chat, feelings, and random discussion thread

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plintus said:
Well, you have to use another program to transfer files anyway - Windows Explorer or iTunes, whatever. iPods play video now (great for the long trips, and I can watch Pirates of the Caribbean, finally :heh:), they are 80 GBs etc etc

Isn´t the screen a bit to small when it comes to video-watching?
i find that i'm a total amateur when it comes to serious interior decoration. i really thought i was experienced and i keep on making funny mistakes that i will probably remember for years on end... eh well, it's cool to discover that there is still a lot to learn.
hyena said:
i find that i'm a total amateur when it comes to serious interior decoration. i really thought i was experienced and i keep on making funny mistakes that i will probably remember for years on end... eh well, it's cool to discover that there is still a lot to learn.

Well, if you ever decide to go for paint instead of wallpaper, I'm a paint/color matching expert.
I feel a little bit lonely though I'm home. Ive been feeling like shit these days. Everything's fucks up. An much more-I've lost my job. Yeah, it's great to be alive...............
why did you lose your job? hope you can find an other one soon...

Wednesday I am going back home :) I had a great time this afternoon, i saw 2 friends I haddnt seen for more than one year, and it was great to see them again! I never thought it would be so great. Since we are not in school anymore and all study/live in a different place, we had tons of new stuff to tell each other.

But still, I feel like i left a part of me back home ;)
Nf: Having a proper :lol: (lol) at the current board controversy. Can hardly wait to see how it blows up.

Also, started back at uni. Is very very hard this year. I am struggleing and need to find alot more time to study. But even so, I'll still struggle as there aren't enough hours in the day anymore.
Manager won't hire more staff at work to replace the full timer that left, so I am doing about 25 hours a week even though I'm contracted to 10... And because it's an american company there's aparently no union thing we can do and in our contract we agree to file complaints through an internal bitch squad called "your shout". Basically, you complain, and then get fired or disciplined for complaining.
The manager does less hours than I do purely because she doesn't like working and doesn't care if she hardly makes enough money to support her mutant family. This irritates me no end.
I have very little time for music now, very little time for my girlfriend, and because all work and no play fucking destroys me, no time at all for extra curricular study for my degree (which without, I have no degree). I keep getting called anti-social, boring and a 'cock' because at the end of a 12 hour days work I don't want to go out with my friends drinking. I had to give up drinking entirely for a while to keep my mind in tip top condition. And because I have no time for physical excercise (I'll only drink if I know I'll live through it). That's the KC update.
Despite all this I wrote a song called 'Walk in Sepia Rain' for my band Snow, and it's an optimistic look at some few and far between memories involving being out in the rain and feeling purefied by and united with nature as she takes control of the land for a brief and brutal spell. Memories like, playing cards in my porch while rain deafens us with it's unrelenting rhythm on the roof and also sitting under a tree with my new girlfriend and snuggeling for warmth as the tree foliage domes the heavy rain around us. etc. EMO as fuck! But best song I've ever written. Walk In Sepia Rain < very rough version.
i started uni again too with a very pleasant adventure: timetables were nowhere to be found, we finally found them on the personal web site of a professor, but they lacked a course: that professor put his timetable only outside of a classroom, and, considering we don't have a proper department(?) but we're scattered all around the town, a good 75% of us lost the first lessons with him. :zombie:
apart from that i really like it, since we are only about 40-50 persons the atmosphere is pretty good, the professors manage to be funny, which, when you pass 2 hours trying to follow explanations about ions entering and exiting a cell to make your heart beat, is rather helpful.
i'm also about to finish my hours at the lab, it's good because i'll have more time to study, but i'm kind of sad about it, i really liked that place and i learned a lot. :)

yesterday i played a bit of daoc, i'm a bit of a disaster but i quite like it, (un)luckily i won't be able to get addicted considering the little time i have to spend with my computer :p
It always sucks to have a rough start at uni. Really stressful sense of forboding usually comes from it. I too have some lectures in other buildings about town. One which is actually a bus ride away, so I can relate to how that sucks.

I wish my lecturer had a sense of humour. All he has is a terrible stammer. No lie. He struggles sentence to sentence. Physically he seems unaffected by our confused glares as he spits out late "Ts", but inside I think he wants to die. If you had a clinically bad stutter/speech impediment Some how I think a career in public speaking is just not an intelligent option *sigh*... poor guy. Still, I'm sort of learning... so in a way it's sort of inspirational.

NF: Felt good this morning. My freinds girlfriend had a go at him for being a bad boyfriend, and my friend cried off to my girlfriend about it. My girlfriend has just told me after hearing all thats going on with them that she really appreciates me and every little gesture of affection I make for her. it's little things like this feeling that I missed while I was single.
^ Was that coinsidentally the "gurl" that left ye for yer friend?

Wow hehe, and I thought I was the only one sturggling with the Uni. Actually my second semester is about to end (1 and a half more fucking month and no more CIDE!!! Fucking hell yes!!!). The schedule here is abit different from the US or Europe, since ye have yer long vacations in the middle of the year and the small one in December, while I have it backwards hehe.

I have about 2 months of vacation in December-January, and like 1 month+ in the middle of the year hehe. We CRns are pretty lazy so ye know (I am not one of them though hehe).

@ InsArtTure: Hehe don't worry, hopefully Karma will do it's job soon and you'll feel better. And ye can always masturbate, that helps hehe :lol: .

@ DS: Great to hear about yer friends. Actually I haven't seen what ws my best friend during 10th-11th grade, I really miss him, he really helped me a lot, and he introsuced me to teh world of Metal :headbang: :kickass: :headbang: . :cry: I miss him... .
Lil' Bloodred Ridin' Hood said:
^ Was that coinsidentally the "gurl" that left ye for yer friend?

Wow hehe, and I thought I was the only one sturggling with the Uni. Actually my second semester is about to end (1 and a half more fucking month and no more CIDE!!! Fucking hell yes!!!). The schedule here is abit different from the US or Europe, since ye have yer long vacations in the middle of the year and the small one in December, while I have it backwards hehe.
Nah, that'd be quite a coincidence indeed :p. Unfortunately all bridges between her and I are totally burned now. I say unfortunately because I'd quite like to gloat at her from time to time hehe. Apparently she lives with her new boyfriend at her mums house, even though he recently came out of the closet to his parents and she seems to think it's healthy to have sex with people in the same bed her new boyfreind is sleeping in :p... so I'm not missing out on much there.

And yeah, I always thought it was probably better to have proper holidays around christmas. So your new academic basically begins in the new year? Ours rather randomly begins in september. The stress of getting used to the new work usually peaks around christmas.
What do you study KC? Uni starts here in 2 weeks and I dont feel like it at all :(
I have my last exam next wednesday but Ive practically done nothing for it at all, I guess I'll have to redo it in spring. No big deal, I have only one other exam in spring, so :)
My summer's been pretty shitty, Ive spent about 7 weeks at the uni's library, learning for exams and now Im just fed up. I know I'll have to pay that bill some day.. just not right now :zzz:
i've had a very stupid day. woke up full of energy, which is kinda weird for me, so i was optimistic, but it was thoroughly misplaced. went to see how the refurbishment was going in the new flat and ended up harvesting grapes (pretty cool, because it was very sunny, and it was nice to be outside). went home for lunch, had to go back to the new flat after 10 minutes to explain something to the foreman, tried again to eat, was interrupted by call from my brother who wanted instruction on financial stuff, talked to my mom, ate lunch at 14.40, made more phone calls to sort a friend out with a cleaning lady. then i started packing glass and other fragile stuff, staged a strength showoff festival by carrying said stuff in my arms to the new flat, spent the rest of the afternoon cleaning shelves and shelving glass. came home, had to take measurements for the impending (and final for the next 10 years, hopefully) move, finished about 10 minutes ago. i still need to have a shower, then i may be able to have dinner, then i should wash dishes from lunch - which were dreadfully left in the sink due to lack of time - and dishes from dinner. i'm supposed to meet a friend on skype at 22.30, but all i want is try and do something meaningful with this day. :/
Dark_Silence said:
i tried winamp to transfer the files, it worked great until the day the program didnt want to recognise that the Ipod was plugged in my computer... the ipod is now 1,5 year old and i dont use it anymore...
For videos, i prefer my laptop!

