chat, feelings, and random discussion thread

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i feel a kind of overstrained.....i've got a new job and everybody expect wonders from me..but i don't think i'm able to do some :Smug:
UndoControl said:
And i love how you hope to shut everyone who doesn't agree up by adding a comma and the word 'period'. Like nobody has the right disagree with you.

Evolution is a fact, period.

^I can almost gurantee one of us has said that on this forum before and no one has objected. I think he was just trying to get a point across in the same fashion as the above statement

Fireangel: To e-mail :)
eRraZib_ENo said:
I can't wait to see how plintus will interpret that one: "deep, deep inside".

I'm, actually, an uber-good person all over myself, but deep, deep inside of me there's something else... I can see a toilet bowl from there!!!

Busy as fuck - just spent close to 14 hours on the road, now processing today's work. Back on track away from exhaustion :)
i'm just back from holland, it's been a nice, relaxing weekend.

@plintus: i totally hear you about the annoyance of not training regularly. i normally have three sessions per week, although during late spring and summer i'll typically have a fourth in the park on sundays (my gym's closed on sundays, making it the stupidest gym in the country). apparently, this is shaping up to be shit month or something, seeing how one idiotic flight assistant slammed the refreshment cart full force in my left knee while i was peacefully sleeping on the plane. my arms hurt way less and they'll be fine tomorrow, but i guess i won't be able to run. i've never had so many stupid injuries in so little time.

oh, and by the way, is your camden the same camden where bret ellis set less than zero?
hyena said:
oh, and by the way, is your camden the same camden where bret ellis set less than zero?

There's a bunch of Camdens all over the US, the one I'm talking about is in New Jersey:,_New_Jersey

Tweeter Center - where many BIG bands play (Iron Maiden this October, Ozzfest 2005, others) is right there. After Ozzfest I witnessed a fight which broke out in a circle of policemen - two idiots started fighting after one pushed teh other one off teh skateboard, I mean - police is ALL AROUND, like a few feet max, at least 20 of them, and started a brawl. Well, it wasn't long, like 5 seconds, then both were cuffed, but man...

The train station in Camden I take off from - a few years ago one young girl (she was getting married in the meantime) was raped and killed there by two fucking whoever (I don't have name for those, and don't know if they were both black). They were jailed soon after found by a stolen car, and - we can have a death penalty here, ladies and gentlemen!

The city is BAD overall, but there are some areas where it's dangerous 24/7, frequent shootouts in the streets + there were quite a few in schools (cuz of d.r.u.g.s. and who the fuck knows). Same shit in North Philadelphia, West is bad, some ghettos are in South Philly (we were at a party in one, so the cab dispatcher refused to send a cab there, but we forgot about it anyway, cuz we were partying till like 6 am... honestly - I never saw so many people blowing, sniffing, drinking, smoking and puking in one place at one time... was fun though, not sure if I want to repeat it =)

And - fuck - we have a satanic shrine (church) like 30 minutes away from Philly... I was there at 3 am once... and this shit is not funny; we drove by, but it was enough for me - trees leaning away from th eplace for like a half-mile of the road, strange place, very strange, to say the least.

So yeah, I got to get the fuck out of here to LA A.S.A.P. :Smug:
yeah, i think that's the camden where the novel is set, the location coincides. only, the novel is set in a rich-boy liberal arts college where everyone is really well off and spends all their money on cocaine and whores, which doesn't fit with your description, because what you said doesn't make me think about big money circulating... but maybe it was just different in the 80s.

is LA anything better tho?

urban safety seems to be on my mind a lot lately - i spent the weekend in a small dutch town with a friend who used to live in rome and moved there to study, and she insisted that rome is a very safe place. personally, i find it horrifyingly unsafe compared to what i was used to, and i don't see how someone in their right mind can call it safe. she argued that it's psychological to a point - she is terrified of skinheads, for example, whereas i really like them as a rule and i would never ever find them scary, and she says i have a bum psychosis (reminds me of the nofx song, hehe) while she hasn't. she's right to a point, the idea that skins could be scary completely baffled me, but there must be some common ground in the perception of "this person could hurt me", even before they actually hurt.
hyena said:
- she is terrified of skinheads, for example, whereas i really like them as a rule and i would never ever find them scary

