3 arms and 6 penises, he's a muuuuuutanttttttMagSec4 said:You're both penises, you know that right?
Morbid In Rock said:Si, en Portugués és o mismo... un montón de palabras para decir sólo una en inglés...
Pero a mi no me gusta español tampoco portugués...és muy aburrido!A mi me gusta más italiano, alemán y finlandés!
Naughty naughty thomas!bodomite said:MADE YA LOOK HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
I just posted this to get a rise out of people hehehe
Haha, yeah. It rocked! I just want to see the n00bs cry when they see this one.bodomite said:HAHAHAAH daayymnmnnn this thing is like fuckin almost 3 years old bro haha
Mwuahahahahaha!brightkelly said:I had a heart attack. You should be responsible for my heart!
Hylian said:Mwuahahahahaha!
Bebli said:Okay, this whole thing of bringing back to life old threads has gone from idiotic/funny (I admit that 1 or 2 can be considered fun by some ppl out there), to simply rude behaviour. U are not showing any respect for the forum subscribers, and that sucks.
-Gavin- said:Subscribers? fuck off... Since when do we pay to be a part of here. It is a free service and you're just as able to join, as you are to go away if you don't like it.
If you want pathetic fanboyism, sucking alexi's nuts and other uninformed shite, join the scythes of Bodom forum. Joao ha been here for longer than you, he has been through the many ages of the board and has more right to bump old threads and laugh at the band than you. so keep silent and if you don't like the forum, leave.