formality and attitudes and values. It can take a while to get used to the way a person conveys themself in writing, and you need to have some pretty indepth discussions before you can sense their values.

And I was joking with my suggestion that you were being sarcastic... So by not seeing that, you are guilty of your own accusations upon us. boom.
Ok... A fool you say? Muhaha! Does anyone expect you to show your true self on phorum with people you do not even know by face?

And for your info. I do not care a rat's arse 'bout Henrik L, but I stick to that he is goodlooking and a fabulous football-player. And I admit. I have been a big fan...
King Chaos said:
And I was joking with my suggestion that you were being sarcastic... So by not seeing that, you are guilty of your own accusations upon us. boom.

I would have to take you serious now, wouldn't I(?), since untill now I have not seen anybody that has been able to read through the lines. Better explain if somone would believe that for real.
Tritonus said:
If you try not to read posts a blind goat

i don't usually read or post blind animals - that would be cruel - but i don't see how what i said, aside from being rude, was wrong in any way: you admit yourself you're not showing your true self here, so i guess it's ok to say that you're genius in real life no matter how you come across on this board. this is certainly fine by me, considering i was talking about your posts, not your ph.d. in nuclear sciences.

edit: to add insult to injury, your latest exchange with kc makes me believe you, in turn, don't get most of us because of a language problem.
To be honest, I post useless shit all the time, but no one can say anything
about it to me, cos they know I'd murder them :devil:
Salamurhaaja said:
To be honest, I post useless shit all the time, but no one can say anything
about it to me, cos they know I'd murder them :devil:

i thought it was because you post in english. :p also, you're aggressive in your one-liners, which makes everyone salivate as much as boobs, or star wars.
Tritonus said:
Ok... A fool you say? Muhaha! Does anyone expect you to show your true self on phorum with people you do not even know by face?

err..yes? i sure don't expect forum members to throw up their inner secrets all over the board, but i do expect something different than chatroom style comments. or are you saying we all should have double personality?
Tritonus said:
If you try..., you will notice that the person's mood will shine through the text. There's always a certain rythm to it and though people are different, they are adaptable and works just about the same way as each other.

This could be a definition of intimacy, and expecting that from people who, like you said, dont know you at all, is pretty strange. You say "if you try", but I think your words are only excuses for your not trying to get that this is just a forum, and if you want to be a part of it and communicate, there are certain very simple patterns (or "rules") one has to follow to spare him/herself the bashing. If thats too shallow or uninteresting to you, you can always post less.
Tritonus said:
Ok... A fool you say? Muhaha! Does anyone expect you to show your true self on phorum with people you do not even know by face?

Well, just to correct you a little, there is plenty of people who know
eachother by their face, since we did have a meeting one year at Tuska.
And of course, I wear my face on my sleeve... or avatar rather.

Which reminds of another thing, I read a hilarious article "Invisible Oranges:
The History of the Claw" among the things they mentioned was something
along these lines: "When a black metaller does it, it's to show how big his
balls are". The claw is used to replace the "horns" as some lame ass people
(minister in Finland after Lordi won, for one) are now using it out of content.
Hilarious stuff. I think it was in the latest Decibel mag.
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