
Anyway:)...your wish is granted and metalocalypse is once again funny...but you go blind and deaf and I get to watch it at home with my non-Duncan Hills coffee while you are falling all over the place...:heh:
I wish I was doing something exicting for my birthday....besides going to school then coming home and getting wasted afterwards....
wish granted... you are falling out of an airplane. without a parachute. on fire. with needles shoved up your nose. and a camel strapped to your (severed) spinal cord.
exciting enough?

I wish I didn't have such a vivid imagination, now I have a horrible mental image of ^
Wish Granted Kerry..Buuuuuuut....You only had A little bit of Mexican as A Mexican did a Mexican in your Mexican.....:Puke::zombie:

I wish for free Internet....thanks AAPT...:erk:
Wish Granted Kerry....BUUUUUUUT...The show was last week....NO REFUNDS.....:lol:

I wish I hadn't gone to see Jethro Tull last week he was :yell:CRAAAAAAAP....I also wish for my $1.00 back...:waah:
Your wish has been granted Kerry....BUUUUUUUUUT.....Everyone hates you because

The Easter Bunny is really a Gay Chicken

Santa dies of A heart attack for being to FAT

Don't expect a turkey for thanks giving there's nothing to be thankful for

Frosty the snowman is really a bucket of water

GUYFORKS didn't burn or blow anything up, so no more Bonfires/Fireworks for the kiddies

Halloween....Well...All the pumpkins have been eaten by the pigs so no jackalanterns for you, need I say more Kerry

Obefore I go, someone and I don't know who...Has brought back the BLACK PLAGUE and we all die an orrible death thanks to your wish.....:lol:
granted. hooraaaaay plague!!!

i wish for my mom to not flip a shit when i come home with a rat next week.

the guys across the hall got her yesterday and dont love her anymore and were gonna just leave her outside to freeze or be eaten by a cat... what else am i supposed to do?? :(
wish granted you piped piper you(":danceboy:"):Smokin::hotjump::loco::yuk::hypno::erk:....O...from now on Piper you Flip your own Shit, Be careful you don't burn it...:lol:

And the Guys across the hall...Well they had pizza so no room for Rat custard......:lol:

I wish for A cold winter :yell:NOW
granted but u're cock will be so cold it will shrink to a bean size n that will be irreversible
I wish to see Cryptopsy !
Wish granted. Or, at least, your eyes witness a Cryptopsy show. Which won't do you an ounce of good, as they won't be in your sockets.
I wish I could find some more bloody Nile tabs, I'm sick of trying to work out their godly riffs on my own...
wish granted, just imagine your a snow globe, and just shake your head:rock:...Now open your eyes:rolleyes:...Its snowing....Buuuuuuut Wait.......That's not snow its :waah:DANDRUF

I wish I had A magic bean....:rolleyes: