you dont have to pad or buffer the events
but that gets into a long discussion about recording techniques and other cubase specific crap
but basically you can't slip audio past what was recorded
so, do the math... if you have a bar extra before and after the take, you'll be good, unless you need to slip by an entire bar somewhere in the performance, which is something that will never happen, even if there is an arrangement change you can just cut and MOVE instead of slip
tempo changes work just fine
Cubase won't let you slip into empty space (although that would be handy). If your event is pulled out all the way at both ends you wont be able to slip at all.
If you have audio prerecord activated, which you should, then you shouldn't have to worry about the left side. If you've bounced or consolidated the track for the song before your edits and you have a few extra bars of audio at the end, just pull it back first so you have some slipping room. Not a huge deal.