Cradle of Filth

Sorry to bring up an old topic.

I do enjoy some of Cradle Of Filths songs, they also do some STRANGE Iron Maiden covers (not as good as the orginals), nevertheless they're done quite well. They all play their instruments quite well and the "singing" is far out there and cool.
Pyrus said:
Yeah, I don't get how this spawned three pages of discussion either, especially when it's basically like this.

Guy: "CoF is teh win!"
Board: "They fucking suck."
Guy: "You are clearly too closed-minded."
Board: "No, they fucking suck."
Guy: "Look at me, I know who Hart Crane is."
Board: "You fucking suck."

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
I dunno. Starcraft was way ahead of its time. It's still popular to this day for a damn good reason. It's certainly far superior to TFT which is too n00b friendly
Vital Remains said:
because they are an extremely overrated pop-wanna-be black metal band , and their vocals are shrill and undesirable to my ears. They suck man, the just suck. Their guitar playing sucks too.
well they make lots of cash man and thats all that matters if they suck or not they gotCASH:wave: :wave:
Pyrus said:
Yeah, I don't get how this spawned three pages of discussion either, especially when it's basically like this.

Guy: "CoF is teh win!"
Board: "They fucking suck."
Guy: "You are clearly too closed-minded."
Board: "No, they fucking suck."
Guy: "Look at me, I know who Hart Crane is."
Board: "You fucking suck."

Message boards are mechanical. This new dolt knocked over the first domino, starting the process.
actually, Dusk and Her Embrace had a couple decent songs on it.

they've just made a complete mockery of black metal since then. They're right next to slipknot and the insane clown posse at the bottom of my respect meter.
kmik said:
I dunno. Starcraft was way ahead of its time. It's still popular to this day for a damn good reason. It's certainly far superior to TFT which is too n00b friendly
STARCRAFT was way ahead of its time? Give me a god damn fucking break. It didn't really do SHIT that Warcraft II or C&C hadn't done before it. The reason people still play it is probably because it is more well balanced than most other old RTS games -- Total Annihilation is ALSO played to this day, and there are literally hundreds or thousands of third-party units and maps out, mods, and several projects that have completely re-made it in 3D to update it with a modern look (TA: Spring, Unreal Annihilation, etc)

When TA was originally out, it was the first RTS to use 3D terrain with true elevation, a real physics engine for all missiles, shells etc, polygon 3D units, and it has a fucking shitload of features that Starcraft didn't even come close to having. GUH. Christ.