

Self Bias Resistor
Feb 7, 2002
Marlboro Mass
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Is anyone else sick of the loser douchebags who whine and cry about people being close minded just because they dont like somthing the other person does or because they have a strong opinion about somthing? Fuck all you people who bitch about that, that dick dill the devil made some lame comment like "did you have surgery to be that close minded" because i hate hardcore. Usually these fags arent openminded and just claim to be anyways. So fuck you kids
Listen, fair enough if you don't like the hardcore bands you've heard - but when you said 'hardcore is and always will be gay', that was out of order. You've written off an entire musical genre because you haven't liked the bands you've heard so far!
Personally, I think I am pretty open minded. I have to be - this website sends me around ten albums a month to review, and I usually get another fifteen to twenty from Copro records. This month alone I got two goth metal bands, two progressive metal bands, one hip-hop band with punk influences, one old-school punk band, one reggae/ska band, two death or grind bands, two black metal bands, one split CD with a hardcore band and a nu-metal band, and God alone knows what else. And I have to listen to all of these and make a fair, unbiased judgement on them. I've had jazz/progressive/goth mix CDs, for God's sake. And I liked them!
I consider myself to be open to styles of music I either haven't heard or previously haven't liked much. I get annoyed when people write off entire genres on the basis of one or two bands.
And by the way - my original comment was meant to be fairly light-hearted in tone. Did I strike a nerve or something?
I've heard so many more hardcore bands than I can name or count and been to way to may shows where hardcore bands play and they have all been garbage. Who cares if someone "writes off a genre" it shoudlnt affect you in any way.
Originally posted by dill_the_devil
I've had jazz/progressive/goth mix CDs, for God's sake. And I liked them!

Now, I like the sound of that ;) What band was it? Hmm? ;)

And JESUSATAN if you make such blatantly biased and blind sweeping judgments of course some-one is going to say something....

Its just as bad as the people who say all metal has no musical merit, which as (I hope) we all know has no basis in truth. If you want to be associated with that kind of idiocy, fine, just don't expect people to stand by and agree.
I posted a thread like this a while ago on the Iron Maiden BB (well, actually, I wasn't quite so angry and cursing and calling people fags, but...). Basically I asked if people thought that metal fans were close-minded, becasue a lot of my non-metal friends give me shit for being so opinionated about metal. I think that to a certain degree that metal fans are close-minded, but some one brought up a really good point when they said that most no-metal fans are completely unwilling to even listen to metal and will completely shut out anything that is labeled as "metal". So fuck them. Tell them to shove it up their arse.
Originally posted by metalcrypt
If I had $10 for every time someone called me close-minded for stating that I don't like this or that band, I'd be able to buy so many CDs I'd have to hire someone to help me listen to them.

:lol: Me too Michel... I would be a millionär right now ! :)
Originally posted by godisanathiest

Now, I like the sound of that ;) What band was it? Hmm? ;)

The band was Sleepless... buggered if I can remember what record label they were on, but the album's called 'Winds Blow Higher'. Sounds like a cool mix between Lacrimosa, Nine Inch Nails and Angelo Badalementi's jazz score for the soundtrack to The Lost Highway, as I believe I put it in the review. Check 'em out, they're cool!
Originally posted by metalcrypt
If I had $10 for every time someone called me close-minded for stating that I don't like this or that band, I'd be able to buy so many CDs I'd have to hire someone to help me listen to them.

Now, personally I've never called anyone closed-minded for disliking a single band. That's down to personal opinion and experience. It's when someone discounts an entire musical genre that I start to get tetchy - no matter how many bands you might have heard, there could be some out there that you haven't heard yet that might tickle your fancy, so to speak.
Dismissing an entire musical movement as 'gay' would only be acceptable on the terms that the dismisser had heard every band in that genre that exists or has ever existed, and disliked every single one of them. Not very likely, is it?
Generally, I really like hardcore, but I have heard some sucky examples. I don't much like Blood For Blood, Kevlar HC or Half My Time, for instance. I think Poison The Well are overrated, too. But I won't deny that these bands have made music that people enjoy, or that they have the potential to improve (in my opinion) to a point where I might like them more.
So, am I being elitist or reasonable? You decide for yourselves. Personally, I'm bored of the issue, having spent most of this week defending myself for liking Staind at school. *shrugs*
Originally posted by JESUSATAN
Is anyone else sick of the loser douchebags who whine and cry about people being close minded just because they dont like somthing the other person does or because they have a strong opinion about somthing? Fuck all you people who bitch about that, that dick dill the devil made some lame comment like "did you have surgery to be that close minded" because i hate hardcore. Usually these fags arent openminded and just claim to be anyways. So fuck you kids

