
wish granted...BUT...You must make it yourself you lazzy git..:p and your base is a dried up cow paddy and your toppings are
blood of pig
Hair of dog
tooth of cat
balls of rat & mice
eyes of fish
and to top it off hot melted mozzarella horse shit....:lol:


I wish the post would hurry the f*ck up with my maiden ticket.
wish granted, your 6 is up side down its really a 9 but its toooo late the doors are you must repeat....:waah:

I wish for tomorrow.....:u-huh:
where's ur wish ?
what do u wish for tomorrow ?
here i'm gonna garantee u that u'll see tomorrow
u're gonna be stuck in a time circle , u'll see nothing but sunday 10th of november , n it will last the eternity
i wish it wasn't this cold ( i feel that i wanna peepee every 5 mins :( )
granted u beat them but in the 5 last mins they take over the game n reverse the score for their favor like they've already done on the previous match niahahaha
i wish i could find the dvd's i've lost in the mess that is my room
wish granted....BUT...your tickets are no good, as you just missed the last bus and your tickets are only good for one day.

I wish I could go to sleep.
granted but u'll do nothing but nightmares
i wish i didn't feel so tired , i wanna stay awake

sorry, wish granted

you are now a mannequin at your locale strip joint, but you have no cloths on, how do you think they open their beers...:kickass:....:blush:....:p....:lol:

I wish I had some c**t to open my beer for me......:lol:
granted, but you catch a cripplingly painful disease and are unable to die or commit suicide to end the living hell which is now your life.

I wish I didn't have so many computer viruses