Approximately Infinite Universe
My dog chewed mine up before it even had a chance to deteriorate.
Nah, he's too busy giving you the reacharound.Is that HBB helping you workout?
Nah, he's too busy give you the reacharound.
Attempts to surgically remove the bone result in explosive bone growth.[17]
Holy fuck, I've never heard of this disease before, if someone had told me about it I'd assume it was fictional. Horrible and terrifying, but I can't not admit that a part of me said "Woah, badass" reading
If I get to be Bruce Campbell I'll take the reach-around with naught a complaint.
Just pretend you listen to Manowar when you listen to it and it will all work out.I've always felt they really invoked a feeling of melancholy on that record that was wasn't matched until Watching from a DIstance. New Dark Age, to me, is a distinct body of work.
Getting a handy-j from Hercules might be a little scary tho.
It's ok to be disabled.Maybe this is controversial, maybe not, but I really love metalcore.
It's ok to be disabled.
since whites are a standard deviation below ashkenazi jews. you're basically the disabled ones. ;^ )Totally accurate since we allow you to post here as well.
since whites are a standard deviation below ashkenazi jews. you're basically the disabled ones. ;^ )
since whites are a standard deviation below ashkenazi jews. you're basically the disabled ones. ;^ )
nope. both my parents are ashkenazi jews. and my grandfather - the only one who isnt jew is an aryan so it clearly doesnt. sorry ;^ )You're also a Slav though, an ethnic group about half a standard deviation below Western whites. It cancels out.