Circus Maximus


Mike the Cop
Aug 4, 2002
This band rocks. Every time I see them, they get better and better. They have no problem shifting tempo and changing songs up (the extended intro to the Prophesy on Wed nite was totally on the fly). They just come out on stage and lay waste. And they look cool as hell doing it:headbang:.

I'm not saying anything that everyone on the board doesn't already know. I'm just posting this to recognize the guys for the awesome music they bring and the outstanding way they treat all the PPUSA attendees.

Kudos guys and I can't wait to see you again!

AND thanks for the excellent treat of Jayce and the Wheeled Warriors!
CM is quickly becoming one of the most popular bands around...I truly believe these guys will be as big as band like Symphony X, Stratovarius, etc....after the new cd and some tour support! I said this to Ken Golden right before as he signed them and it's happening as they continue to drop jaws every time they play! Kudos to Ken for getting these guys out there!
I truly believe these guys will be as big as band like Symphony X, Stratovarius, etc....after the new cd and some tour support!

…from your lips to god’s ears…

Love, love, LOVE Circus Maximus! Of course, as a co-sponsor, I am slightly biased. :lol: These guys demonstrate top-notch musicianship all around, with perfectly crafted songs that can go from beautifully tranquil to balls-out rocking in the blink of an eye.

Killer vocals are a major part of what draws me to a band, and Mike is definitely one of the very best in the business. Listening to him perform “Ultimate Sacrifice” live – DAMN, major goosebumps!!!!! Plus, there can’t be too many bands out there where EVERY guy can sing – this definitely adds to their live performance.

I look forward to hearing many more albums from these guys…and hopefully enjoying a headlining tour one day!
I wasn't sure what to expect on Saturday. Their original 2005 performance was simply amazing. However, at the time, I was expecting to hear one set and leave. After that performance made me a big fan, I thought their follow-up showcase performance was lackluster. I began to wonder if their 2005 performance benefited greatly from the element of surprise. While their Wednesday night performance was a ton of fun, I wouldn't say they sounded like one of the elite Prog Metal acts I consider them to be. However, Saturday's performance was simply breathtaking. I loved the little changes they through into their own songs. The harmonies were superb. The sound was great and the band just out and out brought it.

From where we were standing (floor, stage right), it seemed that they had the biggest crowd of the weekend, with the possible exception of Sabaton.

They were my performance of Saturday easily, and i u happened to notice them constant coming to stage left and point and giving horns, I am 95% sure they point at me and friends going absolutely fucking apeshit. To me this was easily their best performance they have put on at PP, and I cant thank them enough. I know that this sounds like I am just kissing ass or that its out of hand, but for me "Glory Of The Empire" is my favorite composition of music ever. It has everything that I love about power and prog metal. It was this time that it brought me to tears, absolutely fucking amazing. I even get goosebumps just thinking of them playing it as I type.


<Wayne's World>
</Wayne's World>
Circuse Maximus stole the show Saturday night...Besides Fates, they had the best sound by far...Great, great job men....I was very impressed..Their talent level is extremely high and their future is endless

It was the best feeling ever seeing the band you're looking forward to most COMPLETELY exceed expectations. :kickass:

That version of Sin NEEDS to be on the DVD, I think I shat my pants over 300 times during the instrumental section.
I wasn't sure what to expect on Saturday. Their original 2005 performance was simply amazing. However, at the time, I was expecting to hear one set and leave. After that performance made me a big fan, I thought their follow-up showcase performance was lackluster. I began to wonder if their 2005 performance benefited greatly from the element of surprise. While their Wednesday night performance was a ton of fun, I wouldn't say they sounded like one of the elite Prog Metal acts I consider them to be. However, Saturday's performance was simply breathtaking. I loved the little changes they through into their own songs. The harmonies were superb. The sound was great and the band just out and out brought it.

From where we were standing (floor, stage right), it seemed that they had the biggest crowd of the weekend, with the possible exception of Sabaton.


Agreed. This year was a step up from the previous showcase performance, and the Wed night thing. I would've preferred to hear Mike Maximus singing instead of the guy right behind me, but what can you do?
Quite frankly, CM is one of the best live bands I've ever seen, period! I've seen them three times now and they haven't disappointed. IMO, I think most veteran prog bands would be scared to have these guys open for them. :kickass:

I would've preferred to hear Mike Maximus singing instead of the guy right behind me, but what can you do?

Sorry. I was really into it. :(

edgeofthorns said:
Quite frankly, CM is one of the best live bands I've ever seen, period! I've seen them three times now and they haven't disappointed. IMO, I think most veteran prog bands would be scared to have these guys open for them.


It'd be like Van Halen opening for Ted Nugent on their first national tour.
Lord knows I was totally blown away n' having fun getting to finally see them again...

They are awesome musicians and guys...

they rule... :worship:notworthy
When Power Quest got scratched, there was no doubt where my sponsorship money was going and these guys did NOT dissappoint! Fucking spectacular!!!! The sound was great, even from in front of the barrier which is rare and the performance was stellar. One thing I've noticed about CM is that their sets definitely have a "build" to them. I'm always worried that the energy is not there in the first couple of songs, but about 3-4 songs in it just seems like it's a freight train that you can't stop! It's GREAT! The really proggy songs are good, but "Arrival of Love" is one of my favorites and it's a very intricate song on guitar. To pull that song off as cleanly as they do is unbelievable. Amazing.
They were phenomenal!! Did someone say Truls was hilarious?


On the train back from a day at the world of coca-cola with Amy & I. 3-D glasses from a movie on the tour.


Lasse with his 3-D glasses and his free coke


Lasse, Amy and Truls tasting some of the good and bad :lol:

They are the nicest guys in the world. Mikey too, he would shake my hand whenever we bumped into each other :lol:


Amy and Mikey at The Artmore

We will never forget the time we spent with them :headbang:
Their performance was flawless, words can't really describe how good they were. I can't wait to see them again in the future.