chat, feelings, and random discussion thread

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You keep your emotions to yourself?? Excuse me? I know Im just gonna piss you off beyond anything, but you're one of the most emotional and most impulsive persons Ive ever seen. You take everything the wrong way and everything personnal, even stuff that wasnt personnal at all, or not even directed at you, or you alone.
When you perceive everything as criticism or insults and feel everything is directed at you, then yea, people talk about you in a negative way, but really, you're not that a big deal on this board
I'm sorry, but no. You do not piss me off and no, I do not take things personal, since I am a picture and words put together by letters, and noone on this board knows what my person is. There are no personal feelings.
You're obviously taking things personnal or at least you think comments are directed at you that really arent.
And dont give me this "Im just a picture and some letters, you cant possibly know what kind of person I am!" bullshit. Whoever thinks he's not giving away good hints at his personnality on a forum or who think s/he can pretend to be someone completely different hasnt understood the first thing about how this works
It's nothing unusual for other people to have better insights in your character than you have yourself, because they can judge situations a lot more objectively. Self analysation is very difficult, because it means the analyzations of methods, of habits, of feelings and such you are very familiar with and thus you hardly even see those patterns, the way you dont see the forest for all the trees.

If you really feel confused, talk to someone you trust, it's the best way. Dont try to be your own doctor, that never works out well
It's not unusual no, but YOU have never met me.

Talking is overrated. It will just drive you believe you feelings are different from what they are.
I didnt say I got any significant insight into who you really are or anything, I was just commenting on what was right there for everyone to see.
Well, whatever you do, good luck on your de-confusion, I was just trying to help.
You don't appreciate it because you clearly have no idea what he's talking about. When I post to you, I don't even try to begin to imagine what is behind your avatar and words, creating your unfailing and never ending monstrosities. I just have a quick chuckle to myself, and refrain from responding with a message along the lines of this one.
Got a postal letter from the IRS (Department of the Treasury Internal Revenue Service).
Did not open it, threw it in the trash. This is only a guess but might have something to do with me not filing any tax forms for several years? I filed while I was working but now when I need money, I cash in stocks, bonds, cds (certificates of deposit) to tell the truth I never added things up to see if my capital gains would require me to pay any taxes?
It ain't no thing, like my friends tell me, you're a difficult person to track down. I have no cell phone, most of the time I won't even answer the phone if it rings at home. Emails are the best way to get in touch with me but if its something I think will be negative in any way I'll delete it without reading.
As for the IRS, I won't be signing for any registered postal mail. If they do luck out and get a hold of me, I'll use the best excuse ever (You can use also, it works for everything)
"I don't remember" -
Tritonus said:
Rahvin. You know exactly what I mean. Now, you're just marking words.

I don't know what "marking words" mean. Aside from that, I'm not sure whether you mean that I'm always negative or that I'm too aggressive, or something else entirely. In case it was either of the above, I stand by my claim that I'm not the one who got all personal when hyena said something completely unrelated to you or your plight. I'm not negative, as I've shown on more than one occasion whenever you posted solid contributions to this board, such as the DT forum songs. And I'm not overly aggressive since I'm only suggesting you check your reactions to reasonable and generic comments. If you don't want to, fine, don't: I'm neither telling you to stop nor removing your stuff.

I do not want to discuss anything

Blatant lie.
I've been out for a year or two and now I'm back with a new nick,btw.

So...hello. Been reading recent posts and decided to register in order to meet some fans of my favourites-DT:saint:
rahvin said:
Blatant lie.

No, I asure you. It was not a lie. I hate disscussions like this and I will now walk away, without bothering if you want me to or not.

KC: Oh, I get his sarcasm. I was just trying to say something a little less unfriendly.
Feeling pretty good these days (as far as that anxiety thing goes). Been meeting with this girl over the past month, now we're sort of officially in a relationship... but it's weird. When I'm with her it feels good and right, and when I'm not, I don't feel attraction for her at all. I don't feel anything but friendship... Maybe that will change, I dunno. I mean, I wouldn't have asked her to be my GF for no reason. She's a tad younger than me though, and is already doing the whole "I love you" thing... and I'm just avoiding it like the plague, and not even trying to cover up my avoidance. I'm not in love with her, but sure I have "love" for her, like I do everyone I warm to... And to conclude this ramble, for some reason I don't think I'm wasting my time with her, she seems genuine and she appreciates me for all the reasons I can as modestly as possible say I should be appreciated for.
I go on mySpace and beat off to pics of random chicks with "Friends Only" profiles. But that above sounds even more awesome.

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