Children of Bodom songs you DON'T like

I like them all dood...
but the one i like the least... is Northern Comfort
still like it just not as much as the others :)
I like Angels dont kill the least of all their songs... but its ok tho..
Wow. Lots of Northern Comfort haters. Thats one of my faves on FTR. My least favorite is Taste of My Scythe. That or the Ramones cover.
Originally posted by Hatebreeder86

both red light in my eyes... the nail... wrath within... children of decadence .... thats it :)
Children of Decadence??!!! Oh my God!! That's one of the best songs in FTR Awesome intro and amazing solo at the end!

Originally posted by Barr WildChild
I dont like Hatebreeder..
Oh my GoD!!!!!!

and you see! you're making me sound like a bitch here