Cradle of Filth

Dodens Grav said:
You're the worst fucking troll birthed by a thread ever.
YenomTheDark said:
You guys & gals seem to be going on the opinions of others, try listening to some of there good songs before judging.

~Cheers Yenom
HONESTLY... a friend of mine really digs em, and at some point or another i have given most of their catalog of music a listen... just dont like em.. sorry
I have tried listening to them. A few years ago everyone was making such a big deal about them saying they kick ass so I bought one of their cds, listened to a few songs, thought "what the FUCK???", and quickly put a different cd in. It was truly awful.
somehow their music my not be all that great but they're theatrics are unmatched and it's mainly because of that they seem to be so popular
i think thy're overrated though
Servio_Abbas_Bellum said:
Well what the hell would you rather read then? Cannibal Corpse's lyrics? Antrhax? Name me one guy who writes better in Metal. There simply is none, no one makes those kind of rhyme schemes, and no one comes up with those types of stories, no one uses that type of archaic vocabulary. It's that simple is the best writer hands down. You may not approve of his vocal style, but to criticize his writing is hypocritical considering what their critics listen too.

as one of the greatest fans in the world of COF i feel for you my friend. Listen not to these hypocrites. We , the filty, nefarious bunch will take over the world :)
Servio_Abbas_Bellum said:
This is hands down my favorite band of the 90's. People always bitch at me about this shit, but it's true god dammit. Their only true black metal release, Principle of Evil Made Flesh, totally destroys most black metal albums I've ever listened too and I don't even think it's their best release.

Anyone who doesn't like Dusk and Her Embrace should simply be shot. Cruelty's another great album, and Midian is my favorite album of this new millenia so far. Midian's the album that really lured me out of the nu-metal and industrial scene and I'm forever grateful to it.

When people tell me that bands like Emperor, Mayhem, and Darkthrone were better it annoys the hell out of me. I find it so hard to get into their albums, and it's not just for the trademark underproduction. I just think the riffs they make are just boring. Seriously, the only song on Anthems to the Welkin I've listened to more than once is The Loss and Curse of Reverence. The rest is just so sub par.

I think people just have a sell out bias, because I find it so hard to fathom how people place F'ing Emperor over Cradle. I smell flames a comin.

PS: Dani Filth, best lyricist in music.
I'm not gonna be the disrespectful prick to offend you with a brash statement like a few of these assholes, for everyone is entitled to an opinion. However, my friend, you must be absolutely insane to rate Anthems to the Welkin at Dusk with such disregard - it is a true black metal masterpiece. The only reason I'm even concerning myself with a response to your thread is the fact that you must appreciate good musicianship - Pastorius was a true bass genius. There are things on Welkin that are hiding inside the mix, and maybe you need a couple of more listens before you disregard this album.
As for Cradle of Filth, I do not even understand how anyone would consider this band to be black metal. They may have been close to black metal around the time of Principle, may have recorded a couple of decently produced albums like Dusk and Cruelty, even wore leather and facepaint, but Cradle of Filth is still a revolving door of decent hired musicians led by a guy who will never in a million years earn the respect of the underground metal community no matter how much he may think of himself. Dani "Filth" doesn't know how to play a single musical instrument, cannot maintain a lineup for the fact of being a little self-centered prick (and I've actually encountered this), and, though having a skilled educated command of English language and grammar due to his parents being wealthy and putting him through a number of tight-assed schooling institutions, he does not seem to have come up with a single original concept besides the redundant Bram Stokerisms throughout his entire career. I can't believe the way that little poser did Stuart and Nick, the two guys responsible for Dusk and Cruelty being a couple of decent musical efforts. And that is why this "band" simply loses more and more direction with every new album since then, because for a number of years now COF has been just a company ran by a whiny little brat from a rich family name who at this point just wants to be Marilyn Manson.
...Why couldn't Dani get shot instead of Dime?
VadimVon said:
I'm not gonna be the disrespectful prick to offend you with a brash statement like a few of these assholes, for everyone is entitled to an opinion. However, my friend, you must be absolutely insane to rate Anthems to the Welkin at Dusk with such disregard - it is a true black metal masterpiece. The only reason I'm even concerning myself with a response to your thread is the fact that you must appreciate good musicianship - Pastorius was a true bass genius. There are things on Welkin that are hiding inside the mix, and maybe you need a couple of more listens before you disregard this album.
As for Cradle of Filth, I do not even understand how anyone would consider this band to be black metal. They may have been close to black metal around the time of Principle, may have recorded a couple of decently produced albums like Dusk and Cruelty, even wore leather and facepaint, but Cradle of Filth is still a revolving door of decent hired musicians led by a guy who will never in a million years earn the respect of the underground metal community no matter how much he may think of himself. Dani "Filth" doesn't know how to play a single musical instrument, cannot maintain a lineup for the fact of being a little self-centered prick (and I've actually encountered this), and, though having a skilled educated command of English language and grammar due to his parents being wealthy and putting him through a number of tight-assed schooling institutions, he does not seem to have come up with a single original concept besides the redundant Bram Stokerisms throughout his entire career. I can't believe the way that little poser did Stuart and Nick, the two guys responsible for Dusk and Cruelty being a couple of decent musical efforts. And that is why this "band" simply loses more and more direction with every new album since then, because for a number of years now COF has been just a company ran by a whiny little brat from a rich family name who at this point just wants to be Marilyn Manson.
...Why couldn't Dani get shot instead of Dime?

Wow.. very well put.