COBOT: the Album

I have Drumkit from Hell, I could make you a track.

But I won't be able to do shit for 2-3 weeks due to not being home :(

Were's snuslord going?

Anyways, there are some ideas of my drawing style...

I'll let you guys think of what you would like me to do since I'm not really anyone to be deciding what it should or shouldn't look like.:)

Holy crap! Is that scanned or drawed in computer? Anyway, it's reallt cool dude! You do draw pretty good indeed!
Holy crap! Is that scanned or drawed in computer? Anyway, it's reallt cool dude! You do draw pretty good indeed!

Yeah, i drew them and scanned them:)


Here is the guitar pro file of what i have so far...

@Mystique I couldn't figure out how to convert it into a gp4 file, but i'll keep trying.

Anyways, I hope you guys like it so far. I'm open to criticism.
^shit dude, your song is pretty cool :headbang:
also if you can actually play those guitar solos I am extremely envious :lol::kickass:

Thanks, that means alot to me :)

None of those solos are that hard at all :rofl:

They just sound flashy lol.

I kind of want to have some sort of intro thing before that first riff maybe, and i just wanted those solos to be kind of a fill thing. I was listening to They Will Return alot by Kalmah when i wrote this:lol:
anyone wants to check out my song and give some feedback, I uploaded the MIDI soundfile of the guitarpro tab here

Well... to be honest, I didn't enjoy it. It sounds really amateurish (especially the drums), nothing memorable in it and overall it's kind of boring. Every beginner could write that. Sorry.


In other news, I'd really really love to participate in this album. It might get kinda difficult for me to record a solo. So if anyone could make a solo, it'd be awesome :)

Recording the rhythm and pretty much everything else wouldn't be a problem. I'd even mix it all myself.

And also, I've been looking for a chance to write something that differs from my usual stuff :)
Necrö;8421813 said:
Well... to be honest, I didn't enjoy it. It sounds really amateurish (especially the drums), nothing memorable in it and overall it's kind of boring. Every beginner could write that. Sorry.


In other news, I'd really really love to participate in this album. It might get kinda difficult for me to record a solo. So if anyone could make a solo, it'd be awesome :)

Recording the rhythm and pretty much everything else wouldn't be a problem. I'd even mix it all myself.

And also, I've been looking for a chance to write something that differs from my usual stuff :)


back to the drawing board :/
apply EQ/Compressor/Reverb to it afterwards too and it wll sound killeeer.

Hey fuck me I didn't think of that D:

Gonna do that for sure :kickass:

Yeah, i drew them and scanned them:)


Here is the guitar pro file of what i have so far...

@Mystique I couldn't figure out how to convert it into a gp4 file, but i'll keep trying.

Anyways, I hope you guys like it so far. I'm open to criticism.

Niceeee man, I like it.

But it could need some more variation. Especially in the solo as it's only 16ths :O

And TheKid, yes your song was a bit beginner ish :( But keep working.

A tip a friend gave to me: Make a simple riff, then add/change stuff until it sounds decent.