culture and traditions

and as for my thoughts on the topic...i believe in every nation's right to practice their religion, culture and language. the new world order is the exact opposite, which i hate and fight against.

imperialism is a disesae whether it's in economy, language or culture.
I like places where they have kept their culture well. Thats the joy of travelling and learning shit about other ways of living and that. Saying that though, I always look out for Irish pubs wherever I am but thats mainly cos I want a decent pint. It disappoints me when I see people brushing aside traditions in favour of McWorld shite. I know loads of English girls who try and dress like the women from 'Friends' and even talk like them, yet they arent capable of cooking a traditional English roast dinner ;) and they would probably shout "why should I cook? you sexist!"
Eminem played in Ireland recently. Now theres hundreds of little bleached haired Irish Eminems everywhere pretending to be Detroit gangsters :D
sound eh!
nah, theres more serious examples but I dread to see some of the reactions from you lot. Saaafe, innit ;)
Everyone wants to be something they're not... nobody knows what they are. They're all asleep.
Strangelight said:
I like places where they have kept their culture well. Thats the joy of travelling and learning shit about other ways of living and that. Saying that though, I always look out for Irish pubs wherever I am but thats mainly cos I want a decent pint. It disappoints me when I see people brushing aside traditions in favour of McWorld shite. I know loads of English girls who try and dress like the women from 'Friends' and even talk like them, yet they arent capable of cooking a traditional English roast dinner ;) and they would probably shout "why should I cook? you sexist!"
Eminem played in Ireland recently. Now theres hundreds of little bleached haired Irish Eminems everywhere pretending to be Detroit gangsters :D
sound eh!
nah, theres more serious examples but I dread to see some of the reactions from you lot. Saaafe, innit ;)

There was a little Irish pub on Wood st, opp O'Neills's...I watched the world cup in there, some good Ireland matches and it's now a '' whatever that is!
There's an Irish pub in town with proper Irish staff and Guinness and cigarettes... bit funny how they give you a till-receipt with each drink mind... and there's no fighting
There's not even a little dog yapping and bouncing and trying to rip the lead from the violin pick-up like...
Don Corleone said:
this is the most stupid thing i've heard lately.
Have a nice suicide bombing then. Goes with culture I think. If nobody ever opposes these things the nazis would rule all over or maybe it would be fuckin commies. It's just part of their culture to fuckin kill anyone who opposes.

Ok. I just meant that not everything is acceptable because of culture. You really think Taleban was a good thing? I just don't get people who bash America and then in front of these terrible terrorist acts keep their mouth shut. Or even worse dance on American graves. It's not black and white. Yet fuckin Taleban is nothing but black. Nothing good whatsoever. And it's much more force-fed than any American shit.
yv said:
Everything we know does not matter.

how do you know that it doesnt matter? You say that what you know doesnt matter right? That means that your assumption that everything u know doesnt matter is wrong...because if everything u know doesnt matter, then your statement doesnt matter either..which means...erm...ermm...
oe said:
how do you know that it doesnt matter? You say that what you know doesnt matter right? That means that your assumption that everything u know doesnt matter is wrong...because if everything u know doesnt matter, then your statement doesnt matter either..which means...erm...ermm...
See? Knowledge means madness.
And if anbody thinks he/she knows much then he/she knows shit. Ignorance is the best way to prove that.
Har* said:
Have a nice suicide bombing then. Goes with culture I think. If nobody ever opposes these things the nazis would rule all over or maybe it would be fuckin commies. It's just part of their culture to fuckin kill anyone who opposes.

Ok. I just meant that not everything is acceptable because of culture. You really think Taleban was a good thing? I just don't get people who bash America and then in front of these terrible terrorist acts keep their mouth shut. Or even worse dance on American graves. It's not black and white. Yet fuckin Taleban is nothing but black. Nothing good whatsoever. And it's much more force-fed than any American shit.

First of all Har, being a Taliban doesnt constitute a culture. Dont mix Islam and the Talibans. The taliban's were a minority in afghanistan, just like the suicide bombers led by islamic fundementalist groups are minority's in the large muslim world that constitutes over a billion people. Dont condemn a whole race of people because of the few (proportionally speaking) ones that choose terror to get their point across. I, for instance, wouldnt say that the people of the United States are sadistic, stone-hearted bastards for the horrors they caused to innocent vietnamese people(among others during their history that is stained in blood). I basically think that you should be more opened minded and informed before making these assumptions on the Muslim culture. And if your intention wasnt too attack muslims, but rather the taliban's, I apologize for misunderstanding your post.