
in our gig jamie has sing too!!!!! :DDDD and now i only miss dark tranquillity(they will recording this show for the upcoming dvd) and after i will go to see antimatter+ duncan patterson and all my faith lost for 2 times maybe!
in our gig jamie has sing too!!!!! :DDDD and now i only miss dark tranquillity(they will recording this show for the upcoming dvd) and after i will go to see antimatter+ duncan patterson and all my faith lost for 2 times maybe!

wow you just saw anathema and now your gonna see anathema covers lol (I read at the antimatter homepage their setlist will be a mix of antimatter/ion/anathema songs)

A shame youll mis the Dark Tranquility show, Id love to see those guys live.
guy the best days of my life..i was going to see dark tranquillity yesterday!they were amazing..god i wish to can go to see the in brew house in gothenburg ç_ç...
Honestly, the last couple of times I saw Dark Tranquillity I thought they weren't very good at all. Stanne has a pretty good stage show, but the band lacks power and conviction. Some friends went to see them here in Dordrecht last Sunday and apparently they weren't all that great there either. It seems as if particularly Jivarp is the weak link.

I saw them on their first European tour as support of Six Feet Under in late 1995, they played just for half an hour, but they really kicked ass, great gig. Also 6 years ago on the Damage Done tour I saw a good gig of them, but after that, meh.. Haven't really been following them for quite some time now.
I've seen both Soilwork and In Flames. Soilwork are pathetically bad in performance and energy, especially the vocal department. I can agree that In Flames has kewl fireworks etc. and that Anders jumps a lot. They're still a shit band IMO.
No matter what you think of the music, In Flames are unbelievably tight and powerful live, sooooooooo much better than DT. And yeah, the lighting and fireworks add to the visual aspect.

Soilwork and DT toured together a few years ago, saw the package in Utrecht, DT had nothing on Soilwork, Soilwork blew them away. They got 'served' so to speak ;)
i can't totally agree with you..or better i think that in eastpak antidote tour soilwork were better (or in our gigs it was) i still prefer dt performance in festival, but this time was different! belive me it was really great! in itaky they have always played ina good way(i've see them for the 8th times in my life! so trust me)with only the exception of october 2007! but it was fr some touble with vocal departent in alcatraz i was only able to listen bass and mikael wasn't understandable...i think it's all about the audience probably 'cuz i've got a swedish friend that has live in italy for one year and something, and she was going to see them many times in sweden and in italy and she was amazed by their performance in here..she tolds me that probably is 'cuz italy seems to be totally mad about dark tranquillity..i'm not one of this fan that usually appreciate everything a band do i can give critics too but this time was amazing!
No matter what you think of the music, In Flames are unbelievably tight and powerful live, sooooooooo much better than DT. And yeah, the lighting and fireworks add to the visual aspect.

Soilwork and DT toured together a few years ago, saw the package in Utrecht, DT had nothing on Soilwork, Soilwork blew them away. They got 'served' so to speak ;)

Guess it depends on the music at hand also. I can stand Dark Tranquillity since they make tasteful stuff, even though it's not particulary interesting. The whole semi-radio rock stuff Soilwork and n'Flaymz do just can't get there for me.
<.< anyway everyone tolds that this was the best concerts they have ever did..
it's all about opinion i like all three bands...maybe soilwork only natural born chaos >.<
i think that in flames are a live band ..actually they are better in live than in cds
but i still to be addicted by new stuff from dark tranquillity.. is not the same for the other two bands, but i can't understand what madtinus is trying to say, but belive me i've seen DT so many times, and eastpak antidote tour was the wrong tour for them!
Awfull sounds(they have used sonic syndacete sound engineer) and stanne was too drunk for take good performance.
For changing topic i should go to see antimatter with duncan patterson today and tomorrow but i can't i've got a really bad otitis and i should stay at home . i will probably go to see the haunted in febrary with all that remains...but i don't even no anything about my next gig before soilwork on 30th of november..but somewhere in lastfm i've read that aggalloch will be in my country for a gig!
<.< anyway everyone tolds that this was the best concerts they have ever did..
it's all about opinion i like all three bands...maybe soilwork only natural born chaos >.<
i think that in flames are a live band ..actually they are better in live than in cds
but i still to be addicted by new stuff from dark tranquillity.. is not the same for the other two bands, but i can't understand what madtinus is trying to say, but belive me i've seen DT so many times, and eastpak antidote tour was the wrong tour for them!
Awfull sounds(they have used sonic syndacete sound engineer) and stanne was too drunk for take good performance.
It wasn't just the Eastpak antidote tour, I also saw a weak performance by them as support for Kreator a few years ago. I haven't seem them that often in recent years, because their more recent albums don't really do a lot for me anymore. Also the fact that they keep playing the same songs (including a totally powerless and watered down version of the otherwise awesome Punish my Heaven) for years on end doesn't make it interesting for me to see them live.

But of course I can only judge them on what I saw, maybe I would have had a different opinion if I was at the Milan concert ;)

@ Stefan, my point was solely based on the quality of the live performance, not the quality of the song material ;)
haha. okay, considering how bad n'flaymz are to me I can agree that their live performance is good performance-wise :lol: my soilwork experience was still horrid though. I even still liked that band a bit at that point when I saw them. When Light The Torch started I guess my last drop of patience disappeared :lol: