Language enthusiast
See you tonight then!Oh and btw I'll see Katatonia tomorrowwho without Fred and Mattias will be a little less familiar

Wow, I'm sorry to hear Swany. I'm lucky to never have had a car accident, but I can only imagine what it does to you, mentally and physically. Glad to hear you're OK and the show was good! I'm looking forward to see them tonightI wanted to write something nice about the Cologne show, how much it surprised me and how great it was... but it's all overshadowed by the accident I had on my way back home. Due to a sudden snowstorm and black ice I lost control of my car on the motorway, crashed into the guarding rail, turned around myself and kept on slipping until a heap of snow stopped me... My newly (& expensively) repaired love of a car looks like shit, I hit my head on the steering wheel, got a shock in my neck (or how you call that) and was almost frightened to death...
But I'M SO FUCKING FUCKING FUCKING GLAD that this didn't turn out to be my very last Katatonia show ever and that I can go to see them again in April <3