
granted but u get very fat cos u no more move , oh damn u'r stuck into ur driving sit now , u'r some 990 pound guy , umm i mean piece of fat
i wish for more sleeping hours
you don't have writers block, unfortunately both your hands are chopped off so you can never write again.

I wish I wasn't so bored...
WTF is a MILF in English not Tasmanian.........:erk:

OK then wish granted, you get Mums Ingrown Left Foot...:zombie:

I wish for a gun so I could shoot the birds wich are pissing in my snow...:lol:
wish granted...BUUUUUT...Weeds your brothers sucking on him and swallows:Puke:....:lol:

wot a dope...:Smokin:

I wish my bank would just give me the money...."kaching"
They give you the money but unfortunately your credit card was stolen and racked up twice the amount and your insurance didn't cover it. I wish I had a larger music library.
Granted BUT it's all erm..... idk Lionel Richie? as a metalhead I'm guessing you're not a fan of his :lol: