chat, feelings, and random discussion thread

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plintus said:
You lost me pages ago :Smug:

I might have been exaggerating about virgins, but I'll understand one even less if he/she/it is not one and claims sex is unnecessary and to be performed in the company of the loved one(s) only.

You ought to have an opinion, of course, but when there are attempts of a point to be made - you got to differ one from another, i.e. "sex is not necessary cuz I said so" and "sex is not necesary cuz a) g) z)". The only question remains - how can you pour bullshit and not be making a point... I got to fogure how to get away with that one... hm...

Of course you don't understand, I also don't understand how can you have it with persons you don't love, but I don't have anything against it if you like it that way.
And for the 4496894th time, I just said what I think, like all of you.
Sex is not neccesary 'cause you can live without it. - There's your fucking point.
Having sex with someone you don't love is pointless, but so is sex with someone you love. There is no point in anything.

I'm feeling so creative today. Had some problems with the lineup in the band (keyboard players in particular) and I'm getting really annoyed and I might put the band on the side for a while if we don't find a reliable one soon... and do some solo drumming-electronics-samples stuff.
hyena said:
on the other hand, i'm growing completely disinterested in onanistic practices, erotic literature, porn. i think i'm growing completely disinterested in life, from a certain point of view.

I have tons of that shit (porn) piled up at home - that can bore anyone to death. No, really :)

Rincewind said:
Of course you don't understand, I also don't understand how can you have it with persons you don't love, but I don't have anything against it if you like it that way.
And for the 4496894th time, I just said what I think, like all of you.
Sex is not neccesary 'cause you can live without it. - There's your fucking point.

Nah, that to be an opinion. And yeah - it was your discussion not, some Pampers decided to make the point. Whatever makes you happy, even if that's irrational (like you gona go on like that forever... but no wonder!) And living without sex - it's not normal. But again - whatever floats your boat.

Villain said:
For the most part of my life I've been perfectly happy having sex with myself.

That's the spirit :D

Vizjaqtaar said:
Having sex with someone you don't love is pointless, but so is sex with someone you love. There is no point in anything.

Yeah - how can you fuck someone you love? You can call it whatever, but it is fucking. We are lost :cry:
Vizjaqtaar said:
I'm feeling so creative today. Had some problems with the lineup in the band (keyboard players in particular)

did they fight over keyboard... again? :zombie:
it's all a matter of opinions..everybody should do what they want, as long as they don't hurt the other(s). here i win the obviousness award, still i wanted to say that :p
i have nothing against one night stands nor against abstinence (i don't understand the second one, but it's fine to me), but i do disagree with some statements in this discussion: first, sex is a need, you won't die if you avoid it, but it is an instinct, whether you do it with casual partners, with a carefully chosen one or with a carefully chosen hand. second, sex doesn't cure diseases, it has good effects on the brain, but nothing more is proved.
in this discussion i think i agree more with taliesin.
plintus said:
Whatever makes you happy, even if that's irrational (like you gona go on like that forever... but no wonder!) And living without sex - it's not normal. But again - whatever floats your boat.

No, not having ANY wish for it ever (for any reason) or WANTING to live completely without it can be considered as not normal (but then, there are people like that and if that makes them happy, I also don't see anything wrong in it), but it is not necessary, you can live without it.
Rincewind said:
No, not having ANY wish for it ever (for any reason) or WANTING to live completely without it can be considered as not normal (but then, there are people like that and if that makes them happy, I also don't see anything wrong in it), but it is not necessary, you can live without it.

Fewer pleasures for one in life.

The end.
by the way, as for sports making people healthy - i currently have a serious episode of DOMS (it hurts to lift something as trivial as a mobile phone, fuck's sake) and i really wish that it wasn't that bad :(
hyena said:
by the way, as for sports making people healthy - i currently have a serious episode of DOMS (it hurts to lift something as trivial as a mobile phone, fuck's sake) and i really wish that it wasn't that bad :(

That's a bitch :(

Teach me HOW you can get there :zombie: Using mobile phone? Ugh...
no no no, not being able to lift phones was the consequence, not the cause :lol:

