
wish granted, you just bought the state of the art 1st of its kind amplitube off Socrates but they must fly over Germany first....for some reason or another.

I wish you were my :loco:RETARD for the day...........:lol:
Granted. But Bruce Willis mistakes this for something else and cuts you up with samurai sword :D

I wish I had some fucking money. Give me a job damnit somerfield!
granted , but u'll have to watch ur dad being sodomised by a gay guy.
I wish I could put acock in my anatomy teacher's mouth so that he stops saying bull shit instead of explaining
Granted, but only because you have been decapitated.

I wish royal mail would hurry the fuck up and deliver my new guitar.
granted , but the neck will be broken when u'll try take it out of the box so u can't even ask to replace it !
i wish i had an EMO just in front of me now and have fun shaving his head
he'll probably have a heart attack
Wish granted: but that broken heart tattoo now looks like a busted arse....:lol:

I wish my computer could talk to my UNO coffee maker and make me a friggin coffee......:zombie:
Granted, but it is cheap decaffeinated crap diluted with that shitty milk/cream stuff you get on aeroplanes.

I wish the evening would hurry up and start already so I can get pissed out of my mind.
Granted, but you now live in Swindon.

I wish I was a top gear presenter... they have the most awesome job ever... driving fast cars all day! :kickass: