COBOT: the Album

I'm really excitede about it, there are quite some great players around here, so I think this is an album I'm gonna give a lot of listens to :kickass: Not my song though, thrash/death riffs with no vocals are no good thing, I hope that you guys like the solos at least :lol:
Can I submit stuff for the next COBOT album? This thread caught my attention and I think I can record at least one killer track. I'd show some of my stuff but the technique is horrible (Resemblant of a cat walking over a fretboard, I'm told) so regardless of how good the songs are, I just won't post them till I get a good recording.

In any case, I think I have what it takes. So yeah, is there even gonna be a second or third?
I think that will depend on how succesfull this one is. But I guess there will be, yea.
Oh you :rolleyes:

...So...Anyone up for talking about writing techniques?

1) Plan
Get notes, basic beat, and "epic effect" down in my head

2) Jam
Complete randomization around aforementioned items.

Works well, but on a different level. Step 1 can be modified any way I want it, to work with a song or just to fuck around.
Arrangement/Structure is key, you don't want too much repetition.. I tend to go for the classic "intro guitar into first verse" etc then maybe a chorus, or sometimes I bring back the intro for a bit more awesomeness..

Although, upon re-reading your question, I doubt if that is the answer :p
No, not necessarily true. You enjoy structure to your music, and truthfully so do I but what I describe is randomizing what you like in a progression or chord sequence. Just taking the best of the best, in that case, because everytime you repeat the riff it should be able to change dynamically, from wierd timing to tempo changes. That's actually what I do in one of my songs, "In The Age of Thunder and Fear" where I do a bunch of crazy arpeggio's at a certain tempo (The riff before the first chorus, if you have heard it) after playing a faster tempo riff.

But if I were to arrange something, I just put the feel in my head keeping in mind that it has to accomplish a certain effect (Intro riff, let's say), get the notes to represent it, then work on timing by playing those notes over again, intermingling chords with progression and chugs. I fucking love it, it's such an easy technique :p