Joy Division are mostly a painful dirge. Talking Heads are good post-punk
I still haven't heard the first two Genesis albums. I don't wanna say its because Collins and Hackett aren't on them although perhaps subconsciously that might have something to do with it
Whenever I hear people call Genesis bland its mostly the post-Gabriel/Hackett era which for what its worth I completely disagree with. Obviously those later albums aren't on the same level as their 70's output but there's interesting stuff on them. Nursery Cryme up to Wind and Wuthering is some of the finest music ever recorded. When it comes to concept albums, The Lamb to me is the apex.
most of CLOSER is the pinnacle of the band in terms of being the purest expression of their identity. has a really unique, hard to describe tone, but i find it more convincingly apocalyptic than almost any other music - rather than being heavyhandedly dark and dystopian it just sounds resigned and brutally bleak and ready for the release of death. i'm not fond of their poppier stuff though (i.e. their most well known song, and also stuff like 'isolation' on that album)
REMAIN IN LIGHT summarises how i feel about talking heads in that the a-side is intricately constructed, tonally controlled excellence and the b-side is lame experimentation that barely works at all. great band at their best though for sure.
The storyline is one of the biggest selling points for sure. You know Tony Banks has said its actually one of his least favorite aspects of it? Mind-boggling. Its really a work of surreal genus. Too bad we never got the movie Gabriel envisioned making with Jodorowsky. Ever read this, El Topo and The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway (Jodorowsky and Gabriel)?I agree though that Lamb is the epitome of concept albums. I think it even tops Floyd's stuff. It's a whirlwind narrative and the compositions are amazing. And I'm a huge fan of Gabriel in general; I think he's a genius, melodically and lyrically.
But my personal favorite from their catalog is Selling England By the Pound. That album gave me chills when I first listened to it, and it takes its listeners on an incredible journey.
Good summary on Joy Division but i cant agree that theres anything wrong with the second side of RIL.
i may have been overly critical but it's like a 6-7/10 side vs. a 9/10 side for me. i like 'listening wind' best on the B-side FWIW, 'born under punches' the most overall.
Crosseyed & Painless is my fave. It's a solid album all the way through for me though
Wtf is wrong with you? Thats not controversial. Thats just stupid as fuck. That dont make a damn lick of sense. Why the fuck would we do that? I doubt anyone here even likes metal that much. Its a mostly shitty genre anyway. Why are you even here if you like that shit? Bloody fuck off!Is it controversial to think that we should talk about metal in this thread sometimes?
I posted that as a relevant parody of @MrTagoMago and the constant stream of widely held opinions that he's blessed us with here.