Cheap Friends... Seriously WTF?!?!?!

Reign in Acai

Of Elephant and Man
Jun 25, 2003
Favela of My Dismay
So my buddies and I all gathered last night to celebrate the life of Climb Thar Hill, and another other chum who's birthday is in close proximity. All is fine and dandy as we dine at an affordable run of the mill joint, "Buca Di Beppo", italian ristorante. We order 3 entree plates (lasagna, veil parmesan, pizza,), several appetizers, and 6 pitchers of sam adams.

We feast on the patio, dining under a summer breeze... all is well. I excuse myself to go to the bathroom to piss out a couple brews worth of waste. Upon my return I am bewildered by the sad state of affairs.

Turns out 2 of our "friends" just got up and went home, without leaving their fair share of monetary support. It seriously was a wtf moment. These 2 fuckheads consumed an equal portion, just like everyone else. And even in the case that they didn't, any self respecting individual would of still threw some money on the table to help out. When it's a person's birthday, that person should not be scrounging up money to help pay for the bill! This is the job of the rest of the party!

One of the friends is now working full time, so he has no excuse. Hell I think the other "friend" is aswell, but I swear to the cosmos above. I have never seen this fuck offer up a dollar in support of any function without seeing the proverbial barrel of a gun! Yet the motherfucker came to dinner with an "IPOD" around his neck. WTF!?!??!?!?!?!!? :mad:
One of my "friends" owes me AT LEAST $100 and every time I mention it, he says he doesn't have any cash on him. So I compensate by smoking all his weed
Well one of the buddies acts like he's 18 yrs old and straight out of highschool. All last night at the table he was going on and on about how beautiful he is, and how our other friend can not match his prowess when it comes to drinking. (One of those cocky blokes, who talks about himself, but he does it in a way where it sounds like he's joking. I was guilty for having him go on though, as I was inebriated and found his nonsensical humor to be quite invigorating in the stupendous stupor I was sporting. But it goes without saying that jokes do not cover a $220 bill!!!!
You need better/new friends my friend. You're picky enough about races and sexes and religions and stuff, be more picky about your friends within your "allowable margin of humanity."

Sounds like your friends are worse than most of the gay guys and black guys and religious guys I know.
I have/had a friend like that, except he would generally use the line of "yea I'll hit you guys back later when I get payed." And by getting payed he would mean whenever he could find someone stupid enough to front him drugs to sell. :rolleyes: That got old fast.
lizard said:
why do people suck so hard anyway. nad's "pal" burning him on the amp, those deadbeats leaving you guys with the bill, Dick Sirloin's "bud" who can't pay back $100 but can buy weed.

wtf, seriously. it's time for a bird flu pandemic.

Yea its amazing how someone can still find ways to smoke hundreds of dollars of weed a month but cant pay the $500+ they've been borrowing for months to pay "bills" :Smug:
Oh and at the dinner table one of the deadbeats gave out "used porno" as birthday gifts. This usually is done in jest. But last night he was literally distributing movies such as "Barely Literate" & "Tia Takes all Cummers" for what seemed like 10 fucking minutes. There were literally like 16 fucking pornos on the dining table. One of our friends who didn't know the rest of the table much, had a "wtf" look on his face. It took the rapid consumption of alcohol to deal with such juvenile behavior.
Yea that shits stupid. I have had to, recently, do 'I'll hit you back later guys, I'm wickedwickedwickedwciked sorry, etc. etc.' but I actually do pay them back of course, and it wasn't a birthday, and they knew before hand.
we had this guy in our circle of friends back in HS that used to pull shit like that all the time ...
he was notorious in telling us at the last second that he had no money with him ... like usually when we went to the beach and as we were getting on the bus ... "hey guys, I have no money with me" .... fuuuuuuck .... so of course we did not leave him there, but pay for his bus ride and of course all his shit at the beach.

but he was a chick magnet once we were there, so it was worth it :loco:
That dinner fiasco last night was utterly embarrassing. Plus I felt like I got slapped in the face by two "friends".

If they said they were low on cash prior to this and offered to pay something back later, I wouldn't care, but they just downed our beer and ate our food and got up and left. Fuckers.

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