Queen Nicole
The idea that Christianity cannot be a topic of a metal song is narrow minded and retarded. Each metal song lyric is an expression of the lyric writer. Whether it is based on the writer's world view, on fantasy storytelling, on actual events, based on feeling and emotions, mental and emotional states, or whatever. Many bands are out there just writing about extreme violence, and for what reason? Are these things they do? Advocate? Mostly it is just because that's what some metal bands do. Somewhat similar, I suppose, to horror movie writers. In that case is it more trve to write about something you actually do, or something just for "fun" or shock value?
Who is to say what topics are allowed in trve metal? I think anyone who sets limits on this is just narrow minded and false.
Yes, bery narrow minded to not want to hear a narrow minded individual share his Sunday thoughts with us over subpar riffs. If we simply admitted these were fantasy lyrics
Satanists? Please confirm that you truely believe those people believe every word in their lyrics...Face it Christian lyrics = Annoying, Satanic lyrics = good laugh.