chat, feelings, and random discussion thread

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I'm falling into my atrophy stage again. You know, that point where I've been branching out into all different stuff recently, and now I'm finding myself bored with a bunch of it, so I'm tending to retreat back into myself again. Usually that involves me taking a break here too, but I'm making a concerted effort to stick around. Mainly because I know this is something I like, but my attention span is shorter than a fish's.

I'm getting anxious, in a sense, too. Though that's not really the word for it. Jittery might be. Normally I go on a computer / internet kick for a few months, then go back to something in RL that's exciting. This is the first time in four years that I have no one nearby to hang out with, though, which is compounded by the fact that when I do get home, I'm generally too out of it to get up off my ass and do anything productive. So here I am, getting all bored with my computer games and such, and having no recourse. I'm probably gonna start using exercise as an outlet again, but there's no guarantee I'll do something productive, because hey, that takes work.

In other news, I'll probably be back on my computer kick in a couple of weeks, because I've been hearing rumors that Neverwinter Nights 2 may come out late Oct / early Nov. And it looks pimped out.

My feeling right now: really fucking excited, as I'm leaving for Cuba in 11 days, for one week at the beach, under the sun! Never took the plane before, I'm so excited ! :D
Kovenant84 said:
Never flown before? It's kinda cool at first. Then kinda boring.

i never liked flying... When the plane takes off, i feel like my stomach is going up...
And it is very boring especially long flights like from Belgium to the US...
Dark_Silence said:
i never liked flying... When the plane takes off, i feel like my stomach is going up...
And it is very boring especially long flights like from Belgium to the US...

That's why you should travel business/first class!!!

Take off is the second exciting moment in flying. #1 is landing :D
i got to fly in business class once (overbooking on a school trip, so the teacher managed to get a business class place forthe students who didnt have a seat... but still i didnt like it... it was better though.
is anyone here either from frankfurt or familiar with the city? it's very likely that i will have a job there starting from jan 2007. i've spent a single day in my life in the city therefore i'd appreciate more information.

edit: the only three phrases i know in german are "deutschland uber alles", "arbeit macht frei" and (courtesy of rahvin) "ich bin der teufel". is this ok to survive in germany for 2 years? :lol:
hyena said:
is anyone here either from frankfurt or familiar with the city? it's very likely that i will have a job there starting from jan 2007. i've spent a single day in my life in the city therefore i'd appreciate more information.

edit: the only three phrases i know in german are "deutschland uber alles", "arbeit macht frei" and (courtesy of rahvin) "ich bin der teufel". is this ok to survive in germany for 2 years? :lol:

Nein, es ist nicht gut :rolleyes: :lol: .

I've never liked very much flying either hehe, I hate the feeling of the plane crashing. I'm always rather scared heheee :cry: .

And next trip will be agony, since it's an I don't know how many fucking hours flight. To tell yr that'll be arriving the next day of which I left. Hehe.Lets hope that at least they give some food, if not I can imagine the newspaper titles:

"Lack of Food causes diabetic seizure to a worshiper of Satan."

Lil' Bloodred Ridin' Hood said:
Lets hope that at least they give some food, if not I can imagine the newspaper titles:

"Lack of Food causes diabetic seizure to a worshiper of Satan."


They give you food only once... but they give drinks more often. I guess you'd better take some food with you so you can eat something when you need it... I always take some cookies with me when i travel. And for such a long flight, you'll get thirsty because the air in the plane is dry. So take some water with...
Dark_Silence said:
They give you food only once... but they give drinks more often.

Did I miss where he mentioned what his destination is? Because I've noticed that on very long flights - let's say longer than 8 hours - they come for food at least twice: once they bring a proper meal (actually no, it's awful and you die from food poisoning on the spot, but ok), and then either breakfast or a snack, according to what is the time of day. I can testify this happens on most European airlines (Alitalia, Air France, Lufthansa...) and Delta. On even longer flights (more than 10 hours, perhaps) they even give you two full meals and about as many non-alcoholic drinks as you like.
i dont remember having food twice when i went to the USA. Curious. Maybe I was asleep when they served food. And yeah, the food is disgusting... And for drinks, they didnt serve as many as i wanted... maybe I could have asked...

LBRH: how many planes will you take? If you have to take more than one, then you will have food in each plane. well if it is in the middle of teh afternoon, they will probabily only give you some candies (like cookies, twix,...). Maybe you should just take a little something healthy for you, just in case... i dont know what they put in those junk food they serve in planes :lol:?
Dark_Silence said:
i dont remember having food twice when i went to the USA. Curious. Maybe I was asleep when they served food. And yeah, the food is disgusting... And for drinks, they didnt serve as many as i wanted... maybe I could have asked...

