"So our little boy went out, and got his heart broken."
Yep, that boy being me. It seems that I did not have the luck UC had with Rince. Starting from yesterday, I'm alone, again. Long-distance relationships require a certain amount of commitment, and I guess she was unwilling to wait. I was going to visit her next year, but, oh well, I guess that is no longer the plan. And I guess your opinions turned out to be true, foolish of me to hope for the contrary.
I'll be fine, though. There is no telling what might happen in the future, so I'll have to hope for the best, for me and for her. A lot good came from the past experience too, I definitely became more mature. I should thank her for that. Oh well, it's no use wandering in the past, no use being depressed and mourning over the wound. I have to step over it and move on, and that's all there is to it.
And I wish the best to all of you.