COBOT: the Album

So the cover is going to be like the Guitar Heros album? I think that's a great idea, may I suggest also putting the original pictures together in one, like an alternative album cover.

Or maybe you were going to do it anyway, I don't read this thread very much :p
If I get all the original pictures too (Enmity can send me the ones he's used) I can do that too and have both. Maybe one for front and the other for back or like two alternative covers or however you guys want it :)
Now we got the album art rolling, everybody please update your status for your song!

Me: Finished recording, wrote lyrics, awaiting lowerg to do the vocals guest solo and mastering of the track,
Do you mean if there's actually a "real" or phisic or whatever version of the album? If that, no. I have make one myself but printing the cover and fitting it into a regular case, and drawing then stupid crap on the CD, but we don't get it edited, just recorded, uploaded to Sendspace or whatever and download it :)

Take a listen and tell us what you think if you have time/want to :D