chat, feelings, and random discussion thread

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plintus said:
Hahaha, you are easy :lol: Or did I really guess your age? How about a true life story: our flatmate, - she is 23 by the way - we seriously think she is beyond the climax point or a lesbian, because we watch porn and make it REALLY loud, she cries and then is pissed off for a week or so. Really, like a dog. Sure enough - no boyfriend, black sheets on her bed and dark curtains on her windows, so her room is always dark, even in daylight, heavy drinking, constant depression and shit. Add that she's overweight and... ugh *shrugs*

You are of no importance as an example, since I'm talking to you, and there's no fun in straight insulting. Hey, and I know you are normal... but with all this talk and "discussion" I'm happy to jump to assumtions! More gasoline, please!

And of all sacred masturbation shrines I prefer good ol' bathroom. So no, it not "everywhere" and not "all the time".

No, you didn't, but I was assuming you are talking to me. Your roommate could maybe have use of someone talking to her nicely, ever thought about that? I don't care whether you do or anybody else, important opnions about my life have my true and close friends, my boyfriend and my family, I've been called not-normal for many other reasons anyway. But I do know you to certain extent (or so I think so) and I like you, I like your way of posting here and it offended me only 'cause of reasons I mentioned before, my bad. Sorry on that, it's your thing and only yours.
Rincewind said:
No, you didn't, but I was assuming you are talking to me. Your roommate could maybe have use of someone talking to her nicely, ever thought about that? I don't care whether you do or anybody else, important opnions about my life have my true and close friends, my boyfriend and my family, I've been called not-normal for many other reasons anyway. But I do know you to certain extent (or so I think so) and I like you, I like your way of posting here and it offended me only 'cause of reasons I mentioned before, my bad. Sorry on that, it's your thing and only yours.

Hey, I didn't call you not normal! I rarely get pissed off that much :lol:

About the girl: we were hanging out and stuff back in the day, everything was OK, but then she moved in, and... ugh, that was it. And we are quite concerned about our own lives, enough to leave everything up to her, but since it's on the same territory - you start mentioning stuff, and no - she needs much more psychological help than just talk. I won't be surprised if one day I come home and she'll be lying dead in the bathroom (I know I will take a leak anyway), even we have a restriction of suicide attempts on the property (since my roof-alcohol-and-pills adventures).

So yeah, you don't want to be like that. Just weirds people out. And everything starts with shutting yourself for whatever reason - I was like that for a while, but now I can only regret how stupid I was.

My roommate brought home a black lesbian once. She left changed :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: A wonder?

I think so :heh:
plintus said:
Hey, I didn't call you not normal! I rarely get pissed off that much :lol:


plintus said:
About the girl: we were hanging out and stuff back in the day, everything was OK, but then she moved in, and... ugh, that was it. And we are quite concerned about our own lives, enough to leave everything up to her, but since it's on the same territory - you start mentioning stuff, and no - she needs much more psychological help than just talk. I won't be surprised if one day I come home and she'll be lying dead in the bathroom (I know I will take a leak anyway), even we have a restriction of suicide attempts on the property (since my roof-alcohol-and-pills adventures).

Then you should try to convince her to get one, if you care for her of course.

plintus said:
So yeah, you don't want to be like that. Just weirds people out. And everything starts with shutting yourself for whatever reason - I was like that for a while, but now I can only regret how stupid I was.

No, I'm not like that, I am generally closed person and others need to do much before I can trust them or rely on them, but I don't have any sucidal thoughts, I'm happy with my life like never before. I was like that too in one phase of my life and while I know it was stupid it made me see a lot of things, most important one who are people I really can rely on. It was not so much because of my problems, as much because of problems my family got me into without my wish to participate in it and it took me a while to understand that they will be fucked up forever and make me feel guilty for something I didn't do or caused, but I can get out and did.
And today I see positive side of almost everything because of that, a lot of things that didn't mean much to me before mean today and I know that there are more important things than being in middle of crossfire and having your own world destroyed 'cause of it. I thank them on that, today I know how many things can make me happy and how to keep them, and how I was occupied with so stupid and irrelevant things before.
God, i talk too much today. o_O
I oredered her to stop drinking, get the fuck out from her bed watching TV and run to the gym, but that was even more help I could provide. Everyone is own doctor and whoever.

Yeah, I guess it's just your temper that way (simpliest what I understand), so - I got it now :)
plintus said:
I oredered her to stop drinking, get the fuck out from her bed watching TV and run to the gym, but that was even more help I could provide. Everyone is own doctor and whoever.

Yeah, I guess it's just your temper that way (simpliest what I understand), so - I got it now :)

Yes, they are, but keep trying if you care.
Good. :)
Judith said:
you did discuss the use of contraception, you started it. So dont get all mad when people just say what they think about one of your remarks. Your remarks sounded like you didnt trust contraception. I was just saying that it works, and I know from various people that both condoms and birth controll pills work.
I didn't get all mad. What about my post do you find angry? :confused:

Judith said:
You and Rincewind say that you dont want to convice everyone that only your opinion is right, but it more and more sound like you do...
No, we're just the kind of people who defend their points and back them up whenever there's a discussion. But i agree that it would be easier to just shut up.

plintus said:
I wouldn't be that rude to a girl, capeesh?
Well, youdid. Many times. In several threads. For many months.
Rincewind said:
What amazes me is that this should be an open community where everybody tries to understand other side before getting into stone age of throwing the rocks just because it's, well, throwing the rocks. If I ever offended anyone here, I did it because of the case before or I did it not thinking or saying my sentences in a wrong way, but never with sole purpose of just offending somebody because I find that person stupid / annyoing and whatnot. I can't say I know anyone here, except UC and I don't put people into categories if I don't know them really well. Why am I even writing all this? Because this is community I used to like, I joined 'cause of that reason and today I still like some persons here very much, the ones I don't like I try to avoid and at least listen to what they have to say and never assume I couldn't start liking them the very next day, 'cause I do realize I don't know them much, they can always surprise me and make me see something I didn't before.
But trying to understand the other side is exactly what you dont do, you both write your posts as if your opinion was carved in concrete and when anyone differs you're like "Duh, here are the facts for you!"
You keep talking about how stupid and empty casual sex is while you are one out of two people who actually tried it, which makes me scratch my forehead in wonder.

You always talk about this community and this forum and how discussions on here always turn into fights, but you see, I dont have a problem with this board or this community, I only have a problem with your style of discussion. Maybe if you gave other opinions a chance, other people would give yours a chance, too. Your way of presenting your opinions just doesnt inspire respect and I dont think Im the only to think so.

UC's and my relation is kinda tragic, because I think we'd get along great if he wasnt always up in the clouds with his ideas. But getting into that would fill pages and probably lead nowhere. Im tired of fighting with you and Id rather enjoy the good side of your posts and threads, because you are very creative. The way you twist and turn reality to suit your needs does hurt sometimes, nonetheless, the Mars thread or even the psychology thread were very interesting.
So I offer my hand in peace, if you will take it. If not, we can keep this up, Im not the one offended even by really offensive posts. But maybe we should since it's probably pissing off a great part of the board, so ^^
Taliesin said:
But trying to understand the other side is exactly what you dont do, you both write your posts as if your opinion was carved in concrete and when anyone differs you're like "Duh, here are the facts for you!"
No, we just base our opinions on strong points and make an attempt at defending them (our opinions). We provide evidence for them, and we don't change our minds unless proven wrong (because we're open-minded people but we're not sheep).

Taliesin said:
You keep talking about how stupid and empty casual sex is while you are one out of two people who actually tried it, which makes me scratch my forehead in wonder.
She said she wasn't proud of it and she learned from that experience, D'OH. Not all of us are proud of everything we've ever done.

Taliesin said:
You always talk about this community and this forum and how discussions on here always turn into fights, but you see, I dont have a problem with this board or this community, I only have a problem with your style of discussion. Maybe if you gave other opinions a chance, other people would give yours a chance, too. Your way of presenting your opinions just doesnt inspire respect and I dont think Im the only to think so.
She has the right to complain. And she has the right to have whatever opinions she's happy with, to present them in any way she wants (as long as it doesn't offend anyone, and it doesn't because she's not like that) and to defend them as viciously as she wants. That you don't like it is your problem, not hers or anyone else's (except maybe your girlfriend's), and you can't tell her what to do and what not to just because you don't like the way she says things.

Oh, and it's funny how you turn all of this into her fault like that.

Taliesin said:
UC's and my relation is kinda tragic, because I think we'd get along great if he wasnt always up in the clouds with his ideas. But getting into that would fill pages and probably lead nowhere. Im tired of fighting with you and Id rather enjoy the good side of your posts and threads, because you are very creative. The way you twist and turn reality to suit your needs does hurt sometimes, nonetheless, the Mars thread or even the psychology thread were very interesting.
So I offer my hand in peace, if you will take it. If not, we can keep this up, Im not the one offended even by really offensive posts. But maybe we should since it's probably pissing off a great part of the board, so ^^
At first i thought that this was directed to Ivana, but the mention of my threads makes me think that you were talking to me. In either case, i accept this cease-fire, because i'm honestly sick of it. *shakes your hand*

Oh, and it's dreaming that makes life worthwhile. ;)
Taliesin said:
But trying to understand the other side is exactly what you dont do, you both write your posts as if your opinion was carved in concrete and when anyone differs you're like "Duh, here are the facts for you!"
You keep talking about how stupid and empty casual sex is while you are one out of two people who actually tried it, which makes me scratch my forehead in wonder.

Errr, no, where do you see I don't understand other side? I said many times I have nothing against it, and since I'm living with a person (my sister) who changes guys quite much and has casual sex and know many others, I think I can say why I don't like it, never said I don't understand it.
And again, no, I said I tried it once with guy I liked really much (but not loved him) - and we were in a relationship, eventhough not serious one, so I don't know how much that goes into casual sex.

Taliesin said:
You always talk about this community and this forum and how discussions on here always turn into fights, but you see, I dont have a problem with this board or this community, I only have a problem with your style of discussion. Maybe if you gave other opinions a chance, other people would give yours a chance, too. Your way of presenting your opinions just doesnt inspire respect and I dont think Im the only to think so.

I do have problem with few persons in it and yes, almost every discussion I saw here (whether I participated or not, or even was here at all) ended like that. I f you do have a problem with my style of discussion, that's ok and you have every right. If it's what bothers you the fact that it seems I'm trying to put my opinion higher than others, I don't, maybe it seems like that, but I really don't. I know here people are mostly grown-ups with formed opinions that are hardly changed and even if they weren't, I would never assume I'm the one who should tell them what to think and why when I often myself have same doubts and everything else.
I don't ask for respect, I know my way of writing isn't perfect and won't many times get to other side what I wanted to say, but I try and want to say what I think, NOT say that my thinking is right one, in anything.
To me, everybody is right in subjects like this, as long as what he / she says is really the way they live and like it like that.

Taliesin said:
So I offer my hand in peace, if you will take it. If not, we can keep this up, Im not the one offended even by really offensive posts. But maybe we should since it's probably pissing off a great part of the board, so ^^

If that was directed to me: I never considered us to be in some fight, if you don't like me, I'm perfectly fine with it, eventhough you don't know me, but don't offend me for no reason (or have offensive tone in your posts). Maybe you did it just because you don't like my way of posting, or just because you don't like me, but then you could say so and everything ok.
I do get easily offended, it's not thing I'm proud on, but it's me. Now one can use it or respect it, his / hers choice, at least I say it openly.
And I would very much like if we all started to really read and try to understand more what other side is trying to say (me being one also).
So yes, as far as I'm concerned, I'm in peace with you and everybody who will get from this what I really wanted to say and not look only at my grammar structure or try to offend me for no reason.
Rincewind said:
Errr, no, where do you see I don't understand other side? I said many times I have nothing against it,

It's just that sometimes your having nothing against it comes across as you saying: "Casual sex is not for me, but if you want to go and be a filthy slut, hey, that's ok too". Maybe you don't mean the harshness in the words, but they can be read as a little offensive.

Then again, I'm on your side of the fence: sex without loving feelings to support it makes me miserable. The other kind at times has made me miserable too, so go figure. ;)
rahvin said:
It's just that sometimes your having nothing against it comes across as you saying: "Casual sex is not for me, but if you want to go and be a filthy slut, hey, that's ok too". Maybe you don't mean the harshness in the words, but they can be read as a little offensive.

Yes, I do realize that people might interpret it that way, but I'm not a person who speaks in gloves, if I wanted to say that I think having casual sex equals being filthy slut to me, I would've said it in those exact words.

rahvin said:
Then again, I'm on your side of the fence: sex without loving feelings to support it makes me miserable. The other kind at times has made me miserable too, so go figure. ;)

:lol: ... ahhhh, the joy of life. ;)
Rincewind said:
Yes, I do realize that people might interpret it that way, but I'm not a person who speaks in gloves, if I wanted to say that I think having casual sex equals being filthy slut to me, I would've said it in those exact words.
But that's what I mean, it seems like you're actually saying it between the lines.
Well it's been said. Im happy we can hope for a nicer debate next time :)
Taliesin said:
But that's what I mean, it seems like you're actually saying it between the lines.
Well it's been said. Im happy we can hope for a nicer debate next time :)

Well, now you all know I don't, I'm not that kind of person and I don't like that, honesty is one of things I deeply respect, open honesty.
Me too. :)

Rampy said:
I spend more time reading on the board than I do learning my part for my next play.

Which play, so we know whom are we more interesting than? ;)
I know I've been put on this Earth for a reason. I saved a retard today.

I was walking home from work, and there's a hill going down by an I-30... or I-130 - they are close by, doesn't matter. So, I'm walking, and suddenly I see a phantom figure rolling down the hill in the electric wheelchair.

I couldn't see who that was from the back, but I assumed that was an old lady; so I started running to approach and kick the living shit out of her; and minding the fact I work in Camden - most criminally dangerous city in the States third year in a row, - there would be volunteers to commit the fun aplenty, so I was speeding like fuck.

So, the wheelchair stuck! And I see the guy running up to it, to help - dunno if he saw me... well, if he saw me, I wouldn't have slammed him out cold both legs straight in the groin.

So, I stand up, and what I see... poor kid with a down syndrome on a fucking electric wheelchair in fucking Camden all by himself. Motherfucker. Like a bad dream, really. The wheelchair was going down the hill, rolled aside and almnost turned over (the hill is like 30 degrees angle). He couldn't do anything, you know, like a bug upside down, but fortunately he wasn't upside down.

So I helped himto get out of his trap, made sure he was OK, told him I didn't have any candy (I lied), and we parted ways. I'll be watching news to find out how his story ended.

I hope he is OK.
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