
wish granted, but you eat it and it gives you terrible toxic magical gas.

I wish I didn't have insomnia, or, failing that, somewhere to go tonight to get absolutely hammered.
remember you made the wish....

wish granted...Buuuuut....You don't get insomnia, instead you do get HAMMERED...oooh:cry:...and two gay priests....Then they kill you with a Hammer....:zombie:

I wish I had an Ipod...thats it...just an Ipod..:)
granted but ur gf decides to masturbate with it n then it gets so wet it no more works
i wish i could find a hotter nurse uniform than the one i am obliged to wear at work
well, well well well you know that wish was granted by 100% of the male population and 75% of the female population on this site before you even mad that wish.....Buuuuut......It got that HOT and SWEATY you had to take it off before it shrinks and becomes a shirt...:kickass:...mmmm I like wot you have underneath very sexy....:yow:...Is that part of your uniform....:rock:

I wish, I wish, Iwish I WAS Dr maiden1.....:cool:
wish granted maiden 1 loool but u'll be a doctor specialised in parasitology wish is damn not funny and so sicusting when u know that u have to help worms n stuffs like that go out from ur patient's body :p
I wish the hairdresser i'm going to within 20 mins won't be closed n will accept me without appointment
granted but now that it is so cheep u can't find a place to live cos the whole world had emigrated there including me
I wish i could convince my broth that buying a jakson isn't a good idea n that a BC Rich is far way better
granted but u become blind n can't play on it :p
I wish the professor of anatomy farts loudly tomorrow so i can make my silly face !
Wish Granted....buuuut....the wind changed and you copped the hole FART...SMACK in the, your stuck with that silly face....:zombie:

I wish people would stop talking about me and start talking to me......:waah:...I listen....I judge.....And I make fun....I'm your friend......:lol::lol::lol:
wish granted. but he burns the entire stock.

I really, REALLY wish I hadn't lost 4 months of work when I had to reformat my pc yesterday...