Darkstone Darkstone Media Owner Oct 21, 2005 720 0 36 Australia www.darkstonemedia.com Jun 26, 2006 #1,241 Granted, but you continue to fail your driver's test. I wish i was more active
Darkstone Darkstone Media Owner Oct 21, 2005 720 0 36 Australia www.darkstonemedia.com Jun 26, 2006 #1,242 Granted, but you continue to fail your driver's test. I wish i was more active
Matt Active Member Dec 10, 2005 18,308 261 83 34 Saint Louis Jun 26, 2006 #1,243 granted, but your activity leads to you falling off a clif. i wish i had new cd's
Hollywould6 Metal Chick Jun 26, 2006 49 0 6 California Jun 26, 2006 #1,244 Granted, but it's country I wish I was in Finland
Matt Active Member Dec 10, 2005 18,308 261 83 34 Saint Louis Jun 26, 2006 #1,245 granted, but suddenly a cataclysm in finland whipes out everything.
greasemunkey ding dong doodly doo May 23, 2006 243 1 18 the meh system www.myspace.com Jun 29, 2006 #1,246 ypu didnt wish bastard! i wish i hadnt slept on the shore of the lake
CountGrishnakh When Night Falls..... Jun 27, 2006 116 0 16 Jun 29, 2006 #1,247 Granted You Slept IN the lake. I wish the next poster would think of a wish for me
greasemunkey ding dong doodly doo May 23, 2006 243 1 18 the meh system www.myspace.com Jun 29, 2006 #1,248 granted, you wished you had a penis for a nose, but i didnt corrupt it i wish my dish had a cookie
greasemunkey ding dong doodly doo May 23, 2006 243 1 18 the meh system www.myspace.com Jun 29, 2006 #1,249 granted, but i cant grant my own wish so i die i wish someone else would play
necromancy Long Live Heavy Metal!!! Sep 8, 2002 5,370 6 38 42 Türkiye(Turkey) www.angelfire.com Jul 6, 2006 #1,250 granted, I am playing, although you're not worth playing after.. (kidding) I wish I'd start earning enough money to live without my family
granted, I am playing, although you're not worth playing after.. (kidding) I wish I'd start earning enough money to live without my family
Mythos Inibri Undead User Dec 16, 2005 1,866 1 38 55 WA STATE Jul 7, 2006 #1,251 Granted,Your family dies I wish acid rain would make the ground trip
kerrys wear boots technoviking Jun 20, 2006 1,743 7 38 bad news Jul 7, 2006 #1,252 granted, but the ground has a bad trip. i wish i was going to wacken.
Deadly -________- Jul 16, 2004 7,447 48 48 35 Ghent - Belgium Jul 9, 2006 #1,253 Granted, but all the bands you want to see cancel... I wish calling to Sweden was for free.
Srontgorrth Member Mar 28, 2006 3,806 1 36 Las Vegas Jul 9, 2006 #1,254 Granted, but then Sweden is hit by a 5 atom bombs, completely destroying the place. I wish Nile would come back to America to play more shows.
Granted, but then Sweden is hit by a 5 atom bombs, completely destroying the place. I wish Nile would come back to America to play more shows.
kerrys wear boots technoviking Jun 20, 2006 1,743 7 38 bad news Jul 9, 2006 #1,255 granted, but you get disentary (sp?) and cant make any of the shows.
necromancy Long Live Heavy Metal!!! Sep 8, 2002 5,370 6 38 42 Türkiye(Turkey) www.angelfire.com Jul 10, 2006 #1,256 (Ohh I don't believe it.. WASP concert is postponed in my country.. Blackie Lawless is said to have a heart problem and doctors don't let him travelling by plane..)
(Ohh I don't believe it.. WASP concert is postponed in my country.. Blackie Lawless is said to have a heart problem and doctors don't let him travelling by plane..)
CountGrishnakh When Night Falls..... Jun 27, 2006 116 0 16 Jul 10, 2006 #1,257 I wish people would carry on wishing.....
necromancy Long Live Heavy Metal!!! Sep 8, 2002 5,370 6 38 42 Türkiye(Turkey) www.angelfire.com Jul 11, 2006 #1,258 I wish you were a fish in my dish!
kerrys wear boots technoviking Jun 20, 2006 1,743 7 38 bad news Jul 11, 2006 #1,259 granted, but because hes a fish he kills you, because everyones knows thats what fish do. i wish the fucking sun would come out.
granted, but because hes a fish he kills you, because everyones knows thats what fish do. i wish the fucking sun would come out.
necromancy Long Live Heavy Metal!!! Sep 8, 2002 5,370 6 38 42 Türkiye(Turkey) www.angelfire.com Jul 11, 2006 #1,260 granted, there is a really sunny weather here.. It is about 30 - 33 Celcius here.. but I wish you'll get a sun burn that gives pain..
granted, there is a really sunny weather here.. It is about 30 - 33 Celcius here.. but I wish you'll get a sun burn that gives pain..