I prefer plasma for watching videos :heh:

Laptops battery runs out quickly (I'm talking about on the road here), so you got to have something compact and with a longer battery life. And batteries for laptops are heavy.

Makaan said:
Isn´t the screen a bit to small when it comes to video-watching?

It's OK, I can live with it. They are coming out with a device which projects video on the inside of the glasses (special glasses), I guess it's iPod's accessory, will be about $400.
plintus said:
I prefer plasma for watching videos :heh:

too expensive for me :erk:

Laptops battery runs out quickly (I'm talking about on the road here), so you got to have something compact and with a longer battery life. And batteries for laptops are heavy.
my battery lasts quite a long time for a laptop battery, but yeah, its pretty heavy :(
Taliesin said:
What do you study KC? Uni starts here in 2 weeks and I dont feel like it at all :(
I have my last exam next wednesday but Ive practically done nothing for it at all, I guess I'll have to redo it in spring. No big deal, I have only one other exam in spring, so :)
My summer's been pretty shitty, Ive spent about 7 weeks at the uni's library, learning for exams and now Im just fed up. I know I'll have to pay that bill some day.. just not right now :zzz:
I study music technology. The issue is, last year I didn't understand the Audio Music Systems module and managed to get by on effort alone, with a nice bullshitty report. This year is the advanced version of that, Sound Synthesis. We have to build our own midi interface using modules in a program called reaktor. It's insane. It's seriously like rocket science. Really not what I expected.

Goodluck with the exam man. For all that studying you've done, I seriously don't think you'll need it though.

@Hyena: New apartment ey? Maybe I'm just nosey but I wouldn't mind seeing some pics when it's done. I can't wait to move into a fresh new apartment and be able to arrange everything and decorate in my own special way.
King Chaos said:
Nah, that'd be quite a coincidence indeed :p. Unfortunately all bridges between her and I are totally burned now. I say unfortunately because I'd quite like to gloat at her from time to time hehe. Apparently she lives with her new boyfriend at her mums house, even though he recently came out of the closet to his parents and she seems to think it's healthy to have sex with people in the same bed her new boyfreind is sleeping in :p... so I'm not missing out on much there.

And yeah, I always thought it was probably better to have proper holidays around christmas. So your new academic basically begins in the new year? Ours rather randomly begins in september. The stress of getting used to the new work usually peaks around christmas.

I didn't get the part of yer gurlfriend and yer friend... :Smug: . By "came out of the closet" ye mean he's gay?

Well, in my Uni the new academic years starts the 1st Monday of the 1st week of February hehe. Although in some 'tis in the 1st week of March. Dman them, they're so lazy :yuk: .

I guess it's all a matter of tastes, for example I like how it is here because since I have so much free time during December, I can go and visit Canada or something, in the period that I love, winter. :kickass: :headbang: :kickass:
^ Hehehe again? Of course I will :kickass: . Hopefully sometime soon, although I don't think that'll happen for at least two years :cry: .
King Chaos said:
I study music technology. The issue is, last year I didn't understand the Audio Music Systems module and managed to get by on effort alone, with a nice bullshitty report. This year is the advanced version of that, Sound Synthesis. We have to build our own midi interface using modules in a program called reaktor. It's insane. It's seriously like rocket science. Really not what I expected.

I think there are lots of tech-forums and information-sites on that on the web; at least when I looked up some related stuff in preparation for something, I found more than I ever thought possible. Maybe there is something similar for your field of studies?
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