COBOT: the Album

Sure I can do that. Let me know what you have in mind.

Have you heard the song Guardians of Asgaard by Amon Amarth? I was thinking something a bit like that, alternating between in the verses and doing it together in the chorus/interludes.
Let me know if you have Guitar Pro and I'll send you the file.
I bought EWQL Goliath.

Im freaking out right now, got it like 200 bucks cheaper.

Songs getting better, still not clear if there will be vocals ...

Orchestration is killing me, but it works well.
I would vote for october, simply to refine my song and my parts.
Ok, October is fine, but work your asses out and get it done for October, don't have it on till Christmas plox. I squashed my head during august because I thought I was a month behind you guys (as I was in Ireland in July and could write nothing) and I wanted to come up with something and now only Ensi has pretty much it done :p
Hats off to this album, blew me away Sir.

Better than the trash you see on the charts now days. Clive comin' at ya, like a flannel!
i'm mostly done with my song, i'm just kinda looking for someone to throw something else on it so it's not so monotonous in the leads. I don't like having one lead player if there is more than one solo =P
Have you recorded the rythm guitars/have a bt to send? I've tried playing over the GP file, but to play solos is a pain in the ass, I'd much rather have the bt (even if it's just the bit over which I have to play) and put it on repeat and start playing if you have it :)

And I agree with Ensi, please let's set a real deadline which is not later than October, PLEASE!
What I don't understand is how can you AGREE on a deadline, then later say you didn't have time?

I mean, you can't be THAT busy to compose and record a song.
Have you recorded the rythm guitars/have a bt to send? I've tried playing over the GP file, but to play solos is a pain in the ass, I'd much rather have the bt (even if it's just the bit over which I have to play) and put it on repeat and start playing if you have it :)

I can come up with some rythym backing for you, i just usually write my solos first then the rythym behind it, but that's just me.

I'll come up with a few different ones today and you can pick the one you like the most and give it a go. How many bpm can you play up to on your leads?