
(girl was 18 y,o so there :P)

Wish granted but when you wake up you have been kissed by a handsom prince and turned into a beautiful princess.

I wish local gangs would like all die or something.
granted but it's an old fat black whore pussy dripping off old cum
I wish this diarrhea doesn't stop so i don't have to go to work tomorrow morning
OK it never stops at all and you have to wear knappies for life.

I wish for a week of extra free time to finish coursework and homework that I can't be bothered to do (all) today.
granted but you spend it sleeping
I wish they gimme the whole week at work so i can go have fun n stop being so stressed up
haha u'rs sick dude , but granted still they'll do such a bad game n u'll no more watch the superbowl .
I wish I no more feel sick when i have to clean some new amputated leg or toes n change its bandage :erk:
Wish granted.. kind of, he cuts it off but dumps his load in there and stitches it back on and puts some electricty though you.

I wish I could shoot bin laden and get the money.
Wish granted.. kind of, he ...
it's a she honey SHE!!!

wish granted old1eye
u get ur alcohol but it's some old lagumy ( that's a tunisian alcohol) fermonted with an old dead dog's head :p
I wish my right hand was faster at picking the strings :erk: wanna do some schuck solos :(

@ cadavria: sure, your hand is faster at picking. but thats only cos you've suddenly developed Parkinson's. Look at it go!
(got my alcohol, yaaay. no dog heads, either)

I wish for a pizza. (sound familiar?)
it's a she honey SHE!!!

wish granted old1eye
u get ur alcohol but it's some old lagumy ( that's a tunisian alcohol) fermonted with an old dead dog's head :p
I wish my right hand was faster at picking the strings :erk: wanna do some schuck solos :(

And I A HE, I have two heads one that thinks for me...:muahaha:

The other just sits on my shoulder watching the world go round...:Spin:

EDIT: Sorry old1eye, wish granted...buuuuut....your pizza tastes like shit.:loco:

I toooooo could go A pizza right now....buuuut....not old1eyes shit pizza's..:lol:
Wish granted. Temporarily. It cuts out the moment you hit 25m above the ground, or whenever you fly over raw sewage.

I wish it were the weekend