Except for the leftist oi-skins, I would mind having lots of them around, too. Many (in Germany) are rightwing/nazi, and started to mix into the hardcore-scene; also in the recent years they seem to show up at some other kinds of metal-concerts.
I also don´t wanna meet them on the streets, because that means people who might vote nazi-parties live in my area (so it affects the outcome of elections), and also, because their "very_short_hair and preference of certain clothes"-policy, which they want to subject other persons to, aswell, because that´s "how a decent person looks like", greatly bites with lots of metal-outfits and guys with long hair, which could mean getting drawn into a fight :Smug:
How 9/11 aka Sept.11 brought me to the DT forum ...or ... oh woe is me
In Aug. 2001 I won a R+ CD on eBay from gtranquillity aka Diana, we exchanged positives feedback, thought that was the end of our communication. On Sept.11 2001 I receive an email from Diana asking if I'm OK and that She was upset and had been crying because of the terrorist attacks.
Replied that I'm fine(the 4th plane that crashed in PA did fly over my hometown) don't remember if I said anything else? At the time never thought I'd hear from Her again. But over the next few weeks, Her emails kept coming. I could of stopped replying but chose not to. Over months,year we exchanged 100's and 100's of mails, maybe a 1000? We talked on the phone 4,5 hours many times.
During that time Diana sort of said goodbye to R+ as She found a new musical love DT. She sent me some of their music. DT's music took a hold of me and that's what brought me here.

For what it's worth???
Things did not work out for Diana and Dave, one day on this very forum, I read a post by Diana that I'm a stalker.
If you were here at that time, maybe you remember the 'La Rocque ... SUX' thread?.
Couple of my fav. PMs received at that time were:
"I'm going to kick your ass",
"If we ever meet I'll cut your balls off"
I replied to these with, here's my name address and phone number, if you're ever in the area drop bye, give me a call.
And this one
"Don't listen to those ass holes on that forum"
I'm at fault here, never thought of it as stalking more like I was dog'n Her or just being a pain in the ass, even as I continued to email Diana, I would say things like I don't understand why I keep doing this? I was never mean spirited, hurtful or made threats. It took a psychiatrist to unravel it all for me. If anyone thinks this is my typical behavior, more important that I would do this sort of thing with You, then You need to see a psychiatrist because You are delusional.
For over a year now I've had some communications with Diana. (I would of wrote friendly communication but I no longer understand what the words: friend, friendship, friendly mean? I used the friend word in a couple of emails to forum members and they took offence)
During this time I got a rare R+ cassette from Diana, sent Her a birthday card and gift, She thanked me for that and offered to get me a DT tour shirt from the EU. Did me a huge favor and won some R+ cups/bechers on the eBay and sent them my way. She mentioned in a mail that She was thinking of selling Her DT collection, wish I would of acted on that in time and bought it in its entirety. There were mails of a more personal nature, one that tore at my heart, I hoped all those forum members who were sending Her hugs at the time of the stalker nonsense were there for Her than but I doubt it. Other than that everything is/was beautiful.
"a woman always has the prerogative to change her mind about anything"

So David, why? What happened between Diana and you?
I must use the friend word here, thought I knew what it meant back then?
When Diana invited then uninvited me to visit the EU to see some R+ shows, my best friend ever Connie went ballistic at Diana over this(Connie knew what all of this meant to me), I went overboard myself at that time telling Diana, goodbye and You're not the friend You claimed to be. When I told Connie about what I did and said, She replied good riddance plus some very negative things about gtranquillity.To make a long story even longer, Connie came up with this thought that if I went back to being friendly with Diana (like a dog with its tail between its legs, Connie's words) that I was no friend of Her's. Time marches on, I started communicating with Diana again and out of the blue Connie asked if I've heard from 'dutchcake' (that's what She called Diana) I thought that was a sort of cool nickname because it always reminded me of my Grandmother who made tasty dutchcakes (yumyum) anyway I said I don't want to talk about that, Connie's reply, "well I do".
*damned if you do, damned if you don't* ... aka ... Catch 22
I knew if I lied to Connie about Diana, She would remain my friend but as a friend You can't lie so I told the truth.
As Connie walked out of my life, She said "You'll never learn"
When I told Diana about what happened with Connie,
She said I was lying about it and She walked out of my life.
I lost 2 people who I thought were friends for life because I told the truth.
As an accused stalker, never quite understood that? Its probably just me?
At the time Connie lived about 5 miles from me, I could of driven by Her place, hidden behind a tree to watch Her, gone to Her place of work or just bumped into Her but I did not do anything like that. Diana lives in the Netherlands and we are separated by an ocean and I was stalking Her, for every one time I contacted Diana probably tried five times with Connie. Guess I was stalking Her also?
Why bring up all this up almost 2 years later mofo?
I got an email from a forum member last month who brought up the stalking because I asked if they would like to see/hear a concert. Plus if you did not know about all of this you can now hold it against me. So I guess now and forever whenever I PM or email a forum member, I'm stalking them, you, everyone.
This has the feel of being in a confessional:
Bless me Father for I have sinned, my last confession was ...

NP: the FIXX - one thing leads to another

Oh, the ramblings of an insomniac in the land of confusion
If you need a clarification of anything above, I be here ...
Bye bye knuckleheads, it been real :p
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