Christian Metal

The idea that Christianity cannot be a topic of a metal song is narrow minded and retarded. Each metal song lyric is an expression of the lyric writer. Whether it is based on the writer's world view, on fantasy storytelling, on actual events, based on feeling and emotions, mental and emotional states, or whatever. Many bands are out there just writing about extreme violence, and for what reason? Are these things they do? Advocate? Mostly it is just because that's what some metal bands do. Somewhat similar, I suppose, to horror movie writers. In that case is it more trve to write about something you actually do, or something just for "fun" or shock value?

Who is to say what topics are allowed in trve metal? I think anyone who sets limits on this is just narrow minded and false.

Yes, bery narrow minded to not want to hear a narrow minded individual share his Sunday thoughts with us over subpar riffs. If we simply admitted these were fantasy lyrics

Satanists? Please confirm that you truely believe those people believe every word in their lyrics...Face it Christian lyrics = Annoying, Satanic lyrics = good laugh.
look andrew, metal is badass christians are pansies, ever heard of a badass pansy?! what kind of hermaphroditic nonsense genre are you concocting?!

On the contrary i find Christian's to hardley be pansy's!! I used to be one i used to be a born again and if you call choosing something despite being ridiculed everday!! loosing almost all of your friends and being mocked by everyone!! if you call that being a pansy then i dunno.

On a side note why cant Christian's Play metal too? Just cuzz the first metal gods where into satan? soo because satan is all bad and powerfull he deserves to be sung about more than some all powerful being called god? Pretty screwed up. Nothing wrong with Christians and nothing wrong with Christian Metal you guys just got to get your overly obsessed "metal has to be bad and rebellious" heads out of your asses to realize it.
On the contrary i find Christian's to hardley be pansy's!! I used to be one i used to be a born again and if you call choosing something despite being ridiculed everday!! loosing almost all of your friends and being mocked by everyone!! if you call that being a pansy then i dunno.

no i call that being an idiot, the 'pansy' part is all that thou shalt not kill bullshit, what kind of nonce came up with that
You people are morons... Metal is a genre of music. Black Metal essentially came from Heavy Metal, which came from the Blues, which came from spiritual southern african-americans... hmm the root of metal grew from the seeds in the Bible belt of America. People nowadays use metal as a style not music. They have to be big and bad and the best way to do that is with satanic lyrics (look at Slayer). 95% of the bands aren't even satanists or certainly are hypocrites because they don't practice what they preach (sing). Now bands like Gorgoroth, Burzum, Mayhem... they seems to actually be the real "Black Metal".

Check out these two bands... ones folk/black metal... the other is black metal... they have christian lyrics, doesn't change the style, they are as black metal as other black metal bands. If you didn't hear what evorklidon was singing about but heard the vocals/guitars/bass/drums they would be labeled as black metal. Everyone tries to make all these genres of metal but half of them are retarded. Christian/melodic/death/black/hardcore/metal... gimme a break

Black Metal - It is typically abrasive and often uses fast tempos, high-pitched electric guitars played with tremolo picking, high-pitched shrieking vocals, and unconventional song structures. It is prone to experimentation and certain elements typical to black metal are not always used by every band within the genre.
the seeds of everything grew out of the big bang hey i guess everything is like compatible with everything


It's not like that. Blues is a very "dark" style of music most people were used to back them. Just look at all the african-americans had to go through. That is how these more "evil" sounding bands came to form. I'm defending music for music's sake. I actually enjoy/study what bands present on their cd's. I don't judge the lyrically stance, I judge the music itself. I'm sorry there are black metal bands with christian lyrics, they are still the black metal genre no matter what tag you put on them (christian unblack - holy white metal) It's still black metal. Even guys like satyricon (in a black metal documentary) say that the black metal music doesn't need to be satanist, but dark.
Who is to say what topics are allowed in trve metal? I think anyone who sets limits on this is just narrow minded and false.

Excellent AchrisK... these uber trve satantist noobs are waaaay to narrow minded and i dont think they even really enjoy/understand the music, they are too into the style like they are in hot topic or soemthing.

It's not like that. Blues is a very "dark" style of music most people were used to back them. Just look at all the african-americans had to go through. That is how these more "evil" sounding bands came to form. I'm defending music for music's sake. I actually enjoy/study what bands present on their cd's. I don't judge the lyrically stance, I judge the music itself. I'm sorry there are black metal bands with christian lyrics, they are still the black metal genre no matter what tag you put on them (christian unblack -holy white metal ) It's still black metal. Even guys like satyricon (in a black metal documentary) say that the black metal music doesn't need to be satanist, but dark.

Stop quoting Wikipedia's music theory page please. Black Metal's roots are about as much blues as they are Rap/techno.

BTW Does holy white metal sound dark to you? Thanks for ruling that out.
:rolleyes: at what this thread has become.

P.S. Listen to Extol's Undeceived. Good stuff. Just got some more Living Sacrifice. \m/ Oh!
I hate and despise the proselytization and insidiousness of religion in the media.Mostly condemn the introduction of Christianity in a music style that was founded in rebellion to the political, religious and moral authorities. The listeners and players are contradictories to the philosophy metal.