i just stopped doing regular weightlifting for 3 weeks during august - went back to the gym on saturday and my trainer wasn't there so i figured i'd try a regular session and see what happened. i did legs, pecs, triceps, abs and shoulders with only slightly lower intensity than normal - maybe 75% of pre-holiday weight on 2 sets out of 8, but it was the same workout i would have done on a tired/slow kind of day in normal times. nothing bad happened, i found myself to be quite unfit but there was no pain to speak of. on monday, the trainer was there, he took a pitiful look at me and instructed me to do 2 weeks (ie 6 workouts) of intense aerobic exercise and very moderate weights, and then we'd discuss something slightly more serious. only, i didn't pay heed because after all the workout on the saturday had been okay, so i thought i'd tone it down just slightly for the muscle groups that i needed to work on that day - mainly back and biceps. i realized that something was wrong because i could not properly complete my reps even with dumbells that by normal standards are ridiculously light, but ascribed it to mere tiredness. add to this the fact that the treadmills were all busy so i warmed up on the rowing machine resulting in more arm effort - on tuesday evening i started to feel an awful pain in my arms, and it just got worse and worse. right now i can't extend my left arm fully, my right has gone back to full functionality only in the past 2 hours, and if i don't use my arms for more than 30 minutes it becomes painful to even move them. apparently, the DOMS peak is 24 to 72 hrs after training and i'm already at the upper bound, so tomorrow it should be better. i really hope so. ouch. not to mention that i am really looking quite puny.
that remembers me of the day after I went snowboarding for the first time. All my muscles were sore and I couldnt carry my schoolbooks in my arms anymore because it was too painful (I had to put them in my backpack). Even carrying the backpack, walk, lift the arm or turm my head hurted...
Taliesin said:
Sex is an urge, period.
But not a need. And i love how you hope to shut everyone who doesn't agree up by adding a comma and the word 'period'. Like nobody has the right disagree with you.

Taliesin said:
You have it backwards on the conditioning, sex was in the center of our instincts in the very first place. Saying that we just condition ourselves to believe the world revolves around sex doesnt make any sense. Why would anyone lift some random activity to a point where doing or not doing it is part of your position in society?
First, i never said that people did it consciously. And i don't know why they did it, but my guess is most people like and understand better physical pleasures than other types of pleasures. But i'm not an expert on psychology.

Taliesin said:
We're all humans and we all have instincts and needs, some of us more, some of us less. Only because you feel less of a need to have sex, doesnt mean the ones who feel it more or sad or pathetic. Maybe you're the one conditioning yourself to believing you're superior to your needs and instincts in order to feel superior to the flawed human being you are?
No, i just don't have those needs. I know myself pretty well, i would think, and i know i don't need sex to feel happy or successful in my life. I think a lot of people just can't distinguish very strong urges/desires from needs.

Judith said:
ever heard of birth control pill? you know, it really works...
Sure, but having an extra preventive method would make you feel safer, wouldn't it? I'm not saying it's necessary; i never said that.

hyena said:
there's nothing wrong in saying that you LIKE to perform sex for the sake of it. but all the "watertight" arguments proving that it's good for you in some medical sense are just a very hypocritical (and often false) device to conceal the fact that well, you like to perform sex for the sake of it.
Enough said. Thank you.

plintus said:
I'm tired of Pampers' shit about things he doesn't know much about. I mean - colonizing Mars was OK, chemical shit was fine, but as soon as he got into sex - that's where I draw the line.
I'm tired of you calling me like that. I'm tired of you playing sex god. I'm tired of you trying to be oh-so-very-funny and failing again and again and again. But i never say anything. And, just so you know, i'm not shitting about anything i don't know about (ok, i don't know about sex without feelings, but i'm fine with not knowing that).

plintus said:
No one. Fucking. Cares. About. Your. Fucking. Opinion. If. You. Have. No. Enough. Fucking. Credibility. Regarding. The. Subject.
See what i mean? It's not funny (or more effective, or anything else, except maybe very stupid). Oh, and she does have credibility, and the fact that you don't care doesn't mean that nobody else cares.

Taliesin said:
Most studies probably assume that you're having sex with a loved one, but even if you dont, it's still a kind of sport. And you wont tell me sport isnt healthy either, will you?
That just proves that sex isn't necessary; there are many other sports, and you can play a lot of them alone (unlike sex).

Taliesin said:
What's the point of this discussion, is there a final statement anyone wants to reach or is this a collective stating of opinions?
The same point every other forum discussion has. And you can always leave if you're bored or if you can't stand people having different opinions than yours

Kat said:
It matters a lot, did I say the opposite ? It only happened a few times...
Yes, you did.

Ivana said:
So I guess everybody should try all ***** before they can say it's not healthy, or do all crimes before saying they're wrong, etc... please.
*points at Ivana* What she said.

plintus said:
but I'll understand one even less if he/she/it is not one and claims sex is unnecessary and to be performed in the company of the loved one(s) only.
I never expected you to understand me, so no problems. :)

Ivana said:
Sex is not neccesary 'cause you can live without it. - There's your fucking point.
Like they couldn't figure that out by reading our posts... Wait, no, they couldn't. never mind. :D

plintus said:
[on abstinence] Fewer pleasures for one in life.

The end.
Another example of playing god and wanting to shut everyone up with a remark like "period" or, in this case, "the end". And yes, fewer pleasures in life, just like someone who never plays football (one less pleasure, but football isn't necessary, is it?).

Taliesin said:
Yea because every time YOUR discussions end up like this it is obviously OUR fault. :rolleyes
She never said or implied that. Also, she's not the one insulting other people, trying to get out the easy way or acting like it's wrong to disagree with her. And it's true that most discussions here end up with one side (i could mention a few names, but that wouldn't do any good) insulting the other and/or acting like idiots (which always includes, but is not limited to, a series of one-liners assumed to be funny by their authors but found to be stupid and/or degrading by the one(s) they are directed to) and with the other side giving up and shutting up about it. So i'm with her: every discussion on this board makes me wish less and less i were a participant.
UndoControl said:
Sure, but having an extra preventive method would make you feel safer, wouldn't it?

for diseases, yeah, but not for being pregnant. But if you dont fuck every people you meet, if you just have sex with one person (boyfriend) and that you are sure that he doesnt go anywhere else and that both of you have no disease (you have made tests for those disease), no, it wouldnt change anything to use an extra preventive method.
hey, everyone, don't turn this into a flame war. after all, we're having a collective discussion on one of the most powerful dividers that exist in the world, ie sexual morality. it is something that can make relationships crumble to dust and in this day and age it is also becoming more and more of a relevant political issue.

it's expected that we're going to have a wide-ranging set of opinions. the topic is certainly interesting, since it consists in defining the good use of a basic and strongly enticing human faculty. and exactly because of that it would be useful to keep the discussion as to-the-point as possible.
Judith said:
for diseases, yeah, but not for being pregnant. But if you dont fuck every people you meet, if you just have sex with one person (boyfriend) and that you are sure that he doesnt go anywhere else and that both of you have no disease (you have made tests for those disease), no, it wouldnt change anything to use an extra preventive method.
You're talking about staying with a single partner, and the initial issue was having sex with anyone you meet and don't give a shit about. Anyway, let's suppose for a second that sex with a condom does make people happier because of whatever chemicals the condom has and whatnot. That's completely beside the point because we never discussed condom use, only choice of sex partner(s).
UndoControl said:
I'm tired of you calling me like that. I'm tired of you playing sex god. I'm tired of you trying to be oh-so-very-funny and failing again and again and again. But i never say anything. And, just so you know, i'm not shitting about anything i don't know about (ok, i don't know about sex without feelings, but i'm fine with not knowing that).

Why? It's easy: UndoControl->Undo->Undie(s) (someone)->Pampers (my creation). I just finished (or did I?) the logical chain.

I'm not entertaining anyone here, but myself. And trying to keep it to the civilized (by my measure) limits.

See what i mean? It's not funny (or more effective, or anything else, except maybe very stupid). Oh, and she does have credibility, and the fact that you don't care doesn't mean that nobody else cares.

I was talking about you there, even talking to Ivana.Another example of playing god and wanting to shut everyone up with a remark like "period" or, in this case, "the end". And yes, fewer pleasures in life, just like someone who never plays football (one less pleasure, but football isn't necessary, is it?).

What? "The end" or "Period." just state the virtual end of my opinion - deal with it or whatever. And not like I'm not going to listen to anything sane after it.
UndoControl said:
I'm tired of you calling me like that. I'm tired of you playing sex god. I'm tired of you trying to be oh-so-very-funny and failing again and again and again. But i never say anything. And, just so you know, i'm not shitting about anything i don't know about (ok, i don't know about sex without feelings, but i'm fine with not knowing that).

Why? It's easy: UndoControl->Undo->Undie(s) (someone)->Pampers (my creation). I just finished (or did I?) the logical chain.

I'm not entertaining anyone here, but myself. And trying to keep it to the civilized (by my measure) limits.

See what i mean? It's not funny (or more effective, or anything else, except maybe very stupid). Oh, and she does have credibility, and the fact that you don't care doesn't mean that nobody else cares.

I was talking about you here.

I was talking about you there, even talking to Ivana.Another example of playing god and wanting to shut everyone up with a remark like "period" or, in this case, "the end". And yes, fewer pleasures in life, just like someone who never plays football (one less pleasure, but football isn't necessary, is it?).

What? "The end" or "Period." just state the virtual end of my opinion - deal with it or whatever. And not like I'm not going to listen to anything sane after it.
UndoControl said:
Like they couldn't figure that out by reading our posts... Wait, no, they couldn't. never mind. :D

I wouldn't be happy at reaching climax and sexual retardiness at the age of 23. I luckily made it past it.
plintus said:
I was talking about you here.
plintus said:
Originally posted by Rincewind
And how should YOU know how much he knows? I didn't know you have to have a fucking diploma in sex knowing things, it's enough to have your opinion about it, and you're always right in it 'cause it is your opinion and you live based on it.
Virgins related: So what, you're saying that all virgins of the world aren't supposed to have opinion / know about sex enough to have the opinion they have?
It's ok, it's your attitude and you live by it and good luck with that. I would never be satisfied with something less of what I really want, I'd rather be without it completely than to settle with less (talking about things where you have a choice, of course, like this one).
No one. Fucking. Cares. About. Your. Fucking. Opinion. If. You. Have. No. Enough. Fucking. Credibility. Regarding. The. Subject.
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