Children Of Bodom Have Broken Up

Lanterns said:
What's an excretory bunny? :loco:
Why don't you look it up on the dictionary?
Actually, I'll do that for you. Not sure if you actually know how to USE a dictionary.
Main Entry: ex·cre·to·ry
Pronunciation: 'ek-skr&-"tOr-E, -"tor-
Function: adjective
: of, relating to, or functioning in excretion <excretory ducts>
Main Entry: ex·cre·tion
Pronunciation: ik-'skrE-sh&n
Function: noun
1 : the act or process of excreting
2 : something excreted; especially : metabolic waste products (as urea and carbon dioxide) that are eliminated from the body and differ from a secretion in not being produced to perform a useful function
Oh, be careful whenever you meet the bunny. It might widdle on you!
Southern Belle in Hell said:
*off topic* Hylian those pictures on your site are awesome! My favorite one was the Leave Your World Behind! :)
Thank you! Those photos are quite old actually, I need to replace most of them with some of my new stuff.
I can show you some of my recent ones if you want. :Spin:
-Gavin- said:
"mocking widdle Wildchild." so was that? my point stands, if you don't like a thread, don't read it? Can you remember the last time something of value was posted on these boards? i can't.
I can! It was somewhere around 2001 or 2002. :loco:
Hylian said:
Not sure if you actually know how to USE a dictionary.
Not sure if you actually GOT my post: I didn't ask what "excretory" was, I asked what an "excretory bunny" was.
Hylian said:
Oh, be careful whenever you meet the bunny. It might widdle on you!
Actually, I have met him very briefly last year. He gave me an autograph, but DIDN'T pee on me; sorry to disappoint you.:)
Lanterns said:
Not sure if you actually GOT my post: I didn't ask what "excretory" was, I asked what an "excretory bunny" was.
I'm not sure if you actually GOT my reply: an "excretory bunny" is a two-tuple where the first element, excretory, is an adjective and the second element, bunny, is a noun.
Now, an adjective is a word belonging to one of the major form classes which typically serves as a modifier of a noun to denote a quality or characteristic of the thing named.
A noun, on the other hand, is a word or phrase that refers to a person, place, thing, event, substance or quality.

As I stated earlier, "excretory" is an adjective and "bunny" is a common noun. I have already told you what "excretory" is so maybe these rules will help you understand what an "excretory bunny" is.

Widdling bunny/rabbit
I don't think it would be possible to call alexi an excretory (widdling :loco::)) bunny though. Maybe expectorating bunny would be a more suitable label. :D
Hylian said:
Thank you! Those photos are quite old actually, I need to replace most of them with some of my new stuff.
I can show you some of my recent ones if you want. :Spin:

That would be awesome, please do so! :wave:
@Hylian -I know what nouns and adjectives are, thankyouverymuch.

[edit]It was a legitimate question I asked. As in, an excretory bunny could be ANY of the following: a bunny who is excreting something; a bunny who likes excretions in some form or way; a bunny who enjoys excreting; and so forth. I just asked which one you meant.


"Expectorating bunny" is very fitting though.
bodomite said:


I just posted this to get a rise out of people hehehe

Right when I saw the thread link I just thought who the fucking idiot is this..
Joonas Lehtonen said:
Right when I saw the thread link I just thought who the fucking idiot is this..
Maybe what you meant was: The first thing I thought as soon as I saw the thread was "who the fuck is this idiot?". :Spin: