COBOT: the Album

Can I make the artwork for the album?

No. You're poser and christian. Also I already have some ideas for the cover. My friend is really artsy, so he will do it.

Yeah it would be awesome:lol:

But remember, we must never play live. We need to put a CD player in a deep rock cavern, then let it ring out so the people can hear the echoes.

Well I never even intended on playing live, cus it's mainly one-man band. I should have all session members. But cool, you're on! I'll let you know later.

Oh and we must produce 10 CD's, then wait 8 years to release it, so it becomes cult.

Actually this part is wrong. I wasn't going to put in CD, only to Youtube and few K7-copies, which I spread in underground scene.
Well I did an artwork sample anyway, tell me if you like it.
