Why don't you look it up on the dictionary?Lanterns said:What's an excretory bunny?![]()
Actually, I'll do that for you. Not sure if you actually know how to USE a dictionary.
Main Entry: ex·cre·to·ry
Pronunciation: 'ek-skr&-"tOr-E, -"tor-
Function: adjective
: of, relating to, or functioning in excretion <excretory ducts>
Pronunciation: 'ek-skr&-"tOr-E, -"tor-
Function: adjective
: of, relating to, or functioning in excretion <excretory ducts>
Main Entry: ex·cre·tion
Pronunciation: ik-'skrE-sh&n
Function: noun
1 : the act or process of excreting
2 : something excreted; especially : metabolic waste products (as urea and carbon dioxide) that are eliminated from the body and differ from a secretion in not being produced to perform a useful function
Oh, be careful whenever you meet the bunny. It might widdle on you!Pronunciation: ik-'skrE-sh&n
Function: noun
1 : the act or process of excreting
2 : something excreted; especially : metabolic waste products (as urea and carbon dioxide) that are eliminated from the body and differ from a secretion in not being produced to perform a useful function