Yes! I can't stand those people, i hate hardcore and emo and people call me closed-minded for it. aren't we allowed our own opinions...
What I truly like about true metal fans is they are actually pretty close-minded and opinionated, yes, but they will always stand by their genre and their bands, protect and support them the best they can. I've currently been talking to a dude who listens to Korn, Limp Bizkit and other shite like that, I told him how I hate the bands and so on. He'd answer "oh well... y'know... let's drink another beer"... I told that fellow what kinda piece of shit he really is if he can't even argue about that! Had he said a goddamn word about Usurper or NunSlaughter, I'd fucking stuff him with broken glass! Guys, I'm with you! METAL FOREVER!
Originally posted by dill_the_devil
The band was Sleepless... buggered if I can remember what record label they were on, but the album's called 'Winds Blow Higher'. Sounds like a cool mix between Lacrimosa, Nine Inch Nails and Angelo Badalementi's jazz score for the soundtrack to The Lost Highway, as I believe I put it in the review. Check 'em out, they're cool!

I'll look out for that one :) Cheers
This is the most upsetting thing to me.... why should I as a metalhead be forced into listening to other types of music if I so choose not to? If I like a particular type of thing then why do I need to branch out into other things that are not what I am into just so I wont be called"closed-minded? It is the most rediculous thing I have ever heard!! Why does anyone in society waste time deciding that because I exclusively listen to metal that I am closed minded? Why is it their concern what I listen to- and how does being interested in a Genre of music that is a vast as metal make me close minded?If you like something that you cant find in any other type of music why do you need to sell yourself out just to be open minded.. I think all Metalheads are openminded-it seems like that no matter where I go -ppl into metal are more open about LIFE and things in general than non metalheads. Isnt that whats important being open to life and ideals and concepts?
Anyone who accuses you of being closed minded doesnt understand what it means to be metal.. doesnt understand loyality and doesnt understand that metal offers things that other music doesnt have!! And its soo true that they wouldnt be caught dead listening to metal-what hypocrytes. I would hardly call a genre of music that goes from Slayer to Theatre of Tragedy(old) Napalm Death to Nightwish as being a closed vein of music... metal has it all!! We need to stop making excuses for listening to metal- and be proud of being Metal-
Dill - you're so fucking articulate in your response, did you not learn anything in the hate pit? :lol: The dark side beckons, muwahaa haa ha.

Your response to JESUSATAN should have been, "You! In the hate pit now!", and the need for articulation dissolves as if by magic when you enter our world of hate....think of it as a kind of "thunderdome"....we are the outcast that prevail.....

...so forward your haters to us (you know the URL) - the pit of hate is always looking for new members, heh heh.....

:devil: :devil:
Yes, The Pit awaits you all! Mwaaaahaahaahaa!

Dill the Thrill, you know that I am a very closed minded individual, in fact I am proud to be close minded, at least I have the ability to think for myself, eh? I am extremely opinionated and you all may read my opinions at any given time, be prepared, My stances aren't for the faint of hearted, and I will not back down from any argument, unless it has to do with Joey's mum,Fuck You Joey!:D
So basically to be called a "metalhead" you must only follow metal? Have no outside influences? One Genre only? I think that's sad because several of the bands out there have outside influences. I heard of the guys in Cannibal Corpse has a Jazz band for fuck's sake. Being forced to like something else really does turn a person off to other genres but what is the fucking harm in giving something new a try? I mean if you listen to the same cd or record over and over again for every single day of the year you will eventually become bored of it or even become numb to the feels that it once brought you. I think giving other genres a shot isn't bad but only when you are forced into something it is.
I totally agree, but MetalMaiden had a point - I have reached that point now when I feel comfortable resorting to metal as my comfort zone. I don't need to try other genres because I have been there, done it, bought the f'ing t-shirt. I went through every phase in my life of trying other genres, but metal is where the heart is.

I'm not saying that I don't appreciate other genres (especially classical, my god, I could not live without JS Bach) but metal is where my roots are firmly planted. And what a comfortable spot it is...ahh. :)

Some genres I will always hate though - country and western, and modern jazz. I also hate most progressive metal because I think it is pretentious, and generally speaking, the people who listen to prog metal are pretentious themselves. The 'snobs' of metal if you will. (Again - not all prog fans, but some).