chat, feelings, and random discussion thread

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And this is why I regret leaving for long periods of time and then coming back.

Though I despise the comment, I find a WoW forum favorite springs to mind in this case - "Wall of text crits Kov for 1000000 dmg. Kov dies."

More constructive post from moi once I've read through everything.

~kov. (blrglrglrglrgrlrrgrlrrgrrgrgr...) (@work)
Villain said:
The feeling of perfect emotional closeness with someone?

I stopped before replying to this, before, because it's probably the statement/question I found the trickiest to reply to. On the one hand, the feeling as you describe it does not exist: perfect emotional closeness is simply out of reach, a God-like state I really don't think mankind is allowed even when turning inwards and trying to reach it with the self. Still, it's probably what I find myself striving for the most, in a relationship that's going smoothly... getting closer and closer and closer emotionally until... I don't know. Something happens.

So... for me the kick is yearning for it, even taking into account its paradoxical impossibility. I ache for it and accept that it's a mere ideal after all. It's a rather pleasant sensation, so personally I wouldn't file it under the "reasons not to", when it comes to romantic relationships.

Getting to know someone very intimately?

No, that sounds very cold and sterile. You don't strive for intimacy because it's neat to solve the puzzle of someone's personality. Or, if you do, I wouldn't call it love.

Sex? Well, yeah, I'll take that... A housemaid??... :rolleyes:

Please change your source for porn right this instant. :D

Actually, most people seriously committed in a relationship will tell you that the sex in their lives is connected and enhanced by the way they feel about their significant other. I understand that pure sex is something you do for the fun, and taking pleasure from the acrobatic-circus quality of it (or, if you're on the Internet, from ejaculating upon hearing someone mention the word vagina). The added bonus of having sex with someone you love is supposed to be the increased feeling of intimacy and the idea that what you're doing is not merely a physical escapade, but a way to express emotions by way of physical sensations.

If I expressed the above with less subjectivity than earlier in this post, it's not because I disagree. But when it comes to sex (or food, or something equally primal in nature) you can never be completely sure of your motivations, or what lies underneath. I don't like the "it's nothing but instincts so leave me five minutes alone with this here raccoon and I'll show you" explanation, and yet sweeping the beast within under the carpet is equally absurd: nobody will convince me that penetrating your girlfriend in every orifice for 40 minutes straight is a way of showing her how much you'd like her to wear that ring. Unless it's nothing but that ring. But I digress.

What is it that I'm missing here? What makes you guys so willing to sacrifice the smaller (and sometimes even larger) things in life for love?

The bottom line is that I simply don't feel a strong enough bond of companionship tying me to my friends, to make me forego the opportunity to create a stronger one with a girl.

I don't need a significant other in the sense that I would die or write gothic poetry without. I don't look for the sacrifices I would (could, will) make as a sign that I'm in love, I merely accept that to get to stronger bonds - not just with someone you're romantically involved with - one has to try harder; therefore, the strongest bond is likely to require that I try the hardest. I certainly hope "the hardest" is not, say, sitting by a hospital bed watching my still young wife die of cancer.

Now, add in love to this hypothetical platonic relationship of mine. We are suddenly much closer to each other, spending our time together even when away from home.

But, see, if I add love to the relationship I'm assuming you want to do all of the above, because this is part of the definition we're using. We're postulating that you both feel pleasure in doing these things, wich automatically means they're not a burden. Likewise, if they are a burden, then your relationship just doesn't have that added value (or element, if we want to remain neutral).

We now need to be aware of each others emotions and opinions, otherwise our relationship might be ruined. We need to start sacrificing things to make sure our relationship lasts. We need to plan our future together, because we can't have contradictory plans.

You don't need to. Let me package this into a nice little (unlikely) bundle: IF you are naturally often aware of each other's emotions, and IF you're willing to make the POSSIBLE sacrifices you might have to do so your relationship doesn't fail, then you might feel you WANT NOTHING BUT plan a future together.

The contract that you sign is the result of observation about how much you get along and whether the circumstances of the world are favorable or you're willing to overcome them to continue dating each other, not the condition that makes all of this happen, rather painfully for all those involved.

Edit: @plintus, hope my vivid descriptions helped. :p
rahvin said:
Please change your source for porn right this instant. :D

He didn´t mean the housemaid for sex, he meant the housemaid for housework. It was a list with several points, the answer to the first was given immediatly, and the :rolleyes:-smilie referred to his view on the ancient idea of having a girlfriend to do all of the housework.
fireangel said:
He didn´t mean the housemaid for sex, he meant the housemaid for housework. It was a list with several points, the answer to the first was given immediatly, and the :rolleyes:-smilie referred to his view on the ancient idea of having a girlfriend to do all of the housework.

It was really about porn, admit it.

