COBOT: the Album

Thanks man!

I can come up with some rythym backing for you, i just usually write my solos first then the rythym behind it, but that's just me.

I'll come up with a few different ones today and you can pick the one you like the most and give it a go. How many bpm can you play up to on your leads?

It'd be better if you can send me a BT because it's easier for me to fit in the solo if you don't mind :)
Here's a clip of the song I'll probably be entering.

You can say it's bodom after midnight inspired haha

and children of cob, I've got your strings and shit done I just gotta get em off my recording comp.

Nice dude! But does Lowberg have anything to do with this? It sounds exactly like his Bodom type song, even sounds like his vocals and drum samples...

Great solo though, very clean playing!
^Nope, or not as far as I know. It's actually pretty similar to what Necromancer usually does if you ask me :p

@Necromancer: Dude! I listened to it now, and it really kicks some serious ass! I kind of see what you mean about BAM, but it's only a bit. I'm really looking forward to hearing the full version!
Nice dude! But does Lowberg have anything to do with this? It sounds exactly like his Bodom type song, even sounds like his vocals and drum samples...

Great solo though, very clean playing!

Nope. It's me and even a different drum VST. :lol:


^Nope, or not as far as I know. It's actually pretty similar to what Necromancer usually does if you ask me :p

@Necromancer: Dude! I listened to it now, and it really kicks some serious ass! I kind of see what you mean about BAM, but it's only a bit. I'm really looking forward to hearing the full version!

Thanks! :kickass:

A close friend thinks it sounds exactly like BAM. :lol:
Everything is real but the prog'd drums, but they were programmed by my drummer.

I.e. those awesome sweeps at the beginning are really done by my keyboardist.
Nice dude! But does Lowberg have anything to do with this? It sounds exactly like his Bodom type song, even sounds like his vocals and drum samples...

Great solo though, very clean playing!

I WISH. Jon is fucking nuts, I hope that WormWood Prophecy and my band can tour together someday and annihilate the US

His band reminds me a lot of this one local band Warblade, that used to play shows with my band a lot (except Jon's band is like 100x Better lol)
I WISH. Jon is fucking nuts, I hope that WormWood Prophecy and my band can tour together someday and annihilate the US

His band reminds me a lot of this one local band Warblade, that used to play shows with my band a lot (except Jon's band is like 100x Better lol)

Lulz, how's the band going? We've been playing out a shitload, putting gay little venues and bands to waste.

We are playing with these dudes next week

Fucking hair metal!

Anyways, yes let's fucking blow some shit up and drink beer.
Who wants to do an Egyptian Nile/Necrophagist style solo for my song ?
Its NOT meant to be fast or technical, more an atmospheric kind of thing.
Im lucky i got some of the song done so far, i could provide the entire Bg parts as nearly finals, further info via pm (dont want to spoil anything).
The problem would be, that i dont know if i finally get that bastard done until deadline (would be cool to have a guest solo on there anyways).

Anyways, im ready, just send me a pm or comment here.
I'm pulling out, I'm not going to get mine done in time :(
Brent, I still think I might be able to do that solo for you, but I won't be doing my song.
Count me out, Dave. :(
WTF? Why? I mean, we've extended the deadline around a month and a half more than when we talked about a previous one in May or so when we decided making the third one, there's beena bunch of time to do it man, and you still have around a month, how can it take so long? And you even have it written already, so it's not like you have to write it. Come on people! Even me, having a month less than all of you (I was away the whole July with no guitars or means to write) have it all done. If you had to pay studio time you'd have it done in 5 days :lol: