Children of Bodom is Power Metal

Ex-cally-boo said:
Yes they are. Power metal with harsh vocals.

Well, I think every genre has certain elements that need to be met to make that classification, otherwise there is no point. Power metal requires a certain vocal style...not just singing, but a particular way of doing it. I mean if someone sung like the dude from Weezer or something it still wouldn't be power metal.
how are they power metal?? arent they more like trash metal? or somethin..i dont no...but they are way over rated..yes they r an awesome band...but they arent the greatest 1 ever...but they are fuckin awesome:headbang:
~blondie~ said:
how are they power metal?? arent they more like trash metal? or somethin..i dont no...but they are way over rated..yes they r an awesome band...but they arent the greatest 1 ever...but they are fuckin awesome:headbang:

They are more melodic than thrash and they use keyboards.
DemonHelm said:
Well, I think every genre has certain elements that need to be met to make that classification, otherwise there is no point. Power metal requires a certain vocal style...not just singing, but a particular way of doing it. I mean if someone sung like the dude from Weezer or something it still wouldn't be power metal.

Vocals do NOT have AAAANNNNNNNNNYYYYYYYYY bearing on genres what so ever.
Ex-cally-boo said:
Vocals do NOT have AAAANNNNNNNNNYYYYYYYYY bearing on genres what so ever.

there are some exceptions but as the larynx is a musical instrument it does play a role in defining genres. Screams are most common to black metal, growls/grunts to death metal, and falsetto to heavy/power metal.

A range of vocal styles can be employed by any band, but the aesthetics of their genre govern just one or similar vocal styles the most mic time.
Ex-cally-boo said:
Vocals do NOT have AAAANNNNNNNNNYYYYYYYYY bearing on genres what so ever.

I beg to differ. The vocal style of a band can be the ingrediant that crosses an otherwise heavy or thrash metal band into the arena of power metal.
- Too much relies on the vocals in power metal
- There needs to be an Epic or Grand feel to the music
- Keyboards when used follow in the epic / grand style and often have classical / movie score type arrangements

Children Of Bodom
- Screaming / growly vocals with no real worth held in the lyrics
- No Epic or Grand feel to the music
- Keyboards play solos but otherwise don't really do anything interesting

Children Of Bodom is more like Yngwie Malmsteen
- The early albums are awesome but the later ones are totally worthless
- Most people don't care about the vocals, many hate the vocals and it is safe to say that people care most about the music.
- Neo-Classical soloing styled soloing that jumps on a lot of cliche'd / shredder standard licks.
- Harmonized keyboard solos, stand alone keyboard solos, but other than that the keyboards just are held chords

This doesn't hold up for their last two records as they've American-ized their sound.

Other things.
- Alexi Laiho looks like Bret Michaels but Hot Topic-ified.
- Alexi Laiho has "Wild Child" in a tribute to WASP
- If they're a power metal band, they've not covered any power metal tracks; 3 thrash tracks and 5 80's metal tracks.

That is all
- Thank you
DemonHelm said:
I beg to differ. The vocal style of a band can be the ingrediant that crosses an otherwise heavy or thrash metal band into the arena of power metal.

Sorry but you are wrong. Infact, I'm not sorry so you are just wrong.