I was only given two meals once, on a Lufthansa flight from Frankfurt to Los Angeles (about eleven hours, obviously encompassing both a "lunch time" and a "dinner time" regardless of the nine-hour difference) and on the way back. In every other occasion, though, there was some equally annoying serving of either a slice of some disgusting pie made with the interior of boars died of old age (breakfast), or a slice of the scariest pizza in the universe (mid-afternoon snack). Maybe you forget, because you're not likely to miss that stuff since post-9/11 they do their best to wake you up enough to poison you with their sedative-filled food. :p

About the drinks: yes, you're supposed to either ask or just get up, reach the end or the middle of the aisle and look for plastic cups and soft drinks yourself. I used to find it rude until I decided it was much better than having flight attendants walk up and down the aisle all day/night long.
Im pretty pissed off at my friends at the moment. There is this guy, who has regular maturity-crisises, the first goes back like 3 years, when we were in Austria for skiing and one evening in a bar he just felt like randomly insulting people and went completely crazy afterwards, when we sat together (without him) to talk about what happened.
So, 2 months ago, him being the main admin of our school year's forum, he decided he'd move the forum to another site and close the old one. On the new board, he deleted every post complaining about his behaviour and in the end just threw the people out completely. Keep in mind it's our school year's board..
We did get our board back in the end, but never a word of apology or explanation.
Now one of my friends is in Poland for half a year and we're organising a trip to go see him for a weekend and said main admin wants to come along and no one says anything. It's like no one cares about what he did or why and it just pisses me off. It's like everyone's completely apathic, or thinks that a smile and polite silence are preferable to speaking your mind and drawing the line where it's due. I just said Im not gonna go on the trip if said nutjob is there, too, because Im not gonna spend 200+ euros for a weekend trip, just to see his face all the time, and so far all I get in response is disbelief.. like Im the one being rude here.
What does it take for them to grow some balls and a backbone? I think if this apathy continues, my former "friendships" are gonna suffer a serious break
actually if you fly overseas in business class you get good food (yummy dinner a la carte etc) and all the alcohol that you want. i guess that drinks are served sometimes in economy class as well, but i think this only applies to 12+ flights, ie if you're going from europe to south america or thailand or australia or whatever. also, one of my best inflight dining experiences ever was on czech airlines rome-prague-tallinn - proper china, very good fish, positively surprising wine. i've only flown coach once on the milan/NY route but i was asleep throughout so i haven't sampled any of the food. oh, and business on shorthaul is just stupid, you don't get anything either way.
rahvin said:
About the drinks: yes, you're supposed to either ask or just get up, reach the end or the middle of the aisle and look for plastic cups and soft drinks yourself. I used to find it rude until I decided it was much better than having flight attendants walk up and down the aisle all day/night long.

Hrm, well that's a change since the last time I flew, two years ago. Although that was within the US, so maybe it's different when flying overseas. Last time I did that was back in 2000.

And yeah, they usually serve you (disgusting as shit) food. I'm not sure if there's currently any restrictions on carry-on food and such wherever you are, but here in the US you're allowed to bring on water (that you've bought after security in the way too expensive stores there) and that's just about it.

NF:I'm feeling really lethargic and ill, but I'm not manifesting any symptoms of sickness besides those. It's really upsetting. I don't think it's lack of sleep, either, but I have no idea.

NF2: Just remembered that I'm pretty happy, in spite of how I feel. I'm gonna be going to an alumni thing at my highschool on the 27th, so I'll get to see a bunch of my friends from then. In addition, the next night, my grade school friend (was going to be part of the band I was supposed to sing for) is having a show nearby and asked me to come see him. Chances are I'll bump into some other grade school friends, which would be awesome.

Ah, and if you want a laugh, watch the video about Kov and his girlfriend:

:guh: reputation is back? have i been drinking again?

King Chaos said:
I wish my lecturer had a sense of humour. All he has is a terrible stammer. No lie. He struggles sentence to sentence. Physically he seems unaffected by our confused glares as he spits out late "Ts", but inside I think he wants to die. If you had a clinically bad stutter/speech impediment Some how I think a career in public speaking is just not an intelligent option *sigh*... poor guy. Still, I'm sort of learning... so in a way it's sort of inspirational.

ugh, that must be terrible, the worst we got was one that refused to use the microphone (and in our first year we were about 200) and used a loud voice only in the end of the sentences, it was fun to hear only a lot of "and then" and "that's it" :rolleyes:
heh, last year i had a professor who kept going back and forth through the slides she was showing, needless to say it was very hard to follow her..

this year instead i have one that really reminds me of a retired warrior dwarf, with a happy, happy smile :p
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Taliesin said:
Is that so? How did you get yours in the first place then? Do you have a fanclub you havent told us about?

Not through reputation threads, if that's what you mean. You're free to check my post history and see if I ever posted in one. In 2004 I used to post more and on other forums as well: many people I used to know on UM liked reputation and playing with it.

Also, I have no fanclub, but you're still an ass. ;)
Hiljainen said:
this year instead i have one that really reminds me of a retired warrior dwarf, with a happy, happy smile :p
I would trade in all of my lecturers and 40 gold for that man!

And hey, random topic... what are these rare looking new green crystals under our post counts?! Why do I only get 1? I am ace. I should have at least four... hundred. someone with power sort it!

NF: goodish. Exam tomorrow. I am as ready as Ill ever be... ish
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