chat, feelings, and random discussion thread

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plintus said:
I wouldn't be happy at reaching climax and sexual retardiness at the age of 23. I luckily made it past it.

Listen, I'm really enough of you.
You can't say that me or him reached any climax or reatardiness just because we don't think the same like you.
My sex life is my problem, thank you. Only I don't have any problems in it, I love doing it with one person and I love doing it because it is more than empty physical action (yes, I know this is foreign language to you).
I also love the same to kiss and hug and talk and many other things with the same person, but not with many others (and not all of those actions, of course) - I guess I'm retarded for that too, 'cause it's all actions that mean and show more than action itself to me.
Now go on having your sex life: Jerking off everywhere.
Rincewind said:
Listen, I'm really enough of you.
You can't say that me or him reached any climax or reatardiness just because we don't think the same like you.
My sex life is my problem, thank you. Only I don't have any problems in it, I love doing it with one person and I love doing it because it is more than empty physical action (yes, I know this is foreign language to you).
I also love the same to kiss and hug and talk and many other things with the same person, but not with many others (and not all of those actions, of course) - I guess I'm retarded for that too, 'cause it's all actions that mean and show more than action itself to me.
Now go on having your sex life: Jerking off everywhere.

Atta girl! :headbang: :kickass: :worship: :headbang:
UndoControl said:
You're talking about staying with a single partner, and the initial issue was having sex with anyone you meet and don't give a shit about. Anyway, let's suppose for a second that sex with a condom does make people happier because of whatever chemicals the condom has and whatnot. That's completely beside the point because we never discussed condom use, only choice of sex partner(s).

you did discuss the use of contraception, you started it. So dont get all mad when people just say what they think about one of your remarks. Your remarks sounded like you didnt trust contraception. I was just saying that it works, and I know from various people that both condoms and birth controll pills work.

You and Rincewind say that you dont want to convice everyone that only your opinion is right, but it more and more sound like you do...
@dark_silence: while statistics generally corroborate the idea that contraception works, i am quite worried about the fact that many people, especially the uneducated, seem to believe that it is a catch-all shield against STDs. also, many people - as far as i know - do not use condoms correctly, which might go in the direction of what undocontrol was saying: the fact of using a condom in the final phase of intercourse is not even a guarantee of not getting pregnant.
I'll conclude my point here by saying that I respect everyone and their sex life, but I just want to say, to be sure that not everyone think I'm fucking whoever I meet... it's not what I said and it's not what I do. One-night stands happened, and it was with guys I already knew well. I won't go in details but anyway !
The important thing for anyone is to be happy with their sex (or nonsex) life and it has to be fulfilling, life is short !
I understand why Rince and Undo are so eager to go on and on with this discussion. They are separated right now, and although I sincerely hope they have/will have good sex when they are together and that theyll enjoy it, they abstain now, and the idea that theres nothing wrong about having a quick one with someone you find attractive when you are at a party, lonely and a bit drunk, must seem repulsive to them. I think the very first reaction of UC+R was to KitKats post, and the root of all what followed. Kat didnt say that it was ok to have a quickie when one is in a relationship, she said she was faithful. All she said was that when shes single, its ok to her to have sex with someone she finds attractive, but isnt really in love with. And I understand that, I think I also would find it hard to resist such an opportunity, Im not a saint (provided I was single of course). So, its all about trying to understand the others point, even though you disagree with it.

And I seriously cant believe how can plintus annoy anyone. Yeah, 99% of his contributions to this discussion were retarded, but thats plintus, for fucks sake! :D
But if used correctly, do you think it's a catch-all or catch-near-all shield against pregnancy and STD's?
I dont think the point of incorrect use is relevant here, since pretty much everything is dangerous if not used correctly. Let's assume it was used correctly, which means that any kind of STD or the sperm would have to get passed or around the latex, how does it do that?
So that leaves the mouth as the only door to infection. How many STD's can you get from kissing? I believe it's not many, since a transmission by saliva is not limited to kissing, but as we all know, you can get the flu just from talking to someone who has it.

I just saw that Chlamydiae is transmitted by oral infection, so this one gets past the condom.. anything else?
No no no, you assume that latex condoms are liquid proof, or how to call it, but you are aware of the fact that when seen under microscope, the structure of a condom looks like a web. The question now is, whether the germs are small enough to go through. The truth is, some % manages to get through (dont know about sperm).
@taliesin: the treacherous activity is oral sex, in most cases, which is really unfortunate but one has to be careful. as a man, you don't risk much performing it on a woman (aside from giving her vaginal fungi, of which you might be an unknowing bearer), but the vice versa can vehicule a lot of diseases, including HIV and hepatitis. this depends on the fact that, especially if teeth are brushed frequently, gums have a number of micro-wounds; they don't hurt, but they are large enough for contact between seminal liquid (also including the so-called "pre-cum") and blood vessels. so, strictly speaking, a woman should not perform oral sex on a man she doesn't know well if he's not wearing a condom. of course the infection probabilities are lower compared to full intercourse, but it's still a bit of a russian roulette, and i think that most people are slightly put off by performing oral sex with condoms on.
Well, water is H2O while bacterias and sperm are entire cells formed of numerous molecules.. so it's safe to assume they are a lot bigger and cant pass through holes water cannot, no?
I just want to know if anyone can actually back this unsafety claim or not
UndoControl said:

