College life: without a doubt, the worst wakeup call ever

Yeah thats right. I'm the guy waking up with hairy legs in my face? Sounds like someone passed out during his first male 69er.
Pyrus said:
I'm sorry, I can't hear you over the sound of the massive flows of blood gushing out of your mangina. Come back when you're done manstruating, cockholster.
Man, that had to be the best comeback I have ever heard. I can't believe you brag so openly about waking up next to a man.
you TOTALLY screwed up your opportunity:
hahahaha spooky story. When I read the first couple of lines I was thinking.. shouldnt you be writing this to playboy or something? But then along came that hairy leg and I was like whoa.
Because that didn't happen. I woke up as soon as he fell into my bed, and I count myself lucky that I did–who knows what might've happened if I hadn't?

Apparently, he came into my room because he thought it was the room next door, and my bed was the bed of the girl who lives there. Or at least, that's his story.