~kov. (work!=morefunthanposting)
fireangel said:
He didn´t mean the housemaid for sex, he meant the housemaid for housework. It was a list with several points, the answer to the first was given immediatly, and the :rolleyes:-smilie referred to his view on the ancient idea of having a girlfriend to do all of the housework.

Fine then. I have to change my source for porn. The "ancient idea" of having a housemaid to have all the sex (with) is probably out of fashion. But don't worry, it's like crop rotation and once emo girls are out, in comes the housemaid again.
Mainly because I've started working full time, and while I have a project or two to be working on, they're both small projects with excellent contractors, and so there is little/nothing for me to do at this point.

Clarification: I work in construction management, specifically with the school construction agency of NYC. I'm part of a mentor program whereby my company helps smaller general contractors to get experience with working with the city, and so broadens the pool of contractors we have to work with.

Haha, yes, just a simple alt+tab away. Mostly I wait around to either go into the field with the guy who's training me to see the absolute shit-pile that has become that job (not his fault, got dumped on him when the former project manager came down with ebola or some shit - he's been out for 2 months or so), or for my contractors to call me about being paid or some such.

rahvin said:
@Trit: It's really not a consequence of my principles, if I even have any. But I do believe - joking aside - that it'd be a lot harder for me to fall for someone who's 16: there's the fact that I would never feel comfortable being intimate with a girl that much younger, and there's the fact that our lifestyle would be completely different, and there's the fact that even if you're very mature for your age, 16 is very unlikely to be 29. Of course a different pairing, such as 25 - 38 could be a different story: I'm not 38 so I don't know yet.

The day is young.

King Chaos said:
The first time you go bowling... you bowl a 50 and you think you should never ever bowl again to avoid the embarassment. WRONG! You should! Because it'll get better and the nature of the game is trial and error. You will improve. And there's no emotional connection to bowling, so what's going to really go wrong?

I've done a 17
Kovenant84 said:
Mainly because I've started working full time, and while I have a project or two to be working on, they're both small projects with excellent contractors, and so there is little/nothing for me to do at this point.

Clarification: I work in construction management, specifically with the school construction agency of NYC. I'm part of a mentor program whereby my company helps smaller general contractors to get experience with working with the city, and so broadens the pool of contractors we have to work with.


Noble thing, but lame excuse :)
fireangel said:
He didn´t mean the housemaid for sex, he meant the housemaid for housework. It was a list with several points, the answer to the first was given immediatly, and the :rolleyes:-smilie referred to his view on the ancient idea of having a girlfriend to do all of the housework.

You are correct, that was my intention. Then again, the reason why the thought of having a housemaid popped up in my head right after I had thought about sex might have something to do with certain borderline-hentai anime-series with scantily clad housemaids... :p

Anyways, all the funny porn-parts aside, I believe Rahvin's thorough explanation and Fireangel's previous comments have helped me understand you guys better. I still feel the same as before, but at least I can now see how you see this issue - and I take it most people see it like you but just can't analyse and express their thoughts as accurately.

I'll go to bed now, but I might come back to this topic (which turned out to be much more interesting than I thought at first) Friday-evening.

I think you guys are over analyzing the situation and the definition of love. While agreeing to pretty much what rahvin said, to me, love is nothing short of happiness, though the latter can take various forms. Love is about happiness of being with your significant other and her happiness of being with you. Sharing, caring, compromising and sacrificing, all those actions have the same purpose: to make you and her both the happiest possible in any given situation. It is said by many that one cannot gain joy without giving it first, by loving your signficant other, you make her happy and her joy causes your happiness in return, and likewise for her actions to you. So love, in a way, is both an selfish and selfless act at the same time, an act that completes the existence of those who seek it.
@the lovers fortunate and unfortunate: the puzzle's fairly easy to solve. no partner = no support beyond your parents and siblings (if you're in good terms with them) AND no children. so no partner = paying the price of dreadful short-termism when you're about 50, or 60, or 70, and you sort of get into the quagmire of declining life. i don't want any stories about 'i will be able to face that alone'. no, you won't. you seriously won't, unless you're some kind of mystic.

aside from all the emotional aspects that rahvin aptly mentioned (congrats mate, you're headed the right way IMO), what are you supposed to do with your life after a point? write an immortal oeuvre or/and have children. both options require commitment. no commitment = no survival. to overlook that, you need to be either 19, a nihilist, or the aforementioned mystic. otherwise, you'll have to get down to work, find a boyfriend/girlfriend, and start making sense. which i don't, so do what i say and not what i do.
rahvin said:
Fine then. I have to change my source for porn.

seems after all that you and Villain have something in common: Watching the same kind of almost-hentai housemaid-vids :D

The "ancient idea" of having a housemaid to have all the sex (with) is probably out of fashion.

I wouldn´t know, haven´t said that. Unless you think that sex is part of housework.

Villain: :p
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