I know I was talking to Ivana, but I wouldn't be that rude to a girl, capeesh? I clearly was talking about you, and I'm not trying to get away with an insult here.

hyena said:
no no no, not being able to lift phones was the consequence, not the cause :lol:

i just stopped doing regular weightlifting for 3 weeks during august - went back to the gym on saturday and my trainer wasn't there so i figured i'd try a regular session and see what happened. i did legs, pecs, triceps, abs and shoulders with only slightly lower intensity than normal - maybe 75% of pre-holiday weight on 2 sets out of 8, but it was the same workout i would have done on a tired/slow kind of day in normal times. nothing bad happened, i found myself to be quite unfit but there was no pain to speak of. on monday, the trainer was there, he took a pitiful look at me and instructed me to do 2 weeks (ie 6 workouts) of intense aerobic exercise and very moderate weights, and then we'd discuss something slightly more serious. only, i didn't pay heed because after all the workout on the saturday had been okay, so i thought i'd tone it down just slightly for the muscle groups that i needed to work on that day - mainly back and biceps. i realized that something was wrong because i could not properly complete my reps even with dumbells that by normal standards are ridiculously light, but ascribed it to mere tiredness. add to this the fact that the treadmills were all busy so i warmed up on the rowing machine resulting in more arm effort - on tuesday evening i started to feel an awful pain in my arms, and it just got worse and worse. right now i can't extend my left arm fully, my right has gone back to full functionality only in the past 2 hours, and if i don't use my arms for more than 30 minutes it becomes painful to even move them. apparently, the DOMS peak is 24 to 72 hrs after training and i'm already at the upper bound, so tomorrow it should be better. i really hope so. ouch. not to mention that i am really looking quite puny.

Ugh, sounds like a bad luck, since you knew what you were doing :( I'm in the gym almost on a daily basis (cardio or weights), but I had to take breaks once in a while (a week or so every few months; and if it's a longer period - I try to get to a gym at least once a week). Yeah, you don't really do anything without warm-up/stretching (I sin all the time, but that's me). Can't say I ever had any problems because I was missing the warm-up sessions, but I pulled a few muscles back in teh day, not to severe soreness, but it didn't feel good. Get well or something - for me skipping the gym would be a torture, since it's my only entertainment these days :)

Rincewind said:
Listen, I'm really enough of you.
You can't say that me or him reached any climax or reatardiness just because we don't think the same like you.
My sex life is my problem, thank you. Only I don't have any problems in it, I love doing it with one person and I love doing it because it is more than empty physical action (yes, I know this is foreign language to you).
I also love the same to kiss and hug and talk and many other things with the same person, but not with many others (and not all of those actions, of course) - I guess I'm retarded for that too, 'cause it's all actions that mean and show more than action itself to me.
Now go on having your sex life: Jerking off everywhere.

Hahaha, you are easy :lol: Or did I really guess your age? How about a true life story: our flatmate, - she is 23 by the way - we seriously think she is beyond the climax point or a lesbian, because we watch porn and make it REALLY loud, she cries and then is pissed off for a week or so. Really, like a dog. Sure enough - no boyfriend, black sheets on her bed and dark curtains on her windows, so her room is always dark, even in daylight, heavy drinking, constant depression and shit. Add that she's overweight and... ugh *shrugs*

You are of no importance as an example, since I'm talking to you, and there's no fun in straight insulting. Hey, and I know you are normal... but with all this talk and "discussion" I'm happy to jump to assumtions! More gasoline, please!

And of all sacred masturbation shrines I prefer good ol' bathroom. So no, it not "everywhere" and not "all the time".

marduk1507 said:
And I seriously cant believe how can plintus annoy anyone. Yeah, 99% of his contributions to this discussion were retarded, but thats plintus, for fucks sake! :D

*fanfare* Board is full of angry kids who don't have enough sex, so I'm used to that :kickass: :kickass: :kickass:

hyena said:
@taliesin: the treacherous activity is oral sex, in most cases, which is really unfortunate but one has to be careful. as a man, you don't risk much performing it on a woman (aside from giving her vaginal fungi, of which you might be an unknowing bearer), but the vice versa can vehicule a lot of diseases, including HIV and hepatitis. this depends on the fact that, especially if teeth are brushed frequently, gums have a number of micro-wounds; they don't hurt, but they are large enough for contact between seminal liquid (also including the so-called "pre-cum") and blood vessels. so, strictly speaking, a woman should not perform oral sex on a man she doesn't know well if he's not wearing a condom. of course the infection probabilities are lower compared to full intercourse, but it's still a bit of a russian roulette, and i think that most people are slightly put off by performing oral sex with condoms on.

Hell, if there are bleeding gums - you can pick up HIV from a "french kiss".
plintus said:
Hell, if there are bleeding gums - you can pick up HIV from a "french kiss".

Well then I guess the relative danger level between the two depends on exposure time. Which I guess depends on her skill...

@Hyena - not to tell too gross of a story, but your line about "as a man, you don't risk much performing it on a woman (aside from giving her vaginal fungi, of which you might be an unknowing bearer)" reminded me of one of the grossest (real-life) sex related incidents I'd ever heard of. Apparantly, one of my gf's friends in high school was found to have a yeast infection in her mouth (there's apparantly a clinical term for this that escapes me at the moment). Apparantly, she let her boyfriend perform on her while she had the infection, then proceded to make out for a few hours. <shudders for about ten minutes>

I think even Plintus would say no to that experience.

marduk1507 said:
I understand why Rince and Undo are so eager to go on and on with this discussion. They are separated right now, and although I sincerely hope they have/will have good sex when they are together and that theyll enjoy it, they abstain now, and the idea that theres nothing wrong about having a quick one with someone you find attractive when you are at a party, lonely and a bit drunk, must seem repulsive to them. I think the very first reaction of UC+R was to KitKats post, and the root of all what followed. Kat didnt say that it was ok to have a quickie when one is in a relationship, she said she was faithful. All she said was that when shes single, its ok to her to have sex with someone she finds attractive, but isnt really in love with. And I understand that, I think I also would find it hard to resist such an opportunity, Im not a saint (provided I was single of course). So, its all about trying to understand the others point, even though you disagree with it.

And I seriously cant believe how can plintus annoy anyone. Yeah, 99% of his contributions to this discussion were retarded, but thats plintus, for fucks sake! :D

Actually, no. My current separation from my boyfriend has nothing to do with my opinions said here, they were like that since I started to go out and date guys. And I'm not eager at all to continue this discussion, I posted my opinion and wanted to finish with it, but then some people started to see something retarded, close-minded and whatnot in it, so I wanted to say more, 'cause, well, I don't like being called like that just because I have other priorities or opinions in my life than most of others. I know that Kat didn't say that, I just wanted to react on her post and say I find it wrong in MY life, not in hers or anybody else's. I have many friends who do that, I know persons who cheat on their partners or who do those quickies only when single. And from first time I heard about it or had "pleasure" to deal with it, I found it repulsive and sad. Again, what others do is their business, I was just saying what I think and why I think like that. If my friend will be happy changing his partners once a week, I'll deal with it alone and accept him / her completely the same, same as if he / she did any other thing I don't really like, but I am aware he / she is a person for itself and has a right to be different, if that will make them happy, it will make me happy too, but not in MY life.
Contraception: Yes, they work, but not in 100 % cases, that's all UC wanted to say. And yes, for me, risking something like a disease or pregnancy because of casual sex is stupid. Yes, it happens really really rarely, but hey, who says you're not the next "lucky" one?
And plintus annoyed me only 'cause of what he said in his last post, and the way he offends UC - yes, it bothers me when someone offends someone I love, be it my friend, boyfriend or family, and I will react on it when it gets too big for my taste and when I see it starts to bother the person I love (so all stupid remarks trigger me to react, yes, 'cause I don't find anything wrong in standing up and defending person I love if I think he / she is right, not because I think he / she can't do it for himself / herself, but because I can't get over seeing how some stranger is saying something about a person he / she doesn't know really in a way I find only offensive and does it only because he / she doesn't like that person in general - big news, I don't like many people, I don't go around offending them, unless they start first), otherwise I really like him as a person and find him much more than what he represents here. Also, if this was in real life and I had a choice of avoiding the persons who do that all the time, I would and wouldn't react on his / hers offenses unless they became something unavoidable, like here. But that's another topic. What amazes me is that this should be an open community where everybody tries to understand other side before getting into stone age of throwing the rocks just because it's, well, throwing the rocks. If I ever offended anyone here, I did it because of the case before or I did it not thinking or saying my sentences in a wrong way, but never with sole purpose of just offending somebody because I find that person stupid / annyoing and whatnot. I can't say I know anyone here, except UC and I don't put people into categories if I don't know them really well. Why am I even writing all this? Because this is community I used to like, I joined 'cause of that reason and today I still like some persons here very much, the ones I don't like I try to avoid and at least listen to what they have to say and never assume I couldn't start liking them the very next day, 'cause I do realize I don't know them much, they can always surprise me and make me see something I didn't before. And it bothers me to see that many people here don't do that, they just keep and keep offending the same persons, never even stopping to think does that person maybe also have feelings and can be hurted with what they say, not because of offense itself, but because of it's meaning. It is easiest to offend and it's sad that many people here choose that way.
In the end, sorry for going so much in off-topic, this bothered me for some time and I wanted to get it over with. Not that I think this will change anything or make me feel better about it, I just wanted to get it